

(1) Guanghu Zhu, Min Kang, Xueli Wei, et al. Different intervention strategies toward live poultry markets against avian influenza A (H7N9) virus: Model-based assessment. Environmental Research, 2020, 110465.

(2) Guanghu Zhu, Jianpeng Xiao, Tao Liu, et al. Spatiotemporal analysis of the dengue outbreak in Guangdong Province, China BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 2019: 493.

(3) Guanghu Zhu, Sixing Chen, Benyun Shi,et al. Dynamics of echinococcosis transmission among multiple species and a case study in Xinjiang, China, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019, 127, 103-109

(4) Guanghu Zhu, Tao Liu, Jianpeng Xiao, et al. Effects of human mobility, temperature and mosquito control on the spatiotemporal transmission of dengue. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 969-978.

(5) Guanghu Zhu, Jianpeng Xiao, Bing Zhang, et al. The spatiotemporal transmission of dengue and its driving mechanism: A case study on the 2014 dengue outbreak in Guangdong, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018,622:252-259.

(6) Tao Liu#,, Guanghu Zhu#,, Jifeng He, et al. Early rigorous control interventions can largely reduce dengue outbreak magnitude: experience from Chaozhou, China. BMC Public Health, 2018, 18(1):90.

(7) Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Xinchu Fu, Effects of active links on epidemic transmission over social networks. Physica A, 2017, 468:614-621.

(8) Zhihao Li, Tao Liu, Guanghu Zhu, et al. Dengue Baidu Search Index data can improve the prediction of local dengue epidemic: A case study in Guangzhou, China. Plos Neglect Tropical Diseases, 2017, 11(3):e0005354.

(9) Guanghu Zhu, Jiming Liu, Qi Tan, et al. Inferring the Spatio-temporal Patterns of Dengue Transmission from Surveillance Data in Guangzhou, China. Plos Neglect Tropical Diseases, 2016, 10: e0004633.

(10) Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Qinggan Tang, Kezan Li, Mean-field modeling approach for understanding epidemic dynamics in interconnected networks, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2015, 80:117-124.

(11) Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Haifeng Zhang, Xinchu Fu , Propagation dynamics of an epidemic model with infective media connecting two separated networks of populations, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2015, 20:240-249.

(12) Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Xin-Jian Xu, Xinchu Fu, Epidemic spreading on contact networks with adaptive weights, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013, 317: 133-139.

(13) Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Guanrong Chen, Spreading dynamics and global stability of a generalized epidemic model on complex heterogeneous networks, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(12): 5808-5817.

(14) Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Guanrong Chen, Global attractivity of a network-based epidemic SIS model with nonlinear infectivity, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2012, 17(6): 2588-2594.

(15) 周飘飘,祝光湖*.禽流感H7N9传播模型的动力学分析[J].应用数学和力学,2019,40(03):311-320.

(16) 郑国庆,唐清干,祝光湖*.带接种免疫的网络传染病的有效度模型[J].数学的实践与认识,2015,(15):315-322.

(17) 郑国庆,唐清干,祝光湖*.两层星型网络上的传染病建模和控制[J].复杂系统与复杂性科学,2017,14(04):51-57.

(18) 刘涛,祝光湖,张兵,等. 我国活禽交易市场休市对人感染H7N9禽流感流行的影响[J]. 中华流行病学杂志, 2017, 38(12):1716-1718.

(19) 周峰,祝光湖,唐甜.年龄结构、接触模式和接种对手足口病传播机制的影响[J].应用数学和力学,2020,41(05):557-567.

(20) 赵建国,贾巧娟,王丽莹,马文军,肖建鹏,祝光湖*.气象因素对登革热传播影响的研究进展[J].现代预防医学,2020,47(22):4185-4189.
