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考官如果问家乡的话,一般会问:Could you please give me a brief introduction about your hometown?/What is your hometown like?/Can you describe your hometown?

该如何回答这类问题呢?很多同学当听到这个问题时,都会很高兴,同学们对于自己的家乡非常了解,所以会有很多话要说,以“西安”为例,同学们会这样表达:我的家乡位于陕西省西安市,历史悠久,有很多名胜古迹,其中最著名的就是秦始皇陵兵马俑。这里还有很多小吃,比如羊肉泡沫,牛肉泡沫等。然后就结束了。但是这样的介绍存在很大的问题。考官为什么会问这样的问题呢?比如西安,其实考官也知道西安有秦始皇陵兵马俑,有羊肉泡馍,所以老师不想同学们这样泛泛而谈,而是想让大家介绍自己家乡的独特特点。有一句著名的谚语—一方水土养育一方人,所以来自不同地方的人会有不同的特点,有不同的品性。比如山东曲阜,有孔府孔庙,所以来自这个地方的人,一般都尊师重道,热爱学习。山东枣庄是革命根据地,这个地方的人一般都吃苦耐劳,具有民族自豪感。广东福建地区是华侨聚居区,所以这个地方的人一般都具有吃苦耐劳和开拓进取精神。也就是同学们在介绍自己家乡的时候,可以先介绍家乡的位置,美丽的美景,但是更重要的是突出家乡的文化和历史对于自己的影响。所以当听到考官问这类问题时,应该先简单的介绍自己的家乡,也就是brief introduction,然后再说自己家乡的独特特征以及在这样的文化和历史熏陶之下,对自己产生的影响,即:unique features and influence on you。最后总结,表达自己对于家乡的热爱,也就是conclusion。刚才提到的是思路,到底应该如何用英文表达呢,这里结合一个范文来看一下具体的英文表达。

I am from Xi’an,the capital city of Shanxi province,which is considered as one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The more than 1100 years’ history of thirteen feudal dynasties,from the Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty,leaves the city abundant historical and cultural heritages.When yo step out of Xi’an railway station,the world-renowned city wall,built in Ming dynasty,will come your view.Walking around this city,you can feel its profound history everywhere.(总体简单介绍)

Qingqiang opera is quite popular in this area which is characterized by its straightforwardness and enthusiasm,so the people here are no exception.If you are in trouble,we will always come to help you as soon as possible.Besides good nature,we are strict with our work,persistently pursuing high quality.For example,the famous director,Zhang Yimou, attaches high importance to every detail of his works,including the theme,the actors and the frame.As a result,his works enjoy wide popularity and reputation.Growing up in such a beneficial environment ,gradually,I develop a spirit of integrity,diligence and earnestness.(独特特征及对自身的影响)

Last but not least,we are extremely hospitable and so welcome to Xi’an.(总结)

