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英语(二)  试卷






3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号。使用0. 5毫来黑色字迹签宇笔作答。


第一部分   选择题



Farms Appear in Cities

     When you hear the word‘‘farm”, you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops.(1)But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities.

     It may be difficult to believe but in fact the technology for growing crops indoors already exists. Farming in the city is already happening. (2)Some vegetables are already grown in greenhouses. Even the scientists at the South Pole research station can enjoy fresh vegetables they grow in their own greenhouse.(3)

     Experts say indoor farming solves many problems.First, traditional farming takes up a lot of land. Growing crops in tall buildings-called vertical farming(垂直农业)can solve the problem.(4)Also, and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threats from insects and bad weather.(6)

Though vertical farms don't exist yet, experts have created a plan for recycling in

such farms. The water from indoor fish ponds would be used to water crops. Gases from crop waste would be used to heat the building. Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy.(7)

But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy.(8) They say it can be difficult to control climate conditions indoors. Besides, plants differ in their weather and lighting needs.(9) For example. Some plants like warm, sunny weather, but other plants prefer cooler temperatures.

That’s not to say these difficulties won’t be overcome—but it will take time. Most experts suggest it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created.(10)

1.The word “farm” may make you think of the countryside.

A.True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:根据第一段第一句 “When you hear the word “ farm”, you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops.”关键词“imagine the countryside”,可知看到农场这个词会想起乡村。

2. It is still a dream for people to grow crops indoors.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:第二段第一、二句“It may be difficult to believe but in fact the technology for growing crops indoors already exists. Farming in the city is already happening.”关键词“growing crops indoors already exists”室内作物种植已经出现,说明室内农场已成为现实,该题干表述有误。

3. Scientists at the South Pole research station live a hard life.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:通过关键词“South Pole research station”定位第二段最后一句“Even the scientists at the South Pole research station can enjoy fresh vegetables they grow in their own greenhouse.”并未提及在南极研究站的科学家们生活艰苦。

4. Vertical farming does not need as much land as traditional farming.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:第三段第二、三句“First, traditional farming takes up a lot of land. Growing crops in tall buildings-called vertical farming(垂直农业)can solve the problem.”关键词“land”传统农业种植需要许多土地,但是垂直农业能解决这个问题。所以题干正确。

5.Fresh fruits and vegetables are very expensive in cities.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:关键词“Fresh fruits”“expensive”查无此词。

6. Crops grown indoors would not be badly harmed by insects.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:第三段最后一句“Also, and vegetables grown indoors would not face serious threats from insects and bad weather.”室内农场不会面临严重的虫害和恶劣天气的威胁,题干表述正确。

7. Scientists do not know how to reuse the animal waste in vertical farms.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:倒数第三段最后一句“Waste from chicken or pigs would be reused as a source of energy.”关键词“Waste from chicken or pigs”可见科学家会将鸡和猪的排泄物用作能源,题干表述错误。

8. Some experts say vertical farming could be difficult.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:倒数第二段第一句“But experts believe vertical farming is not going to be easy.”关键词“not going to be easy”可见垂直农业并非易事,题干表述正确。

9. Indoor plants need the same weather and lighting.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:倒数第二段第三句“Besides, plants differ in their weather and lighting needs.”关键词“differ”可见不同植物对天气和光照的要求不同,题干表述正确。

10. The first vertical farms appeared 5 years ago.

A. True               B. False             C. Not Given


解析:文中出现过5年的句子是“Most experts suggest it may take about 5 to 15 years before the first vertical farms could be created.”科学家们认为要克服垂直农场的问题需要5到15年,可见现在垂直农场还未出现,但是题干说垂直农场已经出现,且是在5年前出现,所以题干表述错误。

二、 阅读选择(第11—15题,每题2分,共10分)


A Good Lesson

After living in Europe for seven years, my parents decided that my family would move to the United States. We all looked forward to this. What would people think of us? For me, I hoped to be the hero of the class.

I was not disappointed. All my classmates admired my experience, and I quickly became well known as “the French guy” .(1) I was very popular for a time. However, I was not interested in many things my classmates did, and it was hard for me to connect with them. I enjoyed listening to classical music, never watched TV, and almost never watched movies.

I did not have a common background with my friends because I grew up in Europe. I was a bit of an idiot to many people around me.(3)I kept talking proudly about my experience.And I thought myself better than those around me because I lived in Europe but they didn’t.(2)

I had decided I wanted better friends when my parents said that we were gong to move again! I saw this as a perfect chance to get better friends, where people did not know of my unkind past.

When we moved to California, I did not show off as I had done for five years.(4) I did not tell everyone that I lived in Europe. I till listened to classical music, but I just kept my music to myself. Sure enough, I found that people like someone who is not typical but does not boast about it.

Nothing can replace good friends, and if I had to control my temper and pride, it was well worth it.(5)

11. When I first moved to the US, I was very popular because of my_____.

    A. good appearance                   B. outstanding talents

    C. French accent                     D. overseas experiences


解析:第二段第二句“All my classmates admired my experience, and I quickly became well known as “the French guy”.”关键词“admired my experience”““the French guy””说明主人公因为从法国远道而来,有海外生活经历而备受欢迎。D正确。

12.I had few good friends partly because I________.

A. looked down upon my classmates        B. liked listening to classical music

C. never went to the movies               D. came from a very rich family


解析:根据第三段最后两句“I kept talking proudly about my experience.And I thought myself better than those around me because I lived in Europe but they didn’t.”关键词“talking proudly”“thought myself better than those around me”推测主人公过于骄傲自己在欧洲生活的经历,认为自己比别人更优越。推测这应该是他人缘较差的原因。

13. The phrase “an idiot” ( Line 3, Para. 3) most probably means_______.

A. an actor        B. a cheater        C. a fool        D. a loser


解析:第三段第一句“I did not have a common background with my friends because I grew up in Europe. I was a bit of an idiot to many people around me.”关键词“did not have a common background”主人公和美国同学没有共同的文化背景,所以显得很傻。“idiot”指傻子。

14. When we moved to California, I stopped________.

    A. boasting about my experience

    B. talking about people around me

    C. enjoying the classical music alone

D. making friends with my classmates


解析:倒数第二段第一句“When we moved to California, I did not show off as I had done for five years”关键词“show off”主人公去澳大利亚以后不再炫耀自己过去五年的经历。选项A中“boasting”意为自夸。

15. The writer would probably agree that__________.

A. good friends like to listen same kind of music

B. friends are more important than anything else

C. similar background is the key to friendship

D. a good friend never loses his/her temper


解析:最后一段“Nothing can replace good friends, and if I had to control my temper and pride, it was well worth it.”关键词“Nothing can replace good friends”作者认为好朋友无可替代,可以看出作者很珍视友谊。



    阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1) 从第16~20题所给的6个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择1个正确的小标题:(2) 从第21~25题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。将正确选项写到答题卡上。

Dormitory Life

①Living in a dormitory at college can be a great experience.(16)However, if you take no steps to make this experience positive, dormitory life can become a misery.(21)When you choose to live in a college dormitory, you will have a better chance to live a colorful and meaningful life. Meanwhile, you will have to give up many things as well.

② When you live in a dormitory, you can meet many people with different interests. (17)And you can enjoy the various services there. Both are very important to make you successful at college. But you may have to give up much of your personal space. You will share a room with someone else.(22) This means you need to make peace with the things and people around you.(17)

③ You will have to learn some important life skills.(18)For example, you will learn how to get along with people.(23) You will also lean to ignore things that you can’t change. But in the future. You will find these skills very helpful when you are working in the real world.(18)

④ When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus.(19)(24) If you have any school related problems, you have no difficulty finding someone to help, because the school hires people to help the students living there. 

⑤ Besides, living on campus means you don’t have to travel to and from school in rush hours.(20)(25)And you are more involved in campus life. For example, you can have a better chance to take part in the club activities and make your own contributions. If you want to live a rich campus life, living in a dormitory is your best choice.

Task 1

16.Paragraph ①:


解析:第一段“Living in a dormitory at college can be a great experience.”概括第一段的大致内容:大学宿舍生活可以很美好,也可能很糟糕。所以是对大学宿舍生活的引入,选E。

17.Paragraph ②:


解析:关键句“you can meet many people with different interests.”“you need to make peace with the things and people around you.”前者提到宿舍的优点是可以有找到有共同兴趣的朋友,后者提到宿舍的弊端是必须共享地盘。所以该段谈的宿舍的优缺点。

18.Paragraph ③:


解析:关键句“You will have to learn some important life skills.” “You will find these skills very helpful when you are working in the real world.”大学宿舍可以学到许多有用的技能,而他们可能会让你受用终身。关键词“You will have to learn some important life skills.”

19. Paragraph ④:


解析:关键句“When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus.”住宿可以获得许多校外人得不到的校园服务。

20.Paragraph ⑤:


解析:关键句“Besides, living on campus means you don’t have to travel to and from school in rush hours.”住宿的另一个优点是上学高峰时不需要长途奔波。提及的是宿舍的其他便利。

Task 2

21.If you make no effort, you will_____.


解析:第一段第二句“However, if you take no steps to make this experience positive, dormitory life can become a misery.”关键词“misery”不采取措施,大学生活会变得一团糟。

22. Dormitory life means________.


解析:第二段第二、三句“But you may have to give up much of your personal space. You will share a room with someone else.”关键词“give up much of your personal space”宿舍生活意味着一定程度的私人空间的放弃。

23. You need to master many skills like how to keep_______.


解析:第三段第二句“For example, you will learn how to get along with people.”宿舍生活可以教会人们如何与人相处。

24. Those who live off campus cannot use________.


解析:第四段第一句“When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus.”关键词“are not available to those who live off campus”不住校的人享受不了校园基础设施服务。

25. Living on campus can save you the trouble of_______.


解析:最后一段第一句“Besides, living on campus means you don’t have to travel to and from school in rush hours.”住宿避免了来回奔波。



Grandpa My Hero

 My grandfather had only one child and that was my mother. He always wanted a son but it never happened.   26 When my mom got pregnant, he thought he finally had a boy in the family, but it turned out that her first child was my older sister. When I was born, Grandpa was very happy.

    He was the first person to give me a baseball glove and to play baseball with me. My first glove was as small as my whole hand is now. When Grandpa gave me that glove, I was very excited.  27 It was my pride and joy.

  When I was five, I played on my first baseball team and Grandpa was the coach. He wanted me to play one position, but I wanted to play another.  28 I tried so hard that I made good progress. Grandpa was very proud of me. Ever since then, he has worked with me to make me a better player.

Grandpa has helped me become not only a better player, but a better person.  29  Today Grandpa does not play baseball with me so often, but he still comes to every practice and game.He sits and watches my practices through rain and shine. 30  I love him and hope he will be around for many more years to support me and baseball.



解析:根据26空前文“He always wanted a son but it never happened.”祖父很想要一个儿子,但事与愿违。推测后文可能要提及祖父喜欢儿子的原因。选B。



解析:27空前文“When Grandpa gave me that glove, I was very excited.”以及后文“It was my pride and joy.”可知小男孩非常喜欢祖父送他的手套。推测此处应该要描写小男孩高兴的心理活动和行为。



解析:根据28空前文“He wanted me to play one position, but I wanted to play another.”以及后文“I tried so hard that I made good progress.”推测这里即将讨论小男孩打篮球的站位问题。后文小男孩非常努力,可以推测祖父让他去了自己喜欢的位置。



解析:29空前文“Grandpa has helped me become not only a better player, but a better person.”推测这里要谈到祖父对小男孩人生观的影响。



解析:30空前文“He sits and watches my practices through rain and shine.”无论天晴下雨祖父都坐着看主人公练习篮球。此处更适合填入祖父与篮球队之间的关系,所以选E,排除F。



Protecting the Few

How we live our lives affects the environment. The environment is all the things around you. All across Earth, humans are    31  the environment in small and large ways.We cut down trees to build houses.We plow fields to   32  crops. We pour waste into rivers, lakes and oceans. We use larger nets and bigger boats to catch   33  numbers of fish.Activities like these affect plants and animals. They   34   affect things like the soil and water.

Sometimes our actions make the number of a   35  plant or animal get larger. For example, if you planted roses in your yard, there would be more roses in your area.

Our activities can also   36  to a smaller number of plants and animals. If a park were turned into an apartment building, what would happen to the plants and animals there? Well, they would   37  die or move to other    38  . There would be fewer plants and animals.

Pollution and other activities sometimes cause the number of a species(物种)to become so   39  that it cannot survive. A species that is in   40  of dying out is called an endangered (濒危的)species.



解析:原文“All across Earth, humans are    31  the environment in small and large ways.”表语不完整。与名词“environment”搭配的应该是动词,排除不是动词的选项。谓语动词用“are”后面接一种进行时态。所以此处填入changing。



解析:原文“We plow fields to   32  crops.” 不定式补语成分欠缺。应该填入动词“grow”搭配名词“crops”



解析:原文“We use larger nets and bigger boats to catch   33  numbers of fish.”




解析:原文“Activities like these affect plants and animals. They   34   affect things like the soil and water.”句子结构完整。前文提及活动影响动物植物,后文提及还影响土壤和水,所以空白处应该填入表示程度的副词。修饰动词“affect”用副词“also”。



解析:原文“Sometimes our actions make the number of a   35  plant or animal get larger.”修饰名词“plant”用形容词certain。让特定的植物和动物变大。



解析:原文“Our activities can also   36  to a smaller number of plants and animals.”can+动词原形。搭配lead to 导致,把……变成为。



解析:原文“Well, they would   37  die or they wouldmove to other    38  .”either or 句型,或者……或者……。



解析:原文“they wouldmove to other    38  .”other修饰名词,这里填入places。



解析:原文“Pollution and other activities sometimes cause the number of a species(物种)to become so   39  that it cannot survive.” so修饰形容词。根据“cannot survive”知空白处应填入small。



解析:原文“A species that is in   40  of dying out is called an endangered (濒危的)species.”in danger of 处于……危机中。



The Power of Language

Language is something that defines (define) us humans. When language is 41  (use) well, it can bring out very deep feelings in others, and encourage others to take 42  (act). Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring  43  (tear) to the eyes and move us deeply. When we use language to express our true feelings to someone, it can open and   44  (deep) the connection between us.Language is a very   45  (power) tool. How we use language shapes our world. How we use self-talk  46  (direct) shapes our experience of both ourselves and the world.How we deliver  47  (communicate) shapes the way the world  48  (respond) to us. We can use language more 49  (effective). And this clearly influences the health and power of our 50  (person) relationships and business relationships. 



解析:原文“When language is 41  (use) well”表语不完整。“language”与“use”




解析:原文“and encourage others to take 42  (act).”采取行动用take action。



解析:原文“Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring  43  (tear) to the eyes”,固定词组bring tears to one’s/the eyes,意为使……掉泪,因此用tears。



解析:原文“it can open and   44  (deep) the connection between us.”搭配名词“the connection”用动词。deep的动词形式是deepen。



解析:原文“Language is a very   45  (power) tool.”表语不完整。副词“very”修饰形容词,名词“tool”应用形容词修饰。所以power变形为powerful。



解析:原文“How we use self-talk  46  (direct) shapes our experience of both ourselves and the world.”这里“How we use self-talk”是整个句子的主语。“shapes”是句子的谓语。主谓宾结构已经完整。修饰动词“shapes”应用副词“directly”。



解析:原文“How we deliver  47  (communicate) shapes the way the world  48  (respond) to us.”与46题相似“How we deliver  47  ”是句中的主语。这里动词“deliver”应该搭配名词。communicate变形为communication。



解析:原文“How we deliver  47  (communicate) shapes the way the world  48  (respond) to us.”从句中“the world”是主语,“us”是宾语,谓语动词应该用第三人称单数“responds”。



解析:原文“We can use language more 49  (effective).”修饰动词“use”用副词effectively。



解析:原文“And this clearly influences the health and power of our 50  (person) relationships and business relationships.”修饰名词“relationships”用形容词personal。




某英文报纸正在举办题为“My Favorite Job”的征文活动。请就此题写一篇英文短文应征。内容包括以下两个方面:



My Favorite Job

My favorite job is to be a teacher. When I was a child, I think teacher is a great job. From the day that I sat in the class room and looked at the teacher, I wanted to be a teacher.

During all these years, I have never changed my idea. In my heart, standing on the platform is very cool. You will love your students and answer their questions. What’s more, you may be a good friend of your students. To be a teacher, you can keep a young heart for a long time. Because you stay with the young, and they will bring you something that you are missing.

To be a teacher is really a good thing and I love to be a teacher. If you also want to be a teacher, work hard and you will achieve it one day.






1. A          2. B           3. C           4. A            5. C

 6. A          7. B           8. A           9. B           10. B

第二部分:阅读选择 (第11~15题,每题2分,共10分)

11. D         12. A          13. C          14.A           15.B


16.E          17.F         18.A           19.D            20.B

21.C         22.B          23.F           24.D            25.E


26.B         27.A          28.D          29.C             30.E

第五部分:填词补文(第31~40题,每题1.5分,共1 5分)

31. A       32. B         33. E         34. H            35. G

36. C      37. D          38. F         39. J            40. L

第六部分:完形补文(第41~50题,每题1.5分,共1 5分)

41.used           42. action            43. tears           44. deepen

45. powerful       46. directly    47. communication         48. responds

49. effectively     50.personal












第一档  25—30分:圆满完成了试题规定的任务.

  ●  清楚地表达了全部内容要点。

  ●  运用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求。

  ●  语言运用较为:准确、恰当。

第二档  19—24分;完成了试题规定的任务。

●  清楚地表达了全部或关键内容要点。

●  运用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的基本要求,

●  语言运用基本率正确,虽有小错,但不影响理解。

第三档  13~18分;基本完成了试题规定的任务.

●  提及了关键内容要点(可能漏掉了个别内容)。

●  运用的语法结构和词汇满足任务的最低要求。

●  存在一些语言错误,但基本不影响理解。

第四档  7-12分:完成了—部分试题规定的任务.

●  遗漏或不能清楚表达内容要点。

●  语法结构和词汇的运用能力较差,

●  语言错误较多,部分错误影响理解.

第五挡  1-6分:未完成试题规定的任务。

●  明显遗漏内容要点.

●  语法结构和词汇的运用能力很差,

●  语言错误很多,严重影响理解。


