首页 >  雅思真题在线看  > 2023年9



DESCRIBE A MOVIE YOU WATCHED RECENTLY THATYOUFELTDISAPPOINTED ABOUT 描述你最近观看的一部令你感到失望的电影【高频】You should say:When it wasWhy you didn’t like itWhy you decided to watch itAnd explain why you felt disappointed about itPART 31. Do you believe movie reviews?【高频】2. What are the different types of films in your country?3. Are historical films popular in your countryWhy?4. Do you think films with famous actors or actresses would be more popular?5. Why are Japanese animated films so popular?6. Should the director pay a lot of money to famous actors?

可以聊的内容:1. 电影的名称和类型2. 观看电影的时间和地点3. 电影的故事情节、演员阵容和制作团队4. 自己对电影的期望和为何决定观看它5. 描述为何感到失望,涉及到剧情、表演、制作等方面的问题。

拓展话题:1. 对比这部电影与其他类似类型的电影,观众对它的评价如何?2. 这部电影是根据真实故事改编的吗?如果是,与原著或真实事件相比,你对电影的改编是否满意?3. 是否有其他观众对这部电影的批评和争议?4. 对这部电影的失望是否会影响你对导演或演员的看法?

高分范文:Recently, I watched a movie called "The Promise" which left me feeling disappointed. I saw it a couple of weeks ago at a local cinema. The movie was billed as a romantic drama set in a historical backdrop, and I had high expectations because I'm a fan of both romance and historical films.

One of the main reasons I didn't like the movie was its weak storyline. The plot seemed to be promising at first, with an intriguing premise set during a significant event in history. However, as the story unfolded, it lacked depth and substance. The conflicts were resolved too easily, and the characters' motivations were not well-developed. It felt like the potential of the story was not fully realized, which was quite disappointing.

Another factor that contributed to my disappointment was the performances of the actors. While the cast included some talented actors, their portrayals fell flat. The chemistry between the lead characters, which is crucial for a romantic film, was lacking. The dialogues also felt forced, making it difficult to connect with the characters emotionally.

I decided to watch this movie primarily because of the positive reviews I had read online. Many critics praised its visuals and cinematography, which indeed were visually stunning. Unfortunately, these aspects alone couldn't compensate for the weaknesses in the plot and character development.

Overall, I was disappointed with "The Promise" because it failed to live up to my expectations. The weak storyline and lackluster performances overshadowed the film's visual appeal. It serves as a reminder that not every movie lives up to the hype, and sometimes it can be a letdown when a film doesn't meet your expectations.

亮点词汇:1. Billed as - 宣传为2. Historical backdrop - 历史背景3. Weak storyline - 薄弱的剧情4. Lack depth and substance - 缺乏深度和内涵5. Well-developed - 成熟的6. Fell flat - 平淡无奇7. Chemistry - 化学反应;人际关系8. Dialogues - 对话9. Compensate for - 弥补10. Lackluster performances - 平淡无奇的表演11. Overshadowed - 掩盖12. Visual appeal - 视觉吸引力13. Letdown - 令人失望的事情14. Live up to the hype - 达到期望值

