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2022年12月英语四级翻译真题答案汇总(新东方完整版)2022-12-25 16:11:13来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析



Part IV 翻译


立春(Start of Spring)在中国农历中表示春天的开始。立春之后,白天变得更长,天气也愈发温暖: 万物开始复苏,大地充满生机。人们常说“一年之计在于春”,农民在这个时节开始播种,为全年的丰收打下基础。中国人早在三千年前就已开始在立春这一天举行庆祝活动。数百年来,迎春一直是民间的重要习俗。在春暖花开的日子里,人们常常外出玩,欣赏春天的美景。


Start of Spring means the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. After the Start of Spring, the days get longer and the weather gets warmer: everything starts to recover and the earth is full of life. It is often said that "a year's plan begins in spring". Farmers start planting seeds at this time to lay the foundation for the whole year's harvest. As early as 3,000 years ago, Chinese people began to celebrate the Start of Spring on this day. Welcoming spring has been an important folk custom for hundreds of years. In the spring days, people often go out to play and enjoy the beautiful scenery in spring.




The winter solstice is the day with the longest days and shortest nights of the whole year, marking the beginning of the coldest time of the year. After the winter solstice, the temperature gets colder and people's outdoor activities gradually decrease. Farmers are not doing much work in the fields and are mainly busy with the maintenance of irrigation systems and freeze protection for major crops, while preparing for planting in the coming spring. The Chinese have attached great importance to the winter solstice for many years. Many places regard the winter solstice as a festival, and the way to celebrate it is different. People in the north have the custom of eating dumplings, while people in the south have the tradition of eating sweet dumplings.


在中国农历中,立秋(Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始。立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临。这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。


Start of Autumn signifies the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in the Chinese lunar calendar. Firstly, Start of Autumn brings the change of weather, with the temperature gradually decreasing. When people see that leaves are turning yellow and falling, they realize that autumn has arrived, which is the so-called “knowing the autumn has arrived through the falling of one leaf”. However, the heat doesn’t entirely end at this moment. It usually lasts for a while, which is called "Autumn Tiger". Start of Autumn means a lot to farmers because at this time all kinds of autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to mature, and the season of harvest is coming.

