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Graduate Profiles

QuickStats is prepared by the Communications and Public Affairs Office and the figures are supplied by the Management Information Unit, President’s Office.《數據一覽》由傳訊及公共事務處製作,所有數字由校長辦公室管理資訊組提供。Note: Some percentages or figures do not add up to 100% or total owing to rounding.註︰上述個別項目的數字或百分比經尾數調整,合計後與總數或有差距。September 2024二零二四年九月 Web accessibility無障礙網頁 Contact usThis website adopts web accessibility design. Should you have any enquiries/comments on the accessibility/other matters of this website, please contact us at pubunit@hku.hk.聯絡我們本網站為無障礙網頁,有關無障礎網頁或本網站之其他查詢或意見,請聯絡 pubunit@hku.hk。
