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全球营销硕士Global Marketing专业介绍





The course stands out from other marketing degrees with its international focus, its emphasis on ethical and sustainable marketing and its formal links with industry



Career opportunities include职业机会包括

Brand specialist品牌专家

Brand activation品牌活化

Talent management trainee人才管理培训生

Web content specialistWeb内容专家

Executive assistant 行政助理

Marketing intern 市场营销实习生

Management trainee,管理培训生

PR and communications executive公关及公关主管



Global Marketing全球营销

International Business Strategy国际商务战略

Marketing Research and Analytics in a Global Environment全球环境下的市场研究和分析

Digital Marketing Strategy数字营销策略

Ethical Marketing and Sustainability 道德营销与可持续发展

Qualitative Research Methods定性研究方法

Brand Management品牌管理

Marketing Planning for Services服务营销策划




1、Global Marketing全球营销


explores the role of marketing in institutions operating internationally, focusing on institutions and industries where brands, distribution channels and other marketing tools are central in explaining growth, survival and global competitiveness. You'll discover how understanding buyer behaviour can help businesses create value for customers, and consider how marketing relates to other organisational functions.


2、International Business Strategy国际商务战略


Unpicks the ways in which firms in contrasting industries have developed and implemented international strategies. You'll cover some of the major issues and problems including key theories on foreign market entry, business strategy, organisational structure, and issues connected to global sourcing


3、Marketing Research and Analytics in a Global Environment全球环境下的市场研究和分析


Marketing Research and Analytics in a Global Environment examines the vital role of information and research in making marketing decisions. You'll learn how to collect and analyse market data, with a particular emphasis on research conducted across borders.


4、Digital Marketing Strategy数字营销策略


Digital Marketing Strategy introduces the new and emerging principles of digital marketing. You'll study cutting-edge theory based on current research and analyse the impact of new technologies on marketing practice in digital contexts


5、Ethical Marketing and Sustainability 道德营销与可持续发展


Ethical Marketing and Sustainability looks at social and ethical marketing from a global perspective. You'll consider rationales and methods for building long-term customer and stakeholder relationships based on economic, social and environmental value, managing organisational image and changing consumer behaviour. You’ll also address the challenges of marketing sustainability and ethics across national, linguistic and cultural borders


6、Qualitative Research Methods定性研究方法


explores the assumptions, advantages, merits and challenges of the different approaches to qualitative and multi-method research


7、Brand Management 品牌管理



Brand Management addresses the role of the brand from the perspective of the organisation and society. You'll learn to assess brand opportunities, to take and implement branding decisions, and to measure the effectiveness of brand strategies at the national and global level.


8、Marketing Planning for Services服务营销策划



be used for analysing, planning and implementing successful, sustainable marketing and service provision.

Marketing Planning for Services redefines marketing in terms of longer-term relationships. You'll consider how the various tools of marketing and management can be used for analysing, planning and implementing successful, sustainable marketing and service provision.

以上即是英国约克大学全球营销硕士Global Marketing专业具体内容;希望根据以上该专业的介绍,同学们能结合自身未来的发展方向,更快更好的选学校及专业!





