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【英美文学考研】极简美国文学史 011

Chapter 21   American Drama


1916  Started in the year 1916 when Eugene O’Neil’s first play

1920s  Many writers worked hard in the 19th century to build the foundation of the the renaissance of drama in 1920s.

In 1920s, there were a Renaissance of Drama.

1930s  In 1930s, drama also paid much attention to social concern.

1945  In 1945, The Glass Menagerie of Tennessee Williams appeared

Marked the American drama entered the age of maturity

1950s  In 1950s, came a temporary decline

1960s  In 1960s, Broadway became a new drama center. Later appeared the Off-Broadway, Off-Off-Broadway drama.

American theatre entered a new Era and the main feature is diversity.


3. Eugene O’Neil (1888 ~ 1953)               


The American Shakespeare

The greatest American Playwright

He marked the coming of American Theatre modernization

He won the Pulitzer Price and the Noel Prize

Artistic Characteristics

- an experimentalist in drama

Liberated drama from the traditional shackles of the 19th centuryand made it deeply rooted in real life

- the first one to introduce realism or even naturalism into the American theatre

-His writing style is known for its diversity and proficiency

- he borrowed from the best traditions of European drama,

He also borrowed techniques from the modernist literary trend to better reveal the emotional and psychological complexities of modern people.

-He paid much attention to the use of settings and stage property.


Major Works

Bound East for Cardiff            《东航卡迪夫》

Beyond the Horizon                  《天边外》

The Emperor Jones                  《琼斯皇帝》

Anna Christie                         《安娜克里斯蒂》

The Hairy Ape                              《毛猿》

Desire under the Elms           《榆树下的欲望》

All God’s Chillun God Wings                 


The Great God Brown                《大神布朗》

Lazarus Laughed                     《拉萨路笑了》

Strange Interlude                     《奇异的插曲》

Marco Millions                            《马可百万》

Dynamo                                        《发电机》

Morning Becomes Electra            《悲悼》

Ah, Wilderness                            《啊,荒野》

Days without End                  《日子没有尽头》

The Iceman cometh               《送冰的人来了》

Long Day’s Journey into Night               


A Moon For the Misbegotten                    


A Touch of the Poet                            



4. Elmer Rice (1892 ~ 1967)                   


The Adding Calculator            《计算器》

On Trail                                      《审判》

Street Scene                              《街景》

Left Bank                                    《左岸》

Judgment Day                         《审判日》

Dream Girl                              《梦幻女孩》

The Grand Tour                          《周游》

The Winner                              《获胜者》

A Voyage Purilia                     《小溪之旅》


5. Susan Glaspell (1882 ~ 1948)               


The Verge                                   《边缘》

Alison’s House                      《爱丽森之家》

Fidelity                                     《忠贞不贰》

The Morning is Near Us                   


Trifles                                         《琐事》


6. Clifford Odets (1906 ~ 1963)             


Waiting For Lefty                    《等待老左》

Till the Day I Die                  《到我死亡之时》

Paradise Lost                             《失乐园》

Awake and Sing!                    《觉醒而唱歌》

I Can’t Sleep                             《我睡不着》

Golden Boy                                《金孩子》

Rocket to the Moon                《飞往月球》

Night Music                           《夜里的音乐》

Clash by Night                           《夜冲突》

The Big Knife                              《大刀》


7. Tennessee Williams (1911 ~ 1983)           


One of the greatest American playwrights

His The Glass Menagerie won him international recognition

He is also a novelist and poet

He wrote a novel, two volumes of poetry, and six volumes of prose, including three collections of short story

Major Works

American Blues                       《美国布鲁斯》

Battle of Angels                       《天使之战》

A Streetcar Named Desire                     


Summer and Smoke                《夏日烟云》

The Rose Tattoo                      《玫瑰纹身》

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof       《铁皮屋顶上的猫》

Suddenly Last Summer         《夏天的突变》

Sweet Bird of Youth           《可爱的青春小鸟》

Period of Adjustment              《调整时期》

Night of the Iguana                 《鬣蜥之夜》

The Milk Train Does Not Stop Here Anymore  


Red Battery Sign                《红色的炮台信号》

Vieux Carre                            《维厄·卡雷》

The Glass Menagerie            《玻璃动物园》


8. Arthur Miller (1915 ~ 2005)       阿瑟·米勒

A great playwright in the 1940s

An Ibsenian Playwright

A genius playwright

Won the Tony Prize and the Pulitzer Prize

A friend of a Chinese people


- the plight of modern people in family and work

- the protagonist often find himself under a pressure from his society and moral norms.

-In his works, his protagonists always struggled hard but found anything futile, only suicide, either mentally or physically, can save himself.

-Either he submits to the impossible demands of society, or he rejects them, He dies in either case.

- However, he was not that pessimistic. Hope still can be find in his work.


Major Works

The Man Who Had All the Luck                   


All My Sons                                   


Death of a Salesmen                             


The Crucible                                      


A View from the Bridge                           


Collected Plays                                   


After the Fall                                    


Incident at Vicky                                 


The Price                                         


The Creation of the World and Other Business


The Archbishop’s Ceiling                   


The Last Yankee                          


Broken Glasses                             



9. Edward Albee (1928 ~)         爱德华·阿尔比

The Theatre of the Absurd (1950s ~ 1960s)    荒诞派戏剧

- the theatre of absurd refers to those plays focusing on the theme such as the meaninglessness of life with its pain and sufferings that looks ridiculous

- Samuel Becket’s Waiting for Godot & Endgame

- Author of these work tries to force the audience to face up the human condition as it is, instead of making false depictions in order to satisfy the needs of the public.


Literary Feature

- His work seems to only focus on the one problem only, namely, the absurdity of human life based on a fragile illusion and spiritual emptiness.


Major Works

The Zoo Story                            


The Death of Bessie Smith                 


The Sandbox                                


The American Dream                         


Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf         


The Ballad of the Sad Cafe                 


A Delicate Balance                          


Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung  


All Over                                  




The Lady from Dubuque                      


The Man Who Had 3 Arms                       


Three Tall Woman                          



10. Sam Shepard (1943 ~)        塞姆·谢泼德

One of the eminent playwrights that have impacted contemporary American theatre

Major Works

Buried Child                      《被埋葬的孩子》

Fool for Love                        《爱情傻瓜》

A Lie of the Mind                   《心之谎》

Paris, Texas                           《德州巴黎》



11. David Mamet (1947 ~)         大卫·马麦特

One of the eminent playwrights that have impacted contemporary American theatre

Major Works

House of Games                       


Sexual Perversity in Chicago


American Buffalo                               


Glengarry Glen Ross                             


The Woods                                      


The Shawl                                      


Speed the Plow                                  

