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新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 6 Conflict答案(U校园)

Academic exploration 1

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1

1)Para.2答案:The history of the concept of groupthink

2)Para.3答案:Why groupthink occurs

3)Para.4答案:What happens when groupthink occurs

4)Para.5答案:How to avoid groupthink

5)Para.6答案:Research into the theory of groupthink

6)Para.7答案:The summary of the concept

2、Comprehension 2







三、Language focus

2、Words in use(注意变形)







7)  contentious

8)  override






Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)How is groupthink defined in the text?

答案:The term was coined by William H. Whyte Jr. in 1952. He argues that groupthink has a detrimental effect on a group's ability to make decisions. Then, the Yale psychologist Irving Janis did initial research into groupthink and defined that groupthink occurs when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive ingroup that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action. That is to say, groups often become so obsessed with maintaining a harmonious relationship that they lose the ability to objectively evaluate alternative viewpoints.

2)According to Para. 3, what are the three main causes of groupthink?

答案:The three main causes of groupthink are strong cohesiveness, closed leadership styles, and high-stakes situations.

3)How do you understand "high-stakes situations" mentioned in Para. 3?

答案:High-stakes situations refer to those that involve a lot of risks or serious consequences. In such situations, people are more stressed and wary of the consequences of upsetting the status quo, and thus they become more cautious than usual about voicing their views in group decision-making.

4)According to Para. 5, in what aspects is the role of the leader key in the effort to avoid groupthink?

答案:To avoid groupthink, the role of the leader is key in the following aspects. First, the leader is responsible for creating an environment where the group feels free to work without fear of judgment from the leader. Second, the leader should seek effective ways to allow for varying perspectives to emerge, such as setting up several independent groups working on the same problem, if resources allow.

5)Why does the author cite the three sources—Erdem (2003), Dimitroff et al. (2005) and Scharff (2005)—in Para. 6?

答案:The author cites the three sources to show that despite the lack of empirical data, there is still evidence to indicate the existence of groupthink.

6)What is the author's attitude toward groupthink?

答案:The author acknowledges the effect of groupthink in decision-making and the position of groupthink in management and psychology. And at the same time, he or she emphasizes the validation of the concept in further research.

三、Getting the skill

1、Creating flow charts


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Janis (1971)

2)To provide a definition of a key term

3)Janis (1972)

4)To summarize a theory

5)Janis (1971)

6)To provide a definition of a key term

7)Erdem (2003)

8)To support a claim

9)Dimitroff et al. (2005)

10)To support a claim

11)Scharff (2005)

12)To support a claim

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Michaelsen et al., 1989 & Pease et al., 1993

答案:To support or refute a claim or argument

2)Wagstaff, 2002

答案:To provide a definition of a key term

3)Kelley, 2002

答案:To support or refute a claim or argument

4)Dowling & St. Louis, 2000

答案:To provide a definition of a key term

5)Andersen & Fagerhaug, 2000

答案:To support or refute a claim or argument

6)Burdett, 2000

答案:To summarize theories and hypotheses

Academic exploration 2

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1






2、Comprehension 2








1)B.individuals showing...

2)E.individuals neither...


4)C.individuals aggressively...


三、Language focus

2、Words in use(注意变形)





5)underperformed (加ed)


7)  predominant

8)  autonomous


1)  尽管竞争激烈,该公司仍通过充分利用大数据,成功应对了当前的不确定性,业绩表现胜过同行。


3)  在整个项目中,有凝聚力的团队通过开放的沟通渠道达到最优业绩,而避免冲突实际上可能会阻碍团队进步,这并不令人惊讶。

4)  新研究发现,一个多元化的团队往往可以胜过一个由最优秀的人组成的团队,原因是多元化使得信息处理更为周密,而这在同质化的团队中是不存在的。

Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)Why does the author describe conflict as "an ugly, but necessary obstacle" in Para. 1?

答案:The author describes conflict as "ugly" because conflict is normally seen as detrimental, influencing an organization's productivity and unity. In extreme cases, conflict may disband organizations. Thus, people tend to avoid conflict for individual or organizational benefits. However, conflicts occur no matter how hard people try to avoid them. In addition, successfully solving conflict can boost the productivity of a team and encourage cooperation among team members. Thus, the author describes conflict as "an ugly, but necessary obstacle."

2)What are the leaders' roles at the five stages of team development?

答案:Leaders perform different roles at different stages of team development. Their roles are vital at the "forming" and "storming" stages. At the "forming" stage, leaders offer guidance and direction, as team members are working mostly as individuals. The leaders' role at the "storming" stage is also significant as leaders need to intervene to solve conflicts. The leaders' roles at the "norming" and "performing" stages weaken as team members get used to working with their colleagues and need less support from leaders. At the final stage, when a strong team breaks up, leaders need to show a great deal of empathy to their team members.

3)What is the function of Para. 9?

答案:This paragraph works as a transition between the five team development stages and the five conflict management styles. The successful navigation of the "storming" stage relies partly on the ability to recognize sources of conflict. As conflict has different sources, presenting this diversity inspires readers to think about how to manage different conflicts. This further leads to the analysis of an individual's behavior along two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness. The two dimensions can then be used to define the five conflict management styles.

4)In what conflict situations in the workplace may the five conflict management styles be respectively employed?

答案:According to Thomas and Kilmann (1974), the five conflict management styles may be employed in the following situations:

Accommodating: This style works well when the other person has more expertise and / or a better solution.

Avoiding: This style is effective when a situation involves minor issues, or is emotionally charged or tense.

Collaborating: This style can be effective in complex situations, but it requires a lot of trust, time, and effort to reach a consensus.

Competing: When decisive action is needed, for example, in times of emergency, this style can be an effective way to resolve conflict.

Compromising: This style could work when the goals of all parties involved are of equal importance.

5)What is the author's attitude toward conflict in the workplace?

答案:The author takes a positive attitude toward conflict in the workplace. The author acknowledges the detrimental role conflict plays in the workplace; however, he or she uses theories and examples to illustrate why conflict is unavoidable in the workplace and how successfully navigating conflict can boost team performance. Toward the end, the author emphasizes the importance of conflict by stating that "It (conflict) is an essential part of a team's development, and until we view it as such, we will consistently underperform."

三、Getting the skill

1、Identifying and...


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Academic books:

答案:Advantages: They are usually reliable, accurate, and authoritative. The purpose is to educate. Disadvantages: They can be quite dated.

2)Academic journals:

答案:Advantages: They are usually reliable, accurate, and authoritative, and can be up-to-date. The purpose is to educate. Disadvantages: They are often very specialized and might be difficult for readers to understand.


答案:Advantages: You can find a wealth of information and different views on the same topic. Disadvantages: There are academic blogs, so the source needs to be checked carefully. They can be very inaccurate, written simply to entertain by a nonexpert in the field.


答案:Advantages: The information is updated timely. Disadvantages: Many write about academic topics, but it's best to then trace the original academic source. These are usually not an academic source unless a scholar has been asked to write an article.

3、Practicing the skill 2







7)  High

8)  High

9)  Clear (to inform)

10)  Clear (to inform)

4、Practicing the skill 3







7)  High

8)  High

9)  High

10)  High

11)  High

12)  High

13)  Clear (to inform)

14)  Clear (to inform)

15)  Clear (to inform)

Critical thinking

一、Getting the skill

1、Critical thinking review


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Read the paragraph. Identify the claim or argument, the supporting evidence, and the conclusion.

答案:The claim: Dealing with conflict fairly and directly is a fundamental skill of all effective managers. The evidence: According to Hooper (2017), "those who persistently avoid conflict will have less respect from both their team and the management of an organization." The conclusion: Managers who lack the respect of others due to their unwillingness to approach the situation effectively will be faced with an untenable situation.

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Evaluate the strength of the argument from Practicing the skill 1.

答案:The main weakness of this argument is the source. The personal experience of an individual is not sufficient evidence for this claim. It is not a peer-reviewed academic source. It could be biased as it is based on personal experience and it is narrow. However, the argument could be said to be logical.

Academic writing

Writing model

一、Essay prompt

1、Essay prompt

1)Key words:

答案:Some people believe that conflict at work has a number of negative effects. Others feel that conflict has many positive effects on performance. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

二、Model analysis

1、Task 1


答案:open and honest consultation; higher productivity; greater flexibility; better performance


答案:poor staff retention; time spent mediating conflict

2、Task 2

1)Thesis statement:

答案:This essay will argue that while conflict unquestionably has a number of negative consequences, when managed well, it can actually be positive.

3、Task 3

1)How does each source support the writer's argument?

答案:Each source supports the writer's argument in the following ways:

Lipsky (2016): The Lipsky source supports the argument by providing the three reasons that the writer mentions. Adkins (2016): The Adkins source provides statistical data that further support the writer's argument. Baron (1991): The Baron source supports the writer's counterargument (rebuttal).

Language for writing

一、Vocabulary development

1、Adverbs of stance


1)arguably           G....when...

2)equally             F....introduce...

3)essentially        B....for...

4)fundamentally  D.in a...

5)highly               H.very...

6)inevitably         A....something...

7)realistically       C....you...

8)unquestionably E....show...











1、Subordinating conjunctions




3)A.it needs...


5)E.it will...










Writing skill

一、Getting the skill

2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Conflict management. Smith, L. (2016). (3rd ed.). Academial Press.

答案:Smith, L. (2016). Conflict management (3rd ed.). Academial Press.

2)P. Johnson. Journal of Applied Management. Management techniques. (2017). 15(2), 25–26.

答案:Johnson, P. (2017). Management techniques. Journal of Applied Management, 15(2), 25–26.

3)Making our cities sustainable in the fight against climate change. CGTN. Retrieved December 30, 2021. Andrew, O. (2021, November 1). https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-11-01/Making-our-cities-sustainable-in-the-fight-against-climate-change-14PLnqsND8Y/index.html

答案:Andrew, O. (2021, November 1). Making our cities sustainable in the fight against climate change. CGTN. Retrieved December 30, 2021, from https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-11-01/Making-our-cities-sustainable-in-the-fight-against-climate-change-14PLnqsND8Y/index.html

4)The new groupthink. Journal of Group Psychology. Moore, R. (2016). 25(9), 15–16.

答案:Moore, R. (2016). The new groupthink. Journal of Group Psychology, 25(9), 15–16.

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Janis, I. L. Groupthink: Psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascoes (2nd ed.). Houghton Mifflin.

答案:The publication year is missing; the title of the book should be in italics.

2)Hammer, M. R. (2012). The intercultural conflict style inventory: A conceptual framework and measure of intercultural conflict resolution approaches. 29(6).

答案:The name of the journal and page numbers are missing.

3)H. Dzodin. Dragon Boat Festival is enduring cultural link to China's past. 

答案:The last name should be presented first; the publication date and the website name are missing.
