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【必备资料】托福官方真题Official5口语Task5真题文本及答案解析2016年04月13日16:01 来源:小站整理参与(1)阅读(9069)摘要:对于托福的口语备考来说,相信大家都会选择官方真题Official为备考材料的首选。那么,在以下内容中我们就为大家带来托福官方真题Official口语真题文本及答案解析,希望能为大家的托福写作备考带来帮助。


托福官方真题Official5口语task5题目 Listening Part:

Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) Susan, what happened to your arm?

(woman) It’s my wrist, actually. I sprained it last weekend and I am kind of upset about it because I’m supposed to play the violin in my string quartet's big concert next week. We’ve been practicing for weeks and we’ve already sold a bunch of tickets.

(man) Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What are you gonna do?

(woman) Well, I was thinking about trying to play anyway, I mean, I really don’t want to let the other three group members down. Plus the doctor said my wrist should be feeling better by then.

(man) Oh, OK, so problem solved, right?

(woman) Not exactly. I’m worried I’m gonna be out of practice, like I haven’t been able to play the violin since I sprained my wrist. What if I don’t play well? I’d make the rest of the group sound bad.

(man) Why don’t you get somebody else to take your place?

(woman) Well, there’s only one other person I know who could do it and that’s Jim. He’s a great violinist and I’m sure he’d say yes. The thing is he’s not very reliable. I mean, I’m in the orchestra with him and he’s always showing up late for rehearsals.

(man) Oh, so you’re not sure you can depend on him.

(woman) Exactly, and we have less than a week left to rehearse for the concert. We’d really need him to show up on time for all our rehearsals.

托福官方真题Official5口语task5题目 Question:

Briefly summarize the woman’s problem then state which solution you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


1. Listening key

(1.1) Problem: need to play the violin, but hurt her arm

(1.2) Solution 1: play anyway

(1.2.1) Pro: won’t let down group members; doctor thinks it will heal soon

(1.2.2) Con: she’s been out of practice, could make mistakes during performance

(1.3) Solution 2: get Jim to replace her

(1.3.1) Pro: Jim is a fabulous player and he’d say yes

(1.3.2) Con: Jim is always late for rehearsals


The woman’s problem is that she needs to play the violin in a big concert, but she’s hurt her arm. There are two possible solutions, the first one is to try to play anyway. The other solution is to get Jim to replace her and play in the concert. I think the first is better, because that way she won’t let the other group members down, and the doctor said her wrist should be feeling better by then. Also, she says in the conversation that Jim is not reliable. If he’s always late for the rehearsals, that’ll compromise the whole performance. And that’s unfair to the other group members who have been practicing for weeks.
