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One's deceased father grind second-round exam experience sharing

复试将至,不少考研er可能会担心这样的问题:“专业课面试时,如果导师问的问题是我不了解的专业内容,怎么办?”这几乎可以说是所有人都会遇到的问题,因为没有谁敢拍胸脯保证老师问的问题都会(如果是这样,恐怕老师们也会惊呆的:你是“开挂”了吧 )。

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In my view, I’m a pragmatic person,willing to focus on the current thing and optimize it. Recalling my undergraduate times when I was making some videos or news programs, I would always amend them for many times until I’m totally satisfied. I can bear hardships and cooperate well with other people, with all the makings of awell-done job.This may be trained by the teamwork and practice inside and outside the campus.在我眼中,自己还是一个务实的人吧,愿意专注于当下的事并努力做到最好。回想起我在本科阶段拍片子和做新闻节目的那些时刻,我总是会努力修改很多次直到完全满意为止。我能克服困难并且进行团队合作,尽最大可能做好一件事情。这可能也是被校内外的各种团队合作和实践任务训练出来了吧。

Nobody is perfect.I can never eschew my shortcomings. As a matter of fact, I‘m not good at time management, which may result from my insistence on one thing,I guess.Sometimes,when I’m immersed in my task,I will not stop it until it has been completed. As a result, my schedule is often tight, sometimes losing balance between life and study. I am trying hard to get over with this and act myself decisively and effectively.人无完人。我也不能逃避自己的缺点。实际上,我不是很擅长时间管理,这可能是由于我总是比较执着于一件事吧。有时候,当我沉浸在工作任务中,没做完我就停不下来。因此,我的时间安排总是很紧张,有时候甚至丢失掉了学习和生活的平衡。我在努力改进这一点,努力让自己更加果断有效率。

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One's deceased father grind second-round exam experience sharing
