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MBA/MEM/MPA考研复试 | 自我介绍模板




二、各方面详细情况的自我介绍(Q&A 老师提问自己回答)




框架完整:从开头的客套,关于个人情况的各方面介绍,到最后的简单收尾都需要仔细的设计。而要做到框架完整,关键在于时间的把控。整体的自我介绍时间应该尽量控制在 1 分半以内,这样才可能把自己想说的话、准备的话全部按照框架说完。



如:Good afternoon/morning! Dear professors.


a. 姓名和年龄。

如:My name is __姓名__. I’m __年龄__ years old.

b. 原来的院校和专业;所在的公司和职位。(应届考生要将原来院校的英文名称和所学专业的英文名称弄清楚,在职考生要将自己的公司名称及自己的职位名称准确表达出来。)

如:I will graduate from __院校

__ this year, majoring in__专业__. / After my graduation, I worked as a __职位__ in __公司__ for 2 years,taking charge of __岗位职责__.

c. 对某个研究领域的兴趣,研究现状(表达一定要谦虚)。

如:During my undergraduate study, my interest mainly focuses on__研究领域__.

d. 对于应届考生,可以强调自己参加过的学术培训。

如:I have received some academic training these years. First, I have read some classic works of __专业领域__. Second, I have participated in some academic courses and research projects of my major __专业领域__, for instance, __学术课程或研究项目__(说明名称和时间).

e. 对于在职考生或有工作经验的考生,可介绍自己的工作成果和成绩。

如:As the assistant to the General Manger of __ Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.

f. 表达自己的志向,突出对学术研究的追求。

如:Out of my great interest in __专业名称__ and my strong desire for further academic study, I sincerely hope to pursue my graduate degree in __院校名称__.


That’s all! Thanks for your listening.

范文 一(应届考生)

Good afternoon/morning! Dear professors.

My name is __姓名__. I’m __年龄__ years old. I will graduate from __院校__ this year, majoring in__专业__. During my undergraduate study, my interest mainly focuses on__研究领域__. However, because of my insufficient theory and research, accumulating theory knowledge and experience is the primary purpose for me. I have received some academic training these years. First, I have read some classic works of __专业领域__, such as __著作名称__. Second, I have participated in some academic courses and research projects of my major __专业领域_, for instance, __学术课程或研究项目__(说明名称和时间). After getting some experience of academic activities in __院校名称__, I was deeply attracted by some research subjects of my major. Thus, out of my great interest in our major and my strong desire for further academic study, I sincerely hope to pursue a graduate degree in __院校名称__.

That’s all! Thanks for your listening.


我的名字是__。我__岁。今年我将毕业于__,主修__。在我的本科学习期间,我的兴趣主要集中在__。然而,由于我的理论和研究不足,积累理论知识和经验是我的首要目的。这些年来,我接受了一些学术培训。首先,我读了一些__,例如__。第二,我参加了本专业的一些学术课程和研究项目__,例如__。在__获得了一些学术活动的经验之后, 我被我专业的一些研究课题深深吸引了。因此,出于我对我们专业的极大兴趣和对进一步学术研究的强烈愿望,我真诚地希望在__获得研究生学位。


范文二 (往届考生或在职)

Good afternoon/morning! Dear professors.

My name is __姓名__. I’m __年龄__ years old. After my graduation, I worked as a __职位__ in __公司__for 2 years, taking charge of __岗位职责__. As the assistant to the General Manger of __公司名称_ Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation(工作成绩). Even though I have finished the undergraduate degree and worked several years, it is still necessary for me to accumulate more theoretical knowledge and experience. Meanwhile, __院校名称__ enjoys high status in this field, and our outstanding professors have also made great achievements. So I decided to continue to study this major in __院校名称__, and I believe I can make more progress here.

That’s all! Thanks for your listening.


我的名字是__. 我__ 岁。毕业后,我在__ 中做__两年,负责__。作为__ 公司总经理的助理,我帮助公司谈判了一笔20万美元的交易。尽管我已经完成了本科学位并工作了几年,但我仍然需要积累
