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期末的英文:end of the termterminalfinal

参考例句:We all knuckle down to study just before final exam.就在期末考前,我们开始埋头苦读。Closing stock [livestock]: Number of animals held at the end of an accounting period.期末存栏数[牲畜]:指一个会计期末牲畜的数量。Our money will last to the end of the summer vacation.我们的钱够用到暑期末。Lynn is now bending her concentration on the term paper. 琳正专注于完成期末报告。 The students did some marvellous impressions of the teachers at the end-of-term party.在期末联欢会上,学生模仿教师惟妙惟肖令人捧腹。He will leave at the end of term to wit 30 July.他要在期末离开,也就是7月30日。Making end-of-period adjusting entries, journalizing and posting them in ledger accounts.作期末调整分录,记入日记账并过入分类账。Note that the makeup exam grade will supersede the previous final course grade.补考后之学期成绩计算方式亦同,惟系以补考成绩代替期末考试成绩。 Such unrecorded revenue is recorded by making an adjusting entry at the end of the period.此类未记录的收入在会计期末要作调整分录加以记录。Such unrecorded expenses are recorded by an adjusting entry.此类未记录的费用在会计期末要作调整分录加以记录。end是什么意思:n. 最后部分,末端,尽头;终止;结局;死亡;目的;一端,一方;部分v. 结束,终止adj. 最后的,最终的Is the conference ended?会谈结束了吗?To join or be joined end to end;abut.首尾相连在末端相连或毗连;邻接 Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free.将这一端系在柱子上,让另一端松开著。 term是什么意思:n. 期,期限;学期;任期;条款;项;条;术语v. 把…称为,把…叫做It is a contradiction in terms.这在措词上是自相矛盾的。Hip is short term and earnest is long term. 时髦是短暂的,真诚是长远的。extreme term of proportion比例外项 terminal是什么意思:n. 终点站,终端adj. 末端的,晚期的,临终的,不可救药的terminal airport终点航空站 termination indemnity解雇补偿金 termination of pregnancy终止妊娠;妊娠终止


