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Today there are three different kinds of New Yorkers: the people who act as if they were born here; the people who are here and wish to be elsewhere; and the collection of virtual New Yorkers all over the world, who wish they were hying in New York. These are the three States of mind and what they have in common are longing and illusion. In fact, it' s a city of dreamers.

What makes New York special? New Yorkers are convinced of its speciainess--but Toronto is more diverse, London is larger, Washington is more powerful. So why does New York think it' s the capital of the world?

People often explain the problems in European cities by citing inequality. But New York today is one of the most unequal cities in America. In 2010, 1 percent of New Yorkers earned 45 percent of its income. That works out to an average of $ 3.7 million a year for the city' s top 34,500 households. The average daily income of this group is greater than the average annual income of the city's bottom 10 percent.

So why would people still come to try their luck in this tough place? Is it opportunity or illu- sion that draws them?

They come because any newcomer can find a place in the hierarchy of New York. If you look at a New York City restaurant, for example, the cook might be French, the people washing dishes might be Mexican, the hostess might be Russian, the owner might be British. They arc not all equal. They earn different rates. But they work together to get food to hungry people.

What New York demonstrates is this: immigration works. The city can use its immigrants, even the illegal ones. Though they broke the law by illegally crossing the borders, the city' s econ- omy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. Attracted here by the founding myth of the city, each immigrant is seeking to escape from history, personal and political. For him, New York is the city of the second chance.

46. The writer mentions the three kinds of New Yorkers to stress that_______

A. they share the same longingB. they are in pursuit of dreams

C. they are proud of their birthplace D. they wish to live in another place

47. In the eyes of New Yorkers, their city is_______

A. powerful

B. diverse

C. special

D. large

48. The figures in paragraph 3 are given to show that New York_______

A. favors the lucky

B. favors tue locals

C. is a city of inequality

D. is a city of opportunities

49. People keep coming to New York because they can find jobs that_______

A. challenge them

B. suit them well

C. pay them well

D. raise their status

50. It is hnplied in the text that New York is_______

A. a tolerant city

B. a wealthy city

C. a mythical city

D. a historical city






47.C 【精析】细节题。根据第二段第一、二句话:什么使得纽约与众不同?纽约人确信纽约是独一无二的`。故选C。





We' ve read how babies stare longer and cry less when held by pretty people, and heard tales of handsome children doing better in school, given special attention by their teachers. In life, as in love, beautiful people seem to have it awfully easy. But what if we told you that when it comes to online dating, good looks could actually hurt you?

According to a recent survey of 43,000 users by OK Cupid, an online dating site, the moremen disagree about a woman' s looks, the more they end up liking her. What does that mean for ladies looking for a match? " We now have mathematical evidence that minimizing your weaknesses' is the opposite of what you should do," says the site's co-founder, Christian Rudder. "If you' re a little fat, play it up. If you have a big nose, play it up. Statistically, the guys who don't like it can only help you, and the ones who do like it will be all the more excited. "

The results of this study end up highlighting an idea that recent scientific research does indeed support. Which is this: the beautiful may have it good, but online, as in work and life, women who are too attractive don't always have an advantage.

Beauty creates more competition--among women, taught they must out-look each other for men and jobs and everyday satisfaction; and among men, who are competing for the most attrac- tive prize. All of which might help explain why 47 percent of corporate recruiters believe it' s pos- sible for a woman to suffer for being "too good-looking" ; why attractive women tend to face heightened examination from their female peers; or, finally, why men on OK Cupid end up con- tacting women who may ultimately be less attractive--because it removes the opposition. "If you suspect other men are uninterested, it means less competition," explains Rudder. "You might start thinking: maybe she's lonely., maybe she's just waiting to find a guy who appreciates her. at least I won' t get lost in the crowd. "

In the end, being beautiful will always have its blessings--but sometimes, there' s more to an

advantage than meets the eye.

51. It is generally believed that beautiful people_______

A. have less difficult in life

B. are less worried about love

C. pay less attention to others

D. like to gaze at lovely babies

52. The OK Cupid survey found that men' s arguments over a woman' s looks

A. have little meaning

B. benefit online dating

C. will actually hurt her

D. add to her popularity

53. Christian Rudder advises women to_______

A. play up their physical advantages

B. view their popularity scientifically

C. highlight their physical weaknesses

D. accept guys who are willing to help

54. The attitude of women toward their attractive peers is_______

A. critical

B. friendly

C. conservative

D. straightforward

55. The main idea of the text is that a woman' s good looks_______

A. help to shape ideas of beauty

B. can put her at a disadvantage

C. end up with blessings for her

D. will always appeal to the eye



