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导游资格证考试英语导游证现场口试问答精华更新时间:2019-04-16 08:52:17来源:环球网校浏览488收藏244

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(1) 出境旅游领队人员;

(2) 全程陪同导游员:

(3) 地方陪同导游员;


Differentiated by business, which kind of categories tour guides can be divided into?

Divided into four categories, namely:

(1) Tour leader.

(2) National guide.

(3) Local guide.

(4) Tourist guide.






The first step of leading a group is being familiar with the team, what aspects of content it mostly consists of?

Mainly includes three aspects:

(1) Being familiar with group members.

(2) Being familiar with team features.

(3) Being familiar with hosting plans and trip characteristics.


(1)与协作旅行社计调人员联系; (2)联系旅游车辆,确定接站时间;

(3)核实团队住房及用餐预订情况; (4)掌握各种联系电话。

What should the tour guide do before the arriving of the tourist group?

(1) Confirm the vehicle the tourist group took and the accurate arrival time: Ask clear accurate time with the information office of the airports, train stations quay(码头) before setting out.

(2) Fix the time and place with the tour bus driver: guarantee to arrive half an hour in advance; Tell the schedule and arrangement of time and activity to the driver on the way; after reaching the station fix the parking place.

(3) Check the right arriving time of the tourist group once more: arrive at the airport, station or quay ahead of time.

(4) Get in touch with the porter(行李员): Notify the place that the luggage is sent to, and fix the parking place with the luggage van(行李车) driver.

(5) Receive the tourist group with signs or meeting boards at the station: meet the tourist at a striking(突出的) position at the station exit, indicate(标明) group name and number, leader’s name or national guide’s name or name of tourist on the meeting board.







The main station of tour guides service program, whichseveral steps are divided into ?

( 1 ) Half an hour early to pick up points.

( 2 ) hand-held stop sign to greet guests.

( 3 ) Verify team.

( 4 ) Board together.

( 5 ) Invent the baggage and the number.


(1)监督餐厅提供的餐食是否符合约定标准; (2)回答客人关于餐食方面的疑问;


Tour guides should be timely inspecting team in eating meals of the group. What are the main contents of inspection?

(1) Supervise the meal in the restaurant whether is in conformity with the agreed standard.

(2) Answer questions about the meal.

(3) Understand whether the customers satisfied with the dishes for later targeted adjustments.





What the local guide should pay attention to when go shopping? Model :

(1) Abide by the rules of the travel agency rigorously(严格的).

(2) Know the tourists well, and take tide(趋势) at the flood .

(3) Be a good guide while shopping.

(4) Protect the tourists’ benefits actively.







Deliver a farewell speech, including that:

(1) Recalling trips.

(2) Express the feeling of reluctance to part.

(3) Thanks to tourist cooperation, and seek the views and suggestions of visitors.

(4) Where services are not in place on the journey apologized to the guests for your indulgence and understanding.

(5) Express wishes, hope once again.


Deliver a farewell speech: including that feels reluctant to part.表示惜别.

expresses gratitude to cooperation.感谢合作

reviews traveling.回顾旅程

solicits the suggestion.征求意见

looks forward to meeting.期盼相逢


(1)讲解当日活动安排; (2)沿途风情、风光导游;

(3)互动,活跃气氛; (4)到达景区前介绍景区概况,激发游兴。

What should a local guide do on the way to a certain scenic area?

(1) Inform the tourists of the itinerary of the day again including the time and place of meals, report the time of reaching the tour site. Report the news if necessary.

(2) Comment on the local customs and scenery along the way and answer questions.

(3) Give the group a brief introduction to the tourist destination, especially the historical value and feature, rousing their curiosity of the tour site.

(4) Organize entertainment activities, promoting friendship between the local guide and the tourists.







Which links are mainly included when a tour guide services in one scenic area?

(1) Emphasize the collection time and place, to remind Visiting Attractions.

(2) Buy tickets to the Park.

(3) Begin the scenic guide, and count the number of teams carefully.

(4)Handle emergencies.

(5) When tour at the scenic, the local guide should accompany with the team for full-mission service.

10. 旅游团完成游览项目并结束当地行程后,地陪应提供送站服务,主要包括哪些环节?






Tour after completing tours and put an end to one of the local tour, the local guide should offer the delivery service, including which links?

(1) Introduce customs and border protection, or the relevant provisions of the transport sector.

(2) To a farewell speech.

(3) Arrive to the airport, station or wharf beforehand.

(4) Get the traffic tickets, leading the team to a security zone or a wicket.

(5) Handle the aftermath.


(1)与地接社和地陪的衔接工作; (2)团队事务的参与工作;

(3)服务质量监督工作; (4)途中问题协调工作;


What a national guide should do when accompanying with the team?

(1)The connection work between the travel agency and the local guide.

(2) Involved in team affairs.

(3) Quality of service monitoring.

(4) Problems on the way coordination.

(5) The security management during the full tour.

12. “合理而可能”原则是导游人员处理游客个别要求的出发点,“合理”是指什么?




"Reasonable and probable" principle is a starting point that guides to deal with visitors’ individual requirements, what the meaning of "reasonable"?

(1) The requirements of visitors are not illegal, with Chinese ethics, compliance with professional ethics of tour guide.

(2) The tourists do not breach of the tourism agreement contract, and does not change the established travel.

(3) Although part of the contract changes or the book changes. But visitors are willing to pay the related costs.

13. 游客提出想邀请其亲友随团旅游,导游人员应如何处理?






If a tourist’s relative wishes to join the tour group, what are the procedures a guide must accomplish?

(1) Provide that there are empty seats of the coach or other vehicles available.

(2) The guide should first get allowance from the tour leader and group members.

(3) Verify the identity of relatives and friends.

(4) Upon approval of the travel agency, the guide is expected to ask the tourist to register.

(5) Collect the appropriate travel expenses, and provide the necessary documentation.

14. 发生漏接事故时,导游人员应如何处理?

(1)首先应如实地向游客说明原委; (2)诚恳地赔礼道歉;


How a tour guide to handle with the accident that the guide is not present when tourists arrive?

(1) First, give an explanation of the event to visitors.

(2) Sincerely apologize.

(3) Actively work towards using warm and thoughtful service to win the trust of visitors.

15. 旅游活动计划和日程的变更主要表现为哪三种结果?

(1)延长在当地的旅游日程; (2)缩短在当地的游览日程;


Which three main changes of tourism plan and schedule mainly perform?

(1) Extension of local travel schedule.

(2) A reduction in local tour schedule.

(3) Forced to change part of the itinerary.

16. 地陪在首站赴饭店途中的导游服务主要包含哪些环节?

(1)致欢迎词; (2)说明相关事项; (3)介绍本地概况和沿途风光; (4)介绍饭店概况。

Which links are included when a local guide services to a group on the way to the first hotel?

(1)Give a welcome speech.

(2) Describe the relevant matters.

(3) Introduce local profiles and the scenery.

(4) Introduce the hotel profile.

17. 领队服务中,海外紧急情况的预防和处理主要应注意哪些细节?

(1)领队人员应牢固树立安全意识; (2)引导游客尊重当地居民和民俗;



A tour leader in service, what details should pay attention to due to overseas emergency prevention and treatment?

(1) The tour leader should foster safety awareness.

(2) Guiding tourists to respect the local population and folklore.

(3)Reminding tourists is against travel risks.

(4)Dealing a variety of emergency situations decisively, and putting the personal safety of visitors in the first place.

18. 酒店火灾事故中,如果团队被大火和浓烟包围,导游人员引导游客自救的方法有哪些?





(1) The guide should report the fire immediately to the police.

(2) The guide should inform the tourists that there is a fire and lead them to a safe place through a safe emergency exit. While fleeting the fire, tourists must be warned not to take the elevator. Tourists may become trapped in the elevator due to power failure caused by the fire.

(3) Obey staff member’s unified command. Evacuate tourists through the extra exit rapidly.

(4) Lead tourists to save themselves. Don't take the elevator; use wet things to cover oneself, wave colorful things to call rescue people.

(5) Help to deal with rehabilitation works.

19. 导游人员可以从哪几个方面了解游客的心理?




Which aspects can a tour guide receive to understand the psychology of tourists?

(1) By nationality, occupation, age, sex, social status and psychological to get understanding of visitors.

(2) By motivation to understand tourists’ psychology.

(3) From the performances in different stages of tourist activities to understand the psychology of tourists.

20. 团队中领队、全陪、地陪和司机该如何友好合作,才能更好地完成接待任务?




How a team leader, a national guide, a guide and a driver to cooperate friendly to better reception?

(1) Respect and support for each other's work.

(2) Take care of each other in life.

(3) If a problem occurs, according to the contract, argue analysis, to avoid confrontation.



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