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关于”学位对于工作优势“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The advantage of degree to work。以下是关于学位对于工作优势雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantage of degree to work

Looking for a job or a 's degree I think this peod of time, looking for a job or a 's degree, choosing a 's degree, if you have time to study something, try to learn some higher degree can you find a better job in the fute. I read in the newspaper that it's a bit difficult to find a good job in five years, so if you have time, just study, but you have to find a good school, a good one A good club will you find a good job in the fute. I mean, when you choose a club, you should consider what kind of club can you find a good job.

You can make a lot of money instead of working hard.




In this competitive society, employment expeence and ch information have become an important feate of ordinary students in the fute. It seems that not many people with high school diploma should apply for jobs or travel before enteng university. The above view is correct.

This paper will summaze three reasons, the main reason is that students' learning will be delayed, which is not conducive to students' academic knowledge can not be impved in this special peod. If they can not study hard and get a better fute, they will lose their better learning and memory.




Wte down the following topic: many people say the only way to ense a good job is to complete a college education pgram. Others claim it's best to start working after school and gain expeence at work. Do you agree with or disagree with the above views? Model answer: maybe that's ght.

Most people think that a university degree is the only way to get a good job. I think it's true in some fields, while in other fields, a degree is not so useful in the beginning. Many people have the ambition to become a qualified pfessional.

No dou, to be a doctor or lawyer, there is only one Another advantage of a degree is that when you choose a job, it gives you choices. Most employers will be impressed with a candidate with a degree than a person with only a high school degree, bee it shows a certain ll of intelligence and education. On the other hand, the commitment and self-discipline required to study a three-to-fo-year degree pgram may have some benefits, especially if you choose a field that does not usually require a university Education, which will apply to people who want to be to mechani or fashion desiers, for example, they don't necessaly get anything fm college - the practical expeence you've gained at work, while others are psuing degrees.

You're a clear advantage. I once read about a man who left school at 16 and later became a wealthy and succesul investment bker He claims that he has learned all the knowledge he needs to know by working in his chosen field, and he can do a good job without going to university. I have said that some pfessions, such as the law, require you to have a degree, and as mentioned above, a university degree may open doors when looking for a job.


