首页 >  硕士论文审稿人怎么知道数据真实性  > 审稿人说我的western条带是拼凑的,我该怎么回答啊?


如题,论文投了快2年,被拒了无数次,已经延期一年毕业了,这次总算有些希望,不过对于审稿人提的这个问题真的不知道该怎么回答了,请高人帮忙想想怎么回答才好啊!审稿人的问题是这样说的:“gapdh looks like choped from some other gel which is broken into half”.GAPDH.jpg我这么回答可以吗? We promise that the GAPDH was not choped from some other gel, but the blotting does looks like very good. Unfortunately, the original scan of GAPDH was lost because of computer problems. Therefore, I am so sorry that we are unable to provide sufficient evidence to substantiate our GAPDH result. In our experiments, we have detected the GAPDH by Western blotting for many times, so we chose another GAPDH in the Figure6C (equivalently the Fig4C of old version). 求各位帮忙下哦,多谢多谢 返回小木虫查看
