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智慧树英语话农史——成语篇教程考试卷答案字体大小:大 | 中 | 小2019-11-03 09:54 阅读(2658) 评论(0)分类: 智慧树英语话农史——成语篇教程考试卷答案




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*章 单元测试1、 问题:Wu-gu (五谷) includes sesame. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、 问题:Kuai zhi (脍炙) is a way of cooking meat. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、 问题:“目光如豆” is similar to the American idiom describing people who are as blind as bats.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、 问题:Iron is believed to facilitate weight loss for females.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、 问题:“孔融让梨” and “推枣让梨” share similar moral connotations of respecting the elders and taking good care of the young. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、 问题:“青梅煮酒论英雄” tells us a story about Cao Cao and Guan Yu. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、 问题:“桃之夭夭, 灼灼其华” stems from “Records of the Grand Historian” (《史记》).选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】8、 问题:“桃李不言, 下自成蹊” is a phrase used to acclaim Li Guang, a great general in the East Han dynasty. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】第二章 单元测试1、 问题:What are the six domesticated animals, or “六畜” in Chinese?选项:A:Pig, ox, sheep, tiger, dragon, and rooster. B:Horse, sheep, dog, rooster, phenix, and ox.C:Sheep, horse, ox, pig, rooster, and dog.D:Ox, tiger, rabbit, snake, dog, and monkey.答案: 【Sheep, horse, ox, pig, rooster, and dog.】2、 问题:Diligence, undependability, strength and determination are some of major qualities attached to ox by ancient Chinese. 选项:A:True.B:False.答案: 【False.】3、 问题:The idiom “牛刀小试” means that a person with great potentials gives a little inkling of what he is capable of.选项:A:True.B:False.答案: 【True.】4、 问题:Sheep, chicken, and pig are the three most commonly used sacrifice in ancient China.选项:A:True.B:False.答案: 【False.】5、 问题:Why do many piggy banks take the image of pig?选项:A:Because pigs are fat.B:Because pigs are cute.C:Because pigs in some places symbolize good harvest and wealth.答案: 【Because pigs in some places symbolize good harvest and wealth.】6、 问题:Which of the following idioms formed by the combination of Chicken and dog is positive in meanings?选项:A:鸡犬不宁.B:鸡鸣狗盗.C:鸡犬桑麻.答案: 【鸡犬桑麻.】7、 问题:Which of the following idioms formed by the combination of Dragon and Phoenix is negative in meanings?选项:A:烹龙炮凤.B:龙肝凤髓.C:攀龙附凤.答案: 【攀龙附凤.】第三章 单元测试1、 问题:Which of the following expressions is used to describe offspring’s gratitude to their parents.选项:A:草木一生B:春晖寸草C:黄冠草服D:承星履草答案: 【春晖寸草】

