首页 >  新疆英语中考试题  > 2020年新疆卷中考英语听力真题(附试题答案)





              2.满分150分(含听カ30分)。考试时间 120分钟。

第1卷(选择题,满分 100分)

第一部分 听力测试(满分 30分)


A.听音选图(本題共5 小題,每小题1分;共计5分)


B. 情景反应(本題共5 小题,每小题1分,共计 5 分)



A. She is my sister.

B. Yes, she is. 

C. She's not


A. Here you are.

B. No, it isn't.

C. It's a car.


A. Thanks a lot. 

B. See you.

C. Never mind


A. All right.

B. That's OK. 

C. I’ll have a new job.


A. Good idea.

B. Not bad.  

C. My pleasure.

C.对话理解(本題共5 小题,每小题2分,共计 10分)


11. What does Erie's father look like?

A. He's short.

B. He's tall. 

C. He's kind.

12, Does the boy like the book?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn't.

C: He buys it.

13. Where are the two speakers?

A. In a park.

B. In a museum.

C. In a restaurant.

14. Which T-shirt will the man buy?

A. The blue one.

B. The black one

C. The white one.

15. How old is Nick?

A. Sixty.

B. Six.

C. Sixteen.

D.短文理解(本題共5 小题,每小题2分,共计 10分)


16. Which city did Marcus visit in China?

A. Guangzhou.

B. Chengdu.

C. Xiamen.

17. What did Marcus think of the food?

A. Bad. 

B. Awful.

C. Very nice.

18. Marcus met many ______in China.

A. new friends

 B. doctors

C. workers

19. Many people in the city could speak ______English.

A. much 

B. a little 

C. lots of

20. Marcus will try his best to learn ______.

A. cooking

B. kung fu

C. Chinese


A.听音选图(本題共5 小題,每小题1分;共计5分)


1.I can play the guitar ,and I want to join the music club.

2.Allen has a score ball,and he like playing scores.

3.Bad luck ,I lose my key, and I can’t open the door.

4.Look,that giraffe is so beautiful.

5.Linda usually gets up at 8:00 in the morning.

B.情景反应(本題共5 小题,每小题1分,共计 5 分)

6.Who is that girl?

7.Is the radio station far from here?

8.Edmund ,you look cool with that hat.

9.Why are you so happy today?

10.Hi,Tim how is everything going?

C.对话理解(本題共5 小题,每小题2分,共计 10分)

11.Erie takes after his father

Yes,they are both tall and outgoing.

12.The book 《Journey to the west》is so interesting,isn’t it?

Yes,I want read it again。

13.Sir ,what would you like?

I like a large bottle of noodles.

14.How about this blue T-shirt?

I like the blue one,but I think the black one is my favourite,I will take it.

15.Watch out, Nick, there are many cars running on the road.

Take it easy,mom,I am sixteen years old.

D.短文理解(本題共5 小题,每小题2分,共计 10分)

A few months ago, Marcus visited China, he went to Guangzhou , and he really love it. It was his first time to China ,everything is quite different , the food was very nice. Marcus likes it, he met many new friends, everyone was friendly and kind to him. Marcus visited some schools, this was a new experience for him, the pupils worked hard, Marcus thought they enjoyed their lessons, Marcus couldn’t speak Chinese ,but it wasn’t a problem, many people could speak a little 

English , Marcus’Chinese friends also help him a lot, Marcus enjoyed himself. Marcus would like to go back some day, and he will try his best to learn Chinese to better communicate with his friends in China.


1-5:BDAEC 6-10:ABACB

11-15:BACBC 16-20:ACABC
