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2023年CATTI三级笔译实务真题解析62023-01-02 07:11:00来源:网络


Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points)

Translate the following passage into English.





Climate change is no longer an issue of environmental protection, but one that is crucial to human survival and development. China needs to change its coal-dominated energy mix and industrial structure featuring high pollution and high energy consumption, so as to improve its environment and cope with global climate change. Meanwhile, to actively respond to climate change is China's global responsibility to engage in global governance. It is also a pressing need to achieve sustainable development. As the world's largest developing country, China needs to redouble its efforts to promote economic and energy transition, to promote sustainable global development.

For a long time, China has attached great importance to the issue of global climate change, made it a major strategy for national social and economic development to proactively respond to climate change, regarded green low-carbon development as an important part of ecological development, and taken a series of concrete actions. In so doing, China has made important contributions to the efforts in coping with global climate change. By 2020, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will fall by 40-45 percent compared with those of 2005, the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption will rise to around 15percent, the forest coverage will increase by 40 million hectares from the 2005 level, and the forest stock volume will be 1.3 billion cubic meters more than that in 2005. China will put in place effective mechanisms to guard against risks caused by climate change and enhance capabilities to cope with possible risks in such key areas as agriculture, forestry and water resources, and in cities, coastal areas and ecologically fragile areas.


1.中国需要改变以煤为主的能源结构和高污染、高能耗的产业结构,以治理环境和应对全球气候变化。China needs to change its coal-dominated energy mix and industrial structure featuring high pollution and high energy consumption, so as to improve its environment and cope with global climate change.

分析 句子结构类

本句看似生词和术语很多,但只要理顺其句式结构,便可将句子主干信息完整翻译出来。本句的主干信息是“中国需改变……能源结构和……产业结构,以治理……和应对……”,翻译时可采取换序译法,将“产业结构”过长的定语部分后置,使用现在分词短语作其后置定语,同时用so as to这一短语来连接后面的目的状语。

2.同时,积极应对气候变化也是中国参与全球治理的责任,也是实现可持续发展的迫切需要。中国作为世界最大的发展中国家,需要积极推动经济与能源的转型,以推动全球可持续发展。Meanwhile, to actively respond to climate change is China's global responsibility to engage in global governance. It is also a pressing need to achieve sustainable development. As the world's largest developing country, China needs to redouble its efforts to promote economic and energy transition, to promote sustainable global development.

分析 语言措辞类


3.长期以来,中国高度重视气候变化问题,把积极应对气候变化作为国家经济社会发展重大战略,把绿色低碳发展作为生态文明建设的重要内容,采取了一系列行动,为应对全球气候变化做出了重要贡献。For a long time, China has attached great importance to the issue of global climate change, made it a major strategy for national social and economic development to proactively respond to climate change, regarded green low-carbon development as an important part of ecological development, and taken a series of concrete actions. In so doing, China has made important contributions to the efforts in coping with global climate change.

分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类


4.到2020年,中国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放将比2005年下降40%—45%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右,森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷,森林蓄积量比2005年增加13亿立方米。By 2020,China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will fall by 40-45 percent compared with those of 2005, the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption will rise to around 15 percent, the forest coverage will increase by 40 million hectares from the 2005 level, and the forest stock volume will be 1.3 billion cubic meters more than that in 2005.

分析 语言措辞类本句的难点是动词和数字的翻译。首先,动词“下降”“达到”“增加”翻译时需注意其与相应介词的搭配,分别译为fall…by,rise to和increase by,需要注意的是,“增长了、下降了”的数字前常用介词by,而“达到”则常用介词to。5.中国还将在农业、林业、水资源等重点领域和城市、沿海、生态脆弱地区形成

有效抵御气候变化风险的机制,提高抵抗能力。China will put in place effective mechanisms to guard against risks caused by climate change and enhance capabilities to cope with possible risks in such key areas as agriculture, forestry and water resources, and in cities, coastal areas and ecologically fragile areas.

分析 句子结构类

考虑到英语句子语义重心常常在前,而汉语句子语义重心一般在后的特点,在翻译本句时应先厘清和调整句子结构。句子主干信息为“中国……在……领域和……地区形成……机制,提高抵抗能力”,建议顺应英文句式语序进行换序翻译,先将主干部分前置,译为…put in place/develop…mechanisms,and enhance capabilities…,然后再将定语部分“有效抵御气候变化风险的”和状语部分“在……领域和……地区”后置翻译即可。

