首页 >  英语专业教师资格证面试真题  > 2022上半年小学英语教师资格证面试真题及答案(已更新)



试讲1: Shapes









Teaching Procedures:

l. Lead-in

The teacher draws the four shapes on the blackboard and ask students what it is. Students can talk in Chinese.


1. Play the shape song.Then ask students how many shapes in the song.

2. play the song again. Ask students to figure out the name of the shapes they hear. The teacher shows the names of the shapes and explain the characters of the shapes.Then,invite students to read and try to match the words with the drawings.


(1 ) Divide students into groups, chooses a shape to be their group name and they can choose an action for their group. Then,the teacher plays the song,when hear the name of their group,students should do the action according to the lyrics of the song. Meanwhile, they can sing together following the tape.

(2) Students draw a cartoon picture using these shapes and then introduce the picture they draw to their partners.


Students work in groups to make up a story about these four shapes.

The teacher invites some groups to share their stories.


Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson and the teacher gives supplements if necessary,and reminds them to pay more attention to the shapes in daily life.


Note the shapes in life down and share their findings next class.





Its ears are long. Its eyes are small. Its mouth is small. Its tail is short. What is it? Itis a





(3)试讲时间: 10分钟.



Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students can master the new words “long, small,short, ears...”

Ability aim: Students can get the information about rabbit and use these words to describe animals.

Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English.

Teaching Key Points:

Students can understand the meaning of the new words“long, small short” and use them to describe animals.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Improve students awareness of loving animals and protecting animals.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up


2.Give a riddle about rabbits and let students guess. And then lead in the topic “A rabbit”.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures of rabbits to let students talk about the common points.

2. Invite students to describe rabbits in their own words.

3. Teach students these words “ tail, mouth ,ears,eyes”

Step 3: While-reading

1.Let students read the sentences and circle the words that are used to describe rabbits and invite one student to share.

2.Read again and find out what part of the rabbits do they describe? After that,invite some students to write and draw a picture on the blackboard.

Step 4: Post-reading

Make a survey: Divide students into several groups. Given some time to ask each other about what are they favorite animals and fill in the survey table. After that, invite some students to share their survey result by intimating the animals in front of the blackboard.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

Invite students to make a summary about what we have learned today.

Draw a picture of your favorite animals and share it in the next class.




Amy: Mum can I have a drink. please?

Mum:Yes. Here you are.

Amy: Can I watch TV,please?

Mum:Yes.you can.

Amy: Can I have an ice cream, please?

Mum: No, you can't Look!No ice-cream

Any: I can go to the shop for an ice-cream!

Mum: No, you can't go out! You're ill .But you can have these biscuits!

Amy: Thanks. Mum


(1) 试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课;





Teaching objectives:

1. Students can understand the conversation.

2. Students can use the sentences “Can...."“Yes, you can." or“No, you can't." Students can develop the abilities of speaking and communicating in the real situations through different activities.

3. Through group work, students can learn how to cooperate with others.

Key and Difficult point:

Students understand the sentences “Can ...”:“Yes, you can." or“No, you can't."

Students can use these certain expressions to communicate with others.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in


Show students some pictures about food and drink. Then, asks them“What's this?" to review the words learnt about food and drinks.

II. Presentation

1. Play the video and ask some questions:What's the talk about?

How many food and drink in the talk?

After the video, students answer and then check the questions.

2. The teacher leads students to pay attention to how to ask for permission. Then teaches the sentence pattern“Can I ... and the .corresponding answer“Yes, you can." or“No, you can't.

II. Practice

Activity I

Students work in two groups.Teacher shows some pictures. and the teacher asks the first one of each group with“Can I ... the first one of each group answer with“Yes,you can." or“No, you can't." then asks the next one, in turn, the first group finishes will win the game.

Activity 2

Students work in pairs to read the conversation.

IV. Consolidation

Task: the polite guest

The teacher creates a scene that students are invited to visit the cultural creative park, a comprehensive center. The polite ones are more popular here. Students work in groups to discuss what may happen there and create a play in the center. They are supposed to ask for permission for some precious material with what they have learnt.Five minutes later, they will share their performance with the whole class. Others and the teacher choose the polite guests in the process.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in the lesson: the sentence pattern about asking for permission and the answers. They can understand the conversation and the teacher makes supplement if necessary. What’s more, the teacher reminds students the importance of the politeness in daily life and being a polite person.

VI. Homework

Students will try to ask for permission at home with their family members and be the little teacher.

Blackboard design:略




Find numbers in life.

One, two, three, four, five.

Numbers in life.

Six, seven, eight. nine.

Numbers are fine.

Ten, eleven, twelve for me.

Numbers I see.



(2) 创设相关的生活情境,帮助学生进行数字操练;


(4) 配合教学内容适当板书。


Teaching objectives:

1. Students will be able to recognize, read, and spell the vocabulary of the numbers.

2. Students will be able to use the numbers proper in real life situations.

3. Students will develop the logical thinking in learning.

4. Students will be active in English activities and be interested in English.

Key point:

1. Students will be able to read the vocabulary of numbers correctly.

2. Students will be able to use the numbers proper in real life situations.

Difficult point:

Students can correctly pronounce the words: eight, eleven, twelve.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

1. Daily greetings.

2. Sing a song“Five lttle Indians" with the students. And invite students to pay attention to the nmbers in the song.

II. Presentation

1. Show the picture of the number“1 and teach the word: one.

2. Draw the picture ofa duck, an ear, a flag, a book...... and teach the words: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

3. Show students the pictures of apples and teach the words: ten, eleven and twelve. And the teacher will pay attention to the pronunciation of the difficult words.

4. Students do the chant together.

III. Practice

1. The teacher shows the pictures of numbers and students try to read them as fast as possible.

2. Students work in groups to compete the chant.

IV. Production

The teacher creates a scene: we are going to have a picnic this weekend. Students work in groups to prepare the food and drink.

They need to choose what and how many to bring. They can make a conversation in groups and then share with the class. When each group is giving the report, others can listen and give some comments.

V. Summary

Invite students to summarize the lesson and remind students to be interested in English and be active in class.

VI. Homework

Students can read the chant for their parents after class.

Blackboard design:略


1.题目: Clothes词汇课








Teaching objectives:

1. Students are able to grasp the words: clothes, hat, skirt, dress, pants and the sentence structure: I like that green skirt; I like those pants.

2. Students can talk about the topic of clothes by using the words and sentences.

3. Cultivate students

awareness of paying attention to their appearance.

Key point:

Students can correctly understand and grasp the words and sentence structure.

Difficult point:

Students are able to correctly talk about the clothes they have in the daily life.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. At the beginning of the class, the teacher plays a song about color song and then asks students some questions: how many colors are there in the song? Do you know the name of your clothes apart from their colors? Then the teacher tells students they will learn a new passage about the clothes.

II. Presentation

1. The teacher draws the pictures of clothes to teach the new words: hat, skirt, dress and pants.

2. Teacher asks students one question" What clothes do you like?" ,and invites some students to answer it to teach the new sentence structure: I like that green skirt; I like those pants.

3. Students read after the tape to correct their pronunciation.

I. Practice

Activity 1: High-Low voice

The teacher reads the words loudly such as" hat” and students should read it softly accordingly. In turn, if the teacher reads the words softly and the students should read it loudly.

Activity 2: Hot potato

The teacher asks students to pass the" hot potato one by one. When the teacher says stop, the student with the" hot potato” should answer the question:" What clothes do you like?" to practice the sentence structure.

IV. Consolidation

Task: Draw a picture

The teacher gives students five minutes to draw a picture about the clothes they like and try to write some sentences to describe it. When time is over, invite some students to show their results in front of the class.

V. Summary

The teacher encourages students to summarize what they have learned in this lesson including the words and sentences, and the teacher gives supplement if necessary, and tells them they should pay attention to their appearance.

VI. Homework

After the class, students can talk about the clothes they like with their parents. And invite some students to show their performance next class.

Blackboard design:略

试讲6.He's a doctor.词汇课

1.题目: He's a doctor.词汇课







Teaching objectives:

1. Students can understand new words: policeman, nurse, doctor, driver, farmer and teacher.

2. Students can apply the sentence pattern: He’s.....She’s.....

3. Students can learn how to describe the jobs in their conversation freely.

4. Through group work, students can learn how to cooperate with others.

5. Students can foster the awareness of loving jobs.

Key point:

Students can listen, read and write the new words and sentences to describe jobs.

Difficult point:

Students can understand and say the new words about jobs and describe them to others.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Sing a song“Finger family" . Then teacher shows the photo of the teachers family, and asks students some questions: How many people are there in my family?

II. Presentation

1. Teacher shows students the family photo again.

2. Teacher leads students to learn new words about jobs.

3. Teacher asks students question‘Who is he?" , and then shows the sentence" Students can imitate the teacher’s pronunciation to practice the dialogue and later read in roles.

II. Practice

Activity 1:The teacher holds the pictures about different jobs, and then pick one from them . Anyone who can answer correctly and quickly will be the winner.

Activity 2:

The students work in pairs to do point and say according the pictures. One points to a picture asking" Who is he/she?”the other one should answer“This is ..... He/ She i..."

IV. Production

Divides students into several groups and asks them to collect information about their family members. Then the teacher invites several teams to perform in the front.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learned in this lesson

VI. Homework

Students can draw a picture of their own family and introduce it to their classmates.

Blackboard Design:略





(1) 全英文试讲10分钟;





Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in


Guessing game: What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk? What's it?(Clock).

II. Presentation

1. Teacher play the tape and ask students to answer the main idea.

2. Play the tape again and answer the question“When does Tinging get up?"

3. The teacher leads students to understand the sentence patterns by using the sentences“一When do you get up? 一 I get up at..."

III. Practice

1. Role play. Work in pairs to practice the conversation. And show in the class.

2. Students work in pairs to ask and answer with the sentence patterns on the blackboard according to their own situations.

IV. Consolidation

Divide students into several groups and ask them to have an interview about their daily routine, so they work in groups to make a conversation.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today

VI. Homework

Students do a survey about their family members’ daily routine and write it down.

Blackboard Design:略




Try to say

"ear" (ear, near, hear)

Put your ear,

Near my ear.

Put your ear,

Near my ear.

And you will hear,

And you will hear,

And you will hear,







Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

1. Sing a song“Head shoulder knees and toe”.

I. Presentation

1. The teacher presents the chant and leads students to read the chant.

2. Ask students what do they heard in the song. Let students find out the common letters among“ear, near, hear".Listen it again and pay attention to their pronunciation.

3. The teacher leads students to conclude the phoneme “ear”.

IlI. Practice

Students work in groups to compete in reading the chant.

Students work in groups to think about more words including the letters“ear with the same pronunciation.

IV. Consolidation

Students work in groups to make a story by using the new words ear, near, hear and others including the letters“ear”. And then invite them to show it.

V. Summary

The teacher leads students to summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

To find more words including "ear”and share with their classmates next class.

Blackboard Design:略










Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in


Play a guessing game to review the actions learnt before.

II. Presentation

1. The teacher show some pictures and teaches the phrases: wash my clothes, watch TV and do homework and so on.

2. The teacher teaches the sentence patterns“一Do you often...on the weekend?一Yes/ No, I ..” through ask and answer

3. Students listen to the tape and read the phrases and sentence patterns.

III. Practice

Students work in pairs,and the teacher shows the pictures and actions of the new phrases, one student do the actions and one guess.

IV. Consolidation

Divide them into several groups and make a survey about others' weekend activities.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today

VI. Homework

Students will make a list of their family members' weekend activities.

Blackboard Design:略


1. 题目:词汇教学试讲







Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

The teacher shows some pictures about activities learnt before.Ask students to review the words.

II. Presentation

l. The teacher plays the tape and lead in key frequency words often, always. never and sometimes.

2. The teacher shows videos to present their friends' habits and leads studenls to distinguish

the frequency words in the real scene.

3. Students read the sentences after the tape.

III. Practice

1. Students work with their partners to read the sentences in the textbook.

2. Students work in pairs to talk about their habits using frequency words.

IV. Consolidation

Students work in groups of four.To write down the things they do by using frequency words.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

1. Students review the usage of frequency words.

2. Students make survey about their friends' habit.

Blackboard Design:略

试讲题目11.The four seasons

1.题目: The four seasons








Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2. Ask students to see a video about the activities they attended in four seasons outdoors.

II. Presentation

1. The teacher shows some pictures about seasons and teach the four seasons.

2. The teacher asks students: Which season do you like best?

III. Practice

Activity 1 Who's quicker?

Students work in pairs.The teacher holds the pictures of different seasons, and then picks one from them,one act it out and one answer.

Activity 2

Student draw one season and introduce it

IV. Consolidation

The teacher creates a situation that students can be the actor or actress to perform what they can do in one summner and play the short play about four seasons.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson

VI. Homework

Students make a poster about their favorite season and introduce it to the class next time.

Blackboard Design:略

试讲题目12.At the fruit shop词汇教学试讲

1.题目: At the fruit shop词汇教学试讲



(1) 试讲需在10分钟之内;





Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in


The teacher presents some pictures about fruits and asks students what's their favorite.

II. Presentation

1. The teacher shows one banana and one apple to teach two words' singular forms a banana and a apple. Then the teacher adds their quantity to two to teach plural forms two bananas and two apples.

2. The teacher shows one pear and one orange to teach two words' singular forms an pear and an orange. Then the teacher adds their quantity to two to teach plural forms two pears and two oranges.

3. Students read the words after the tape.

III. Practice

1. The teacher presents different quantity of fruits and students say the words out, such as a banana, two apples...

2. Students work in pairs to draw and say.

IV. Consolidation

Role play. One student acts the seller, and the others buyers. They need to buy different quantity of fruits. Then invite some groups to show their performance.

V. Summary

The teacher leads students to summarize the key points of this lesson.

VI. Homework

1. To review the key words learnt today.

2. To share the knowledge with their friends.

Blackboard Design:略








