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[1]  Mingyao Qi, Ruiwei Jiang, Siqian Shen*. Sequential Competitive Facility Location: Exact and Approximate Algorithms, Operations Research, 2024, 72(1), 300-316.

[2]  Xin Wang, Ruiwei Jiang, Mingyao Qi*. A Robust Optimization Problem for Drone-based Equitable Pandemic Vaccine Distribution with Uncertain Supply. Omega, 2023, 119, 102872.

[3]  Mingyao Qi*, Xinru Hao, Meng Yuan. An Optimal Layout Pattern-Based Solution Approach to the Extended Machine Layout Problem With Multirow Multicolumn Structure, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022,20(2), 1408-1428.

[4]  Jing He, Xinglu Liu, Qiyao Duan, Wai Kin Victor Chan, Mingyao Qi*. Reinforcement learning for multi-item retrieval in the puzzle-based storage system. European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 305 (2), 820-837.

[5]  Shijia Hua, Wenjia Zeng, Xinglu Liu, Mingyao Qi*. Optimality-guaranteed algorithms on the dynamic shared-taxi problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 164, 102809.

[6]  Bingqian Wang, Xiuqing Yang, Mingyao Qi*. Order and rack sequencing in a robotic mobile fulfillment system with multiple picking stations. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2022, 1-39.

[7]  Yongsen Zang, Meiqin Wang, Mingyao Qi*. A column generation tailored to electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear battery depreciation. Computers & Operations Research, 137(2022): 105527.

[8]  Xiaowen Li, Xiuqing Yang, Canrong Zhang, Mingyao Qi*. A simulation study on the robotic mobile fulfillment system in high-density storage warehouses. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 112 (2021): 102366.

[9]  Guofang Duan, Canrong Zhang, Priscila Gonzalez, Mingyao Qi. Performance evaluation for Robotic Mobile Fulillment Systems with time-varying arrivals. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 158 (2021): 107365.

[10]  Zujian Wang, Mingyao Qi*. Robust service network design under demand uncertainty. Transportation Science, 2020, 54 (3), 676-689.

[11] Zujian Wang, Mingyao Qi*, Chun Cheng, Canrong Zhang. A hybrid algorithm for large-scale service network design considering a heterogeneous fleet. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276(2): 483-494.

[12]  Chun Cheng, Mingyao Qi*, Ying Zhang, Louis-Martin Rousseau. A Two-Stage Robust Approach for the Reliable Logistics Network Design Problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018, 111(2018):185-202.

[13]  Mingyao Qi, Xiaowen Li, Xuejun Yan, Canrong Zhang*. On the evaluation of AGVS-based warehouse operation performance. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2018, 87(2018):379-394.

[14]  Mingyao Qi*, Mingfei Xia, Ying Zhang, Lixin Miao. Competitive facility location problem with foresight considering service distance limitations. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 112:483-491.

[15]  Chun Cheng, Peng Yang, Mingyao Qi*, Louis-Martin Rousseau. Modeling a green inventory routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2017, 97:97-112.

[16]  Chun Cheng, Mingyao Qi*, Xingyi Wang, Ying Zhang. Multi-period inventory routing problem under carbon emission regulations. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 182: 263-275.

[17]  Mingyao Qi*, Cheng Peng, Xiaoyu Huang. A General Metaheuristic Algorithm for a Set of Rich Vehicle Routing Problems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2016, 2548: 97-106.

[18]  Ying Zhang, Lawrence V. Snyder, Mingyao Qi, Lixin Miao*. A Heterogeneous Reliable Location Model with Risk Pooling under Supply Disruptions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,83 (2016) 151–178.

[19]  Ying Zhang, Mingyao Qi*, Wei-Hua Lin, Lixin Miao. A metaheuristic approach to the reliable location routing problem under disruptions. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2015, 83:90-110.

[20]  Ying Zhang, Mingyao Qi*, Lixin Miao, Erchao Liu. Hybrid metaheuristic solutions to inventory location routing problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014, 70:305-323

[21]  Mingyao Qi,Wei-Hua Lin*, Nan Li, Lixin Miao. A Spatiotemporal Partitioning Approach for Large-scale Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2012, 48:248-257.

[22]  吴国涛,戚铭尧,张莹,陈吉. 考虑成本上涨的多商品流问题. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,21(12) : 3330-3335.

[23]  戚铭尧,吴涛,张新. 车辆路径问题:从时间地理学的视角. 地球信息科学, 2015, 17(1) : 1-9.

[24]  张莹,刘二超,戚铭尧. 考虑支撑面约束的三维装箱问题快速求解方法. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2014, 14(2): 192-198.     
