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Question 81

You are operating a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster for your company where different teams can run non-production workloads. Your Machine Learning(ML) team needs access to Nvidia Tesla P100 GPUs to train their models. You want to minimize effort and cost. What should you do?

A. Ask your ML team to add the ג€accelerator: gpuג€ annotation to their pod specification.

B. Recreate all the nodes of the GKE cluster to enable GPUs on all of them.

C. Create your own Kubernetes cluster on top of Compute Engine with nodes that have GPUs. Dedicate this cluster to your ML team.

D. Add a new, GPU-enabled, node pool to the GKE cluster. Ask your ML team to add the cloud.google.com/gke -accelerator: nvidia-tesla-p100 nodeSelector to their pod specification.

你正在为你的公司运营一个Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)集群,不同的团队可以运行非生产性的工作负载。你的机器学习(ML)团队需要使用Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU来训练他们的模型。你想尽量减少工作和成本。你应该怎么做?

A. 要求你的ML团队将 "加速器:GPU "注释添加到他们的pod规范中。

B. 重新创建GKE集群的所有节点,在所有节点上启用GPU。

C. 在Compute Engine上面创建你自己的Kubernetes集群,其中的节点都有GPU。将这个集群专门用于你的ML团队。

D. 在GKE集群上添加一个新的、支持GPU的节点池。要求你的ML团队将cloud.google.com/gke-accelerator: nvidia-tesla-p100 nodeSelector添加到他们的pod规范中。



Question 82

Your VMs are running in a subnet that has a subnet mask of The current subnet has no more free IP addresses and you require an additional 10 IP addresses for new VMs. The existing and new VMs should all be able to reach each other without additional routes. What should you do?

A. Use gcloud to expand the IP range of the current subnet.

B. Delete the subnet, and recreate it using a wider range of IP addresses.

C. Create a new project. Use Shared VPC to share the current network with the new project.

D. Create a new subnet with the same starting IP but a wider range to overwrite the current subnet.


A. 使用gcloud来扩大当前子网的IP范围。

B. 删除该子网,并使用更广泛的IP地址重新创建它。

C. 创建一个新的项目。使用共享 VPC 与新项目共享当前网络。

D. 创建一个新的子网,其起始IP相同,但范围更广,以覆盖当前的子网。




A is correct , expand the existing subnet . subnets can expand but can not shrink

Question 83

Your organization uses G Suite for communication and collaboration. All users in your organization have a G Suite account. You want to grant some G Suite users access to your Cloud Platform project. What should you do?

A. Enable Cloud Identity in the GCP Console for your domain.

B. Grant them the required IAM roles using their G Suite email address.

C. Create a CSV sheet with all usersג€™ email addresses. Use the gcloud command line tool to convert them into Google Cloud Platform accounts.

D. In the G Suite console, add the users to a special group called cloud-console-users@yourdomain.com. Rely on the default behavior of the Cloud Platform to grant users access if they are members of this group.

你的组织使用 G Suite 进行通信和协作。你的组织中的所有用户都有一个G Suite帐户。你想让一些G Suite用户访问你的 Cloud Platform 项目。你应该怎么做?

A. 在GCP控制台为你的域启用Cloud Identity。

B. 使用他们的 G Suite 电子邮件地址授予他们所需的IAM角色。

C. 创建一个包含所有用户电子邮件地址的CSV表。使用gcloud命令行工具将它们转换为 Google Cloud Platform 账号。

D. 在 G Suite 控制台中,将用户添加到一个名为cloud-console-users@yourdomain.com的特殊组。如果用户是这个组的成员,依靠 Cloud Platform 的默认行为来授予用户访问权。





Question 84

You have a Google Cloud Platform account with access to both production and development projects. You need to create an automated process to list all compute instances in development and production projects on a daily basis. What should you do?

A. Create two configurations using gcloud config. Write a script that sets configurations as active, individually. For each configuration, use gcloud compute instances list to get a list of compute resources.

B. Create two configurations using gsutil config. Write a script that sets configurations as active, individually. For each configuration, use gsutil compute instances list to get a list of compute resources.

C. Go to Cloud Shell and export this information to Cloud Storage on a daily basis.

D. Go to GCP Console and export this information to Cloud SQL on a daily basis.

你有一个 Google Cloud Platform 账号,可以访问生产和开发项目。你需要创建一个自动化流程,每天列出开发和生产项目的所有计算
