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2024年6月22日雅思大作文范文: 人类是否应该阻止动物灭绝

2024年6月22日雅思大作文范文: 人类是否应该阻止动物灭绝2024-06-24 11:40:09来源:新东方在线雅思柯林斯词典



It is a natural process for animal specie to become extinct (e.g. Dinosaurs, dodos, etc.) There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?

建议思路:I tend to disagree


不可否认(undeniable),物种(species)的灭绝(extinction)是自然选择(natural selection)的一部分,是生物进化(biological evolution)的自然过程。人类应该尊重这个过程,而不是干预(intervene)。并且,尽管人类可能会尽力,但并非所有的物种灭绝都可以阻止。有些物种的灭绝可能是由于无法控制的自然因素,如疾病(disease),灾难(disaster)等。


1. 生物多样性(biodiversity)的重要性。每个物种都在生态系统(ecosystem)中发挥着重要的角色。物种的消失可能会对食物链(food chain)产生重大影响,导致整个生态系统的崩溃(collapse)。

2. 人类的责任(responsibility)。许多物种的灭绝是由于人类的活动,如破坏(destruction)栖息地(habitat),过度狩猎(overhunting),气候变化(climate change)等。因此,人类有责任采取行动来防止这种情况的发生。

3. 未来的可能性。许多现在濒临灭绝的物种可能会在医学(medicine),科学研究(scientific research)等领域有重要的应用。如果这些物种灭绝,我们可能会失去这些潜在的机会(potential opportunities)。

In conclusion,由于自然选择的原因,人类无法挽救所有的物种灭。但是人类袖手旁观是错误的。考虑到生物的多样性和这些物种对医学和科学的重要性。人类有义务去尽力防止(prevent—)生物灭绝。

The extinction of animal species like dinosaurs and dodos is often seen as a natural process which could not be interfered by human’s will. However, I tend to disagree with the view that there is no reason for people to prevent this from happening.

It is undeniable that the extinction of species is a part of natural selection and biological evolution. Humans should respect this process rather than intervene. Additionally, despite human efforts, not all extinctions can be prevented. Some species may go extinct due to uncontrollable natural factors such as disease, as seen with the Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease, and natural disasters, like volcanic eruptions that have historically wiped out entire species.

Nevertheless, humans have an obligation to make every effort to prevent the extinction of species. One key reason is the importance of biodiversity. Every species plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, and the loss of a species can significantly disrupt the food chain, potentially leading to the collapse of entire ecosystems. Moreover, humans bear a responsibility for many species' extinctions due to activities such as habitat destruction, over-hunting, and climate change. Consequently, it is our responsibility to take action to prevent further harm. Human activities have accelerated the rate of extinction beyond what would occur naturally, making it our duty to mitigate these impacts.

Furthermore, the potential opportunities that could be lost with the extinction of species should not be overlooked. Many species on the brink of extinction might have significant applications in fields like medicine and scientific research. If these species were to disappear, we could lose invaluable potential opportunities that could benefit humanity in various ways.

In conclusion, while natural selection means that humans cannot save all species from extinction, it is wrong to stand by and do nothing. Considering the importance of biodiversity and the potential benefits these species could bring to medicine and science, humans have an obligation to make every effort to prevent species extinction.



