


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2023-2024学年英语四年级上册译林版(三起)期中阅读理解拓展卷一、阅读选择阅读理解We have a lot of(许多)toys. I have a bear. It is black. My brother has(有)a panda. It’s white and black. My sister has an elephant. It has big ears and a long nose. Tom has a monkey. It’s brown. Tom’s sister has a doll. It can’t dance, but it can sing. Tom’s brother has six dogs. They can jump and run. We all like our toys.1.The bear is ________.( )A.white and black B.black C.brown2.The elephant has ________.( )A.big eyes and a long noseB.small ears and a long noseC.big ears and a long nose3.The doll can ________.( )A.dance B.jump and run C.sing4.________ likes dogs very much. ( )A.Tom B.Tom’s sister C.Tom’s brother5.We have _______ toys. ( )A.ten B.eleven C.twelve阅读下面的短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与短文内容相符的选项,并将其序号写在题前的括号内。Helen and Tina are good friends. They are eight years old.One day, Helen meets (见面) Tina in the playground after lunch. Helen asks Tina, “How many sisters do you have, Tina ”“Only one. She is my twin sister, Mary.”“You tell a lie. Your brother Tom says he has two sisters.” Helen says.“But I don’t tell a lie.” Tina says, “You can ask my mother.”6.Helen is _______ years old. ()A.six B.seven C.eight7.One day, Helen meets Tina ________.()A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening8.Tom and Mary are ________.()A.twins B.friends C.brother and sister9.‘You tell a lie.’ (意思是) _________.()A.“你说谎。” B.“你弄错了。” C.“你在讲故事。”10.Tina has _______ sister(s). ()A.only one B.two C.three阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Paul. I’m thirteen years old. Today is my birthday. I have many gifts. They’re on the table. Look, can you see two big brown toy bears They’re from my mother. I like them. There are eleven toy ducks under the bed. They’re from my father. My brother Tim gives me a toy jeep. And my sister Lily gives me three balls. I love them all.11.Today is________birthday. ()A.Paul’s B.Tim’s C.Lily’s12.The toy ducks are________.()A.on the bed B.in the bed C.under the bed13.The________are from Paul’s sister. ()A.toy jeep B.eleven toy ducks C.three balls14.There are________people in Paul’s family ()A.four B.five C.six15.Paul has________gifts. ()A.sixteen B.seventeen C.eighteen阅读短文,选择正确的答案Kate and May are good friends. They are eleven years old. One day, Kate asks May, “How many sisters do you have, May ” “Only one.” “But your brother Tom says he has two sisters,” Kate says. “I don’t tell a lie.” May says. “I have only one sister. You can ask my mother.”16.May is Tom’s________. ()A.brother B.sister C.friend17.May has________sister(s). ()A.one B.two C.three18.There are________children in May’s family. ()A.one B.two C.three19.“I don’t tell a lie.”means________in Chinese. ()A.我没有说谎。 B.我说错了。 C.不是我说得。20.The best title for this story is________. ()A.How funny Kate is B.Kate and May. C.How many sisters 二、阅读判断判断下列句子与短文是(T)否(F)相符。Sarah and I are good friends. We’re in the same grade (相同的年级). Sarah has English classes in the morning. But I have Chinese classes in the afternoon. After school, we play games. We often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes. I can jump and swim. Sarah can’t swim, but she can sing very well.21.Sarah and I are good friends. ()22.Sarah has Chinese classes in the morning. ()23.We play games after school. ()24.I can jump and skate. ()25.Sarah can sing very well. ()We have many toy animals. I have a horse. It's brown. My sister has a panda. It's white and black. My brother has an elephant. It has big ears and a long nose. Tim has a tiger. His sister has a cat. It's yellow. It's fat and cute. Tim's brother has eight lions. They can jump. We all like our toy animals.26.We have twelve toy animals. ( )27.Tim's sister has a dog and a cat. ( )28.The elephant has small ears and a long nose. ( )29.Tim's brother has eight lions. ( )30.We all like our toy animals. ( )根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi, I’m Mike. I have a big family. My father is Mr Smith. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers like kites. My sisters like balloons. The balloons are nice. My brothers can play basketball very well. My sisters can swim and skate. I can jump and play football.31.Mike’s mother is Mrs Smith. ()32.Mr Smith has four children(孩子). ()33.Mike’s sisters like balloons. ()34.Mike can play basketball. ()35.Mike’s brothers can play basketball. ()Yang Ling: Excuse me, is this your umbrella Helen: No. This umbrella is yellow. My umbrella is red. Perhaps it’s Nancy’s. You can go and ask her.Yang Ling: But where’s Nancy Helen: She’s in the classroom.Yang Ling: Thank you.Yang Ling: Nancy, is this your umbrella Nancy: Oh, yes, it is. Thank you very much.Yang Ling: Not at all.36.Helen’s umbrella is yellow. ( )37.Nancy’s umbrella is red. ( )38.Nancy is in the classroom. ( )39.Helen finds the yellow umbrella. ( )参考答案:1.B2.C3.C4.C5.B【解析】略6.C7.B8.C9.A10.A【解析】6.略7.略8.略9.略10.略11.A12.C13.C14.B15.B【解析】略16.B17.A18.C19.A20.C【解析】略21.T22.F23.T24.F25.T【解析】21.根据Sarah and I are good friends.可知此句与短文内容相符,故T。22.根据Sarah has English classes in the morning.可知此句与短文内容不相符,故F。23.根据After school, we play games.可知此句与短文内容相符,故T。24.根据I can jump and swim.可知此句与短文内容不符,故F。25.根据but she can sing very well. 可知此句与短文内容相符,故T。26.F27.F28.F29.T30.T【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了我们的玩具动物。26.句意:我们有十二个玩具动物。根据短文中的 I have a horse. My sister has a panda. My brother has an elephant.Tim has a tiger. His sister has a cat. Tim's brother has eight lions. 可知我们有十三个玩具动物,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。27.句意:蒂姆的姐姐有一只狗和一只猫。根据短文中的Tim has a tiger. His sister has a cat. 可知蒂姆的姐姐有一只猫,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。28.句意:大象有小耳朵和长鼻子。根据短文中的My brother has an elephant. It has big ears and a long nose. 可知大象有大耳朵和长鼻子,该句与短文不相符,故答案为F。29.句意:蒂姆的哥哥有八只狮子。根据短文中的Tim's brother has eight lions. 可知蒂姆的哥哥有八只狮子,该句与短文相符,故答案为T。30.句意:我们都喜欢我们的玩具动物。根据短文中的We all like our toy animals.可知我们都喜欢我们的玩具动物,该句与短文相符,故答案为T。【点睛】31.T32.F33.T34.F35.T【分析】文章主要内容:介绍家人的喜好及会做的事情。31.句意:迈克的妈妈是斯密斯夫人。根据“My father is Mr Smith.”可知迈克的爸爸是史密斯,故妈妈就是斯密斯夫人,故答案为T。32.句意:斯密斯先生有4个孩子。根据“I have two brothers and two sisters.”可知迈克有两个兄弟,两个姐妹,加上迈克,斯密斯先生应该有5个孩子,故答案为F。33.句意:迈克的姐姐们喜欢气球。根据“My sisters like balloons.”可知姐姐们喜欢气球,故答案为T。34.句意:迈克能够打篮球。根据“I can jump and play football.”可知我会跳和踢足球,故答案为F。35.句意:迈克的兄弟会打篮球。根据“My brothers can play basketball very well.”可知是迈克兄弟能够很好的打篮球,故答案为T。36.F37.F38.T39.F【导语】
