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国民经济学(国际学生 英文授课)硕士研究生培养方案

1.对中国的认识和理解(Knowledge and understanding of China)


International   students should be familiar with the basic knowledge of China's national   conditions and culture such as Chinese history, geography, society, and   economy, understand China's political system and foreign policy, understand   the mainstream values of Chinese society and public morality, and form a good   concept of the rule of law and moral awareness.

2.跨文化和全球胜任力(Cross-cultural and global competencies)


International   students should have the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills to   embrace, recognize and adapt to cultural diversity, and be able to function   in mutual respect, understanding and solidarity among different peoples,   societies and nations.International students should have a good international   perspective in this subject area, be able to apply and develop the knowledge,   skills and methods of this subject in the actual environment of many   countries, and have the ability to participate in international affairs and   international competition.

3.汉语水平(Chinese language proficiency)


International   students should be able to successfully use English to complete the study and   research tasks of the discipline and major, and have the ability to use   English to engage in the relevant work of the major; their Chinese   proficiency should at least reach Level 3 of HSK when they graduate.


This major aims to cultivate good   ideological and political quality and academic professional ethics, have a   solid theoretical foundation, systematically master and proficiently use the   relevant methods and skills of economics, be proficient in a foreign   language, and have strong innovation and entrepreneurship ability and   application. Research ability, able to be competent for high-level   professionals in enterprises and institutions such as financial enterprises   and comprehensive economic management departments, as well as in teaching and   research-related industries.
