首页 >  考研复试英文介绍家乡南昌  > 复试每日一题NO.1






大都市 metropolitan city

国际化的 cosmopolitan

摩天大楼 skyscraper

地标 landmark

海滨城市 coastal city


be famous for beautiful breaches and delicious seafood

波涛汹涌 roaring waves

海滨浴场 bathing beach

坐落于 be located/situated in

靠近 close to/near/next to

风景如画 picturesque landscape

城区 urban area

农村地区  rural area

郊区 outskirts/suburb

城市边缘地区 outskirt

农村 village

农场 farm


east and west, home is the best

村委会 village committees

农村 countryside

人口稠密的 densely-populated

人口稀少的 sparely-populated

快节奏的 fast-paced

工业的 industrial

农业的 agricultural

商业的 mercantile

文化的 cultural

工业化的 industrialized

商业城市 commercial city


     Harbin(哈尔滨)    ——the city of ice(冰城)

     Chongqing (重庆)   ——the city of fog(雾都)

     Nanjing (南京)     ——the city of stones(石头城)

     Guangzhou(广州)   ——the city of flowers(花城)

     Lhasa (拉萨)       ——the city of sunlight(日光城)

     Kunming (昆明)     ——the city of spring(春城)

     Beijing (北京)     ——the city of emperor(皇城)

     Kaifeng (开封)     ——the city of rivers(河城)

     Jinan (济南)       ——the city of springs(泉城)

    Qingdao (青岛)    ——the city of sea(海城)





 Would you please tell me something about your hometown?

 Where are you from?

Tell something about hometown / 城市名(eg:Chongqing)


How long have you lived there?

Can you give me a brief introduction of your hometown?


Thank you for your question. My hometown is ____, located in ____ province.Thats the place I was born and grew. I love my hometown, including its landscape, special food, and culture,efc.Firstly, there exist several famous scenic spots, such as ____.The most famous and attractive one is ____. Secondly. special food,such as ____ and ____, makes a large number of tourists mouth-watering every year. When it comes to my hometown every time, ____ (食物) will be the first thing that comes into peoples mind. Last but not least dwellers in my hometown are friendly and honest. When you havesomething in troubles, people are willing to help you without hesitation If you get a chance to come to my hometown, it's my pleasure to guide you.感谢老师的提问。我的家乡是____,位于____省。那是我出生和长大的地方。我爱我的家乡,包括它的环境,特产,文化等等。首先,那里有很多有名的景点,比如____。其中最有名、最吸引人的是____。再者,我们的特色食物,比如____和____,每年都有许多游客赞不绝口。每次一提到我的家乡,____都会第一个出现在人们的脑海里。最后,那里的人很友好、很诚实,当你有困难的时候,人们都很乐意帮助你。如果老师们有机会来我家乡,我很荣幸成为你们的导游。

I am from ____, a famous city with a long history over 2,200 years. xxx also has the honor of “____”.The city lies in the eastern / western / southern / northern part of ____ province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. Many celebrities were born here, for instance,____,____  and  ____. You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it. In addition, it is famous for ____. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.Thi is my beloved hometown.我来自一个有着2200多年历史的著名城市____。____(城市)也有着____的美誉。这座城市位于___省的东/西/南/北部。它是政治、经济和文化的中心。许多名人都出生在这里,如,___和___。你知道吗,有个成语是“人杰地灵”。我觉得这个城市确实是这样的。此外,它以___而闻名。海内外游客都感到在这里____沐浴非常舒适。这就是我心爱的家乡。
