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全国2021年4月自考00522《英语国家概况》真题来源:诚为径教育   时间:2021年04月30日分享:









Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully.For each unfinishedstatement or question,four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given.Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on theANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 1 point each)

1. Which of the following cities is in Northern Ireland?A. London.

B. Edinburgh.

C. Belfast.

D. Cardiff.

2. As the first organization for modern football,____was founded in England in 1863.A. the Football Association

B. the Major League Soccer

C. the National Football League

D. the Gaelic Athletic Association

3. At__command, an English translation of the Bible for the Church of England was

completed and published in 1611.

A. James I's

B. Edward Iv's

c. Mary Tudor's

D. Henry VIII's

4. As one of the innovations in textiles,Edmund Cartwright's____(1784) eventually

enabled weaving to catch up with spinning.

A. flying shuttle

B. power loom

c. spinning jenny

D. water frame

5. In 1997 the Labour Party, led by

, returned to power in Britan.

A. Margaret Thatcher

B. Gordon Brown

c. David Cameron

D. Tony Blair

6. Pope Gregory 1 sent St.Augustine to England to convert the English to Christianity and

in 597 St.Augustine became _

A. King of Kent

B. the Head of the Privy Councilc. the first Archbishop of CanterburyD. the Prior of St Andrew's Monastery

7. After King Charles I's execution,_.._declared England a Commonwealth.A. Oliver Cromwell

B.George Monck

C. John Lilburne

D. King Charles II

8. At the end of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the US gained control over Puerto Rico


A. the Hawaiian Islands

B. the island of Guam

c. Panama

D. Alaska

9. Of the mainland states of the Us,_

is the largest in area.

A. Connecticut

B. California

c. Texas

D. Florida

10.The Pilgrims founded their settlement on the American continent at_._ in 1620.

A. Plymouth

B. Maryland

c. Georgia

D. Virginia

11. The ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty by the US marked the beginning of US

efforts in setting up a(n)___alliance against the Soviet Union and its allies.

A. political

B. cultural

c. economic

D. military

12.__________to the United States Constitution gave women the right to vote.

A. The Fifteenth Amendment

B.The Seventeenth Amendment

c. The Nineteenth Amendment

D. The Twenty-sixth Amendment

13. On April 30,1789,George Washington took the oath of office in_._ which housed the government.



c. Boston

D. New York

14. The Americans defeated the British troops at._ in 1777, which was a turmning point

of the American War of Independence.

A. Saratoga

B. Trenton

c. Jamestown

D. Lexington

15. The United States, the Soviet Union and Britain decided on the setting-up of__at

the Yalta summit in February 1945.

A. the United Nations

B. the World Trade Organization

c. the League of Nations

D. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

16.__ is known as the agricultural capital of the Us.

A. Chicago

B. Omaha

C. Detroit

D. St. Louis

17. Founded by .____, the Standard Oil Company dominated oil production in the Us.

A. John D. Rockefeller

B. the Duryea brothers

C. Andrew Carnegie

D. Henry Ford

18.__._ is the most populous region in Canada.

A. The Cordilleran Region

B. The Interior Plains

C. The Appalachian Region

D. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands

19.Captain Arthur Phillip was in charge of the First Fleet carrying marines, free settlers and

to Australia in the late 1780s.

A. convicts

B. slaves

C. tenants

D. serfs

20. Eucalyptus trees, which are often called___, are common in the highlands of the south and along the edges of the deserts in Australia.

A. laurels

B. gums

C. shrubs

D. palms

21. At_... Australian athletes won the most medals of any country in the world.

A. the 2000 Paralympic Games

B. the 2000 Summer Olympics

C. the 2004 Paralympic Games

D. the 2004 Summer Olympics

22. The "White Australia" policy was officially abandoned in —

A. 1891

B. 1920

C. 1922

D. 1973

23. In 1995, the Australia and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement

joined with___to promote trade and investment between the two areas.

A. the European Union

B. the North American Free Trade Area

C. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area

D. the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

24.The North Island and the South Island in New Zealand are separated by_________

A. the Tasman Sea

B. Cook Strait

C. Mount Ruapehu

D. the Antarctic Ocean

25.__constructed the world's first plant producing gasoline from natural gas.

A. Ireland

B. Canada

c. New Zealand

D. Australia

26. The film____, based on a novel by witi lhimaera, deals with issues of family, gender and cultural survival.

