首页 >  英语听说三问五答真题  > 2023届广东高考听说Part B三问五答技巧指导课件(22张PPT)

2023届广东高考听说Part B三问五答技巧指导课件(22张PPT)


(共22张PPT)PartB三问五答的策略与技巧,有效把握突破听说难点广东听说考试Part B考试策略Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test (CELST)Part AReading Aloud模仿朗读Part BRole Play角色扮演Part CStory Retelling故事复述Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test (CELST)Part BRole Play角色扮演What are the major steps Step1 Introduction(情景介绍) 30sStep2 Video dialogue (视频对话) 40sStep3 Asking 3 questions(三问)10s*3Step4 Computer answers(三答) 30s*3Step5 Answering 5 questions(五答) 10s*5Step1 Introduction(情景介绍) 30s情景介绍(30'') 2016高考听说考试A角色:你是Mary。任务:(1)和同学Tom讨论如何应对心理压力;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:survey 调查What are our tasks within the 30s 1. Get to know the topic.2. Get to know the role.3. Take down the given word.4. Predict what is likely to be talked in the following dialogue.Step2 Video dialogue (视频对话) 40sWhat are our tasks within the 30s Muti-taskingListenTake notes quicklyMake use of working memory*working memory--对信息点进行瞬间强化记忆Step3 Asking 3 questions(三问)10s*3Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question.Q1: 在大家庭中成长是怎样的?Q2: 最艰难的部分是什么?Q3: 年幼的孩子比年长的孩子更幸运吗?What are our tasks within the preparation time (20s) 1. Complete oral translation from Chinese to English2. Check questioning details:Type of Question(疑问句类型)Order (语序)Tense (时态)Subject-verb agreement (主谓一致)Tone (语调)Task 1: Translate the following Chinese questions into English and summarize the question type for each group. (将下列四组疑问句翻译成英文并归纳疑问句类型)Group 1疑问句类型: _________________ 你打算参加即将到来的运动会吗?_____________________________________________ 他还没有完成老师布置的作业?_____________________________________________ 我们应该将会议延期到下周一吗?_____________________________________________Are you going to take part in the coming sports meet Hasn't he finished the homework assigned by the teacher Should we put off the meeting to next Monday 一般疑问句1.General Question 一般疑问句结构:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他部分 你打算参加即将到来的运动会吗? 他还没有完成老师布置的作业? 我们应该将会议延期到下周一吗?Are you going to take part in the coming sports meet Hasn't he finished the homework assigned by the teacher Should we put off the meeting to next Monday Group 2 疑问句类型: ___________ David 加入了哪一组?________________________________________________ 他们为什么不喜欢传统的节日?________________________________________________ 这个女士多久要参加一次部门会议?________________________________________________ 你已经在这儿呆了多长时间了?________________________________________________Which group did David join in Why don't they like the traditional Festivals How often does the woman attend the department meeting How long have you stayed here 特殊疑问句结构:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他部分1)what & who & which2)when & where & why3)how(how often/how much/how many/how long/how far...)Group 3 疑问句类型: _________________ 他喜欢呆在这儿还是回家?_______________________________________________ 猫和狗你更喜欢哪一种?_______________________________________________Does he prefer to stay here or go back home Which do you prefer, cats or dog 选择疑问句结构:一般疑问句+or+其他部分特殊疑问句+or+其他部分Group 4 疑问句类型: ____________________ 你一定把这事告诉她了,不是吗?____________________________________________ 英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗?____________________________________________You must have told her about it, haven't you The British people care little about clothes, do they The British people don't care much about clothes, do they 反义疑问句结构:陈述句+简短疑问(前肯定后否定;前否定后肯定)?Step3 Asking 3 questions(三问)10s*3Type of QuestionsGeneral Question(一般疑问句)Special Question(特殊疑问句)Alternative Question (选择疑问句)Tag Question(反义疑问句)你对我们的服务有什么建议吗?What suggestions do you have on our service Do you have any suggestions on our service 高频失分点:疑问句型判断错误考前建议:疑问句翻译,如果即兴发挥,可能会出现大量的语法错误和信息错漏,建议考前根据老师整理的近几年高考真题PartB的疑问句汇编,对照中文,做翻译练习,熟悉疑问句的提问(疑问句型的选择、语序、时态、主谓一致、语调等)Step3 Asking 3 questions(三问)小结三问参考答案的特点:Q1:在大家庭中成长是怎样的?What was(is) it like growing up in a big family What was(is) growing up in a big family like Q2: 最艰难的部分是什么?What was the most difficult part What was the hardest part What was the toughest part Q3:年幼的孩子比年长的孩子更幸运吗?Are younger children luckier than elder children Are younger kids more fortunate than elder ones Conclusion: Variety is welcome in translation!一句多译(多版本答案)Variety in translation 一句多译1.Variety in choosing words &expressions (词汇)建议:选择自己最熟悉的词汇,不受汉语表述的限制,学会转译1.(2011 A)谁给你们的影响最大?Who gave you the greatest influence Who influenced/affected you most 2.(2012 C) 为什么你认为情节难以相信?Why do you think the plot is incredible/unbelievable Why do you think the plot is hard to believe 3.(2013 C)体育运动是不是谈话中的常用话题?Are sports a common subject/topic of conversation Is sports often talked about in your conversation/talk Variety in translation 一句多译2.Variety in choosing sentence structure (句型)建议:选择自己最有把握的句式1.(2012 C)报纸怎么评论这本书?How do the newspaper comment on this book What are the newspapers' comments on this book 2.(2013 F) 我怎么样才能留下良好的印象呢?How can I leave/make a good impression What can I do to leave/make a good impression 3.(2016 B)你12岁时,学校是怎样的?How was the school when you were twelve What was the school like when you were twelve Step3 Asking 3 questions(三问)Important Tips:1 翻译时紧扣字眼、进行标准化翻译2 充分利用准备时间练习口头翻译、检查细节3 提问的形式非唯一(词汇和句式)Step4 computer answers (听三答)What are our tasks within the 30s 1. Listen carefully2. Take notes effectivelySuggestions:1.Predict what possible questions will be asked.根据所记信息点,预测问题(6W1H)2.Highlight some key words in our notes by using markers like * or √.标记笔记内容,凸显信息点3. Seperate our notes for the video dialogue and each of the 3 computer answers by leaving necessary space.分开各部分的笔记区域,便于五答搜寻答案Step5 Answering 5 questions (五答)What are our tasks within the preparation time (10s) 1. Search the answer from our memory or our notes.2. Practice answering the question to check pronunciation and improve fluency in the recording apart.M --------------------------------------------------------F ---------------------------------------------------------M --------------------------------------------------------F ---------------------------------------------------------M --------------------------------------------------------F ---------------------------------------------------------Q1 --------------------------------------------------------FQ2 --------------------------------------------------------FQ3 --------------------------------------------------------FAnswer3Answer4Answer5Answer3Answer3五答 大多数采用 2+3模式Step5 Answering 5 questions (五答)Important Tips:1 先听清楚问题,再搜索答案2 回答尽量简略(抓关键词),但必修完整3 勿在回答中加入无关细节4 如回答有错,可纠正,但不要反复纠正小结五答评分标准:Q1:Where did Tom spend his holiday A1: In his hometown.He spent his holiday in his hometown.His hometown.Q2: How many sisters does Tom have A2: Four.Four sisters.He has four sisters.Q3: What was Tom's family tradition A3: To give(Giving) everybody a surprise on his or her birthday.To give(Giving) everybody a surprise.Q4: Why did Tom's elder brothers and sisters have a tougher life A4: Because they had to work a lot to help with the family income.They had to help with the family income.2分2分1.5分2分2分2分2分1分2分1分正确简短回答正确完整回答关键信息正确但回答不完整主要考查信息的获取是否准确完整完整回答需要注意语法

