





主要从事深度学习算法,风电设备智慧运维,振动控制,结构健康监测等方向的研究。在结构振动控制,基于贝叶斯理论的算法开发,信号处理以及算法实现方面具有丰富经验。在EngineeringStructures、StructuralControl and Health Monitoring等国际权威SCI期刊中发表论文7篇。现担任EngineeringStructures,StructuralControl and Health Monitoring,InternationalJournal of Structural Stability andDynamics等SCI期刊审稿人。曾获香港工程师学会(HKIE)“2019年结构优秀表彰奖”及第二十届香港理论与应用力学学会年会及第十二届上海-香港力学及其应用论坛‘最佳学术报告奖’。


1.LAM, H.F., Hu, J., Zhang, F.L., & Ni, Y.C. (2019). Markov chainMonte Carlo-based Bayesian model updating of a sailboat-shapedbuilding using a parallel technique, Engineering Structures, 193,12-27.

2.LAM, H.F., Hu, J., & ADEAGBO, M.O. (2019). Bayesian modelupdating of a 20-story office building utilizing operational modalanalysis results, Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(16),3385-3394.

3.Hu, J., Lam, H. F., & Yang, J. H. (2018). Operational modalidentification and finite element model updating of a coupledbuilding following Bayesian approach, Structural control and healthmonitoring, 25(2).

4.Hu, J., Yang, J. H. (2018). Operational modal analysis and Bayesianmodel updating of a coupled building, International Journal ofStructural Stability and Dynamics, 1940012.

5.Lam, H. F., Hu, J., & Yang, J. H. (2017). Bayesian operationalmodal analysis and Markov chain Monte Carlo-based model updating of afactory building. Engineering Structures, 132, 314-336.

6.Lam, H. F., Zhang, F. L., Ni, Y. C., & Hu, J. (2017). Operationalmodal identification of a boat-shaped building by a Bayesianapproach. Engineering Structures, 138, 381-393.

7.Yang, J., Lam, H. F., & Hu, J. (2015). Ambient Vibration Test,Modal identification and structural model updating following Bayesianframework. International Journal of Structural Stability andDynamics, 1540024.

8.Hu, J., Lam, H.F., & Chung, K.F. (2019). Operational ModalAnalysis and Bayesian Model Updating of a Standing Seam Metal RoofingSystem. International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering,3(1), 4-19.


