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德州市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框。3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在试卷上无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the relationship between Jim and Bob A. Twins.B. Workmates.C. Neighbors.2. What are the speakers talking about A. How to do some tutoring.B. How to pay for school fees.C. How to apply for a new job.3. When does the “Family Welcome” event start A. At 5:00.B. At 10:00.C. At 10:30.4. Where does the conversation take place A. In a hospital. B. In the library.C. At the man's home.5. What can we know about Shelly A .She envies the man. B. She is getting sick. C. She hates eating out.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Which turn should the man take A. The first on the left. B. The first on the right. C. The second on the left.7. How will the man get to the cinema A. On foot.B. By bus.C. By bike.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the man most probably A. A teacher.B. A student.C. A singer.9. What does the man worry about A. He has to meet new people.B. He rarely gives performances.C. He can't play the guitar well.10. What does the woman ask the man to do A. Join the band. B. Attend a party.C. Practice singing.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How long did the woman spend on vacation A. Three days.B. One week.C. Three weeks.12. Which is the woman's last stop for her vacation A. Tokyo.B. Perth. C. Singapore.13. What is the woman probably going to talk about next A. Her new friend. B. A tour plan.C. Australian tourists.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What did the man do in 1959 A. Left school.B. Wrote a novel.C. Moved to Indonesia.l5. When did the man start to make documentaries(纪录片)?A. In1960.B. In1973.C. In1978.16. Which is the man's second novel A. Rag Doll.B. The Cold Earth.C. Eastern Moon.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What should listeners do on the exam days A. Deliver a lecture. B. Take make-up exams. C. Come to class on time.18. How many weeks does a term have A. 15.B. 16. C. 20.l9. What are equally important in the grading procedure(程序)?A. Exams and quizzes. B. Exams and homework. C. Quizzes and homework.20. What may students do in the laboratory sessions A. Test themselves. B. Discuss with the teacher. C. Do plenty of readings.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AParis has a fantastic collection of cafes, whether you need a cozy spot or a cup of coffee. Here are some of the best places I discovered when I was sent to the branch in Paris to cover an event.Groundstate CafeSitting in the heart of the city, Groundstate Cafe is always recommended by news reporters. You can easily enjoy a carefree day with a book and a cup of coffee. Groundstate is a popular spot for artists because of the ancient paintings collected by the shop owner. The waiters are always ready to help you.Le ProcopeLocated on a downtown street, Le Procope is famous for its enthusiastic service and delicious snacks. Office workers always chat with their friends and have fun with their colleagues. You can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine because they only have seats outdoors. As a result, the owner only runs the shop during the warm seasons.Coutume CaféSituated in the city centre, Coutume Cafe is popular among businessmen to meet their clients. The cafe promotes a life of luxury with fantastic decoration and comfortable chairs. Waiters who are highly educated and elegant can help visitors choose the right type of coffee.MotorsThis recently-opened coffee shop is located in the countryside. They sell delicious local desserts. The waitresses there are helpful and friendly. Some of them are college students who take part-time jobs during weekends. It is also a perfect shopping market for people to buy some coffee products and taste some local delicacies. I am sure that I will bring some products to my colleagues when I return.21. Which place appeals to art lovers A. Groundstate Café. B. Le Procope.C. Coutume Café.D. Motors.22. What do Le Procope and Motors have in common A. They have a long history. B. They are located downtown.C. They both offer nice snacks.D. They are open all year round.23. What does the writer probably do A. A famous cook.B. A French artist.C. A news reporter.D. A waitress in Cafe.BOn Oct.24,2018 photo, a male red siskin bird is resting on a branch in Vargas, Venezuela. The bird is called “Little Cardinal” by the locals and appears on the money of Venezuela, on products and even in school books. But recently, the small song birds are disappearing from the wild.Once flourishing in the millions, as few as 300 remain in the wild in Venezuela. The male siskin is valued for its red feathers and black head. Hunters, even the local farmers, often catch and sell the birds for money. Protection under Venezuelan law has not stopped hunters from catching the birds to sell on an illegal international market. Meanwhile, more and more forests are being cut down to plant cash crops.That threat has brought attention from an international team. The team includes scientists from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. and coffee farmers in Venezuela's mountains. They hope to save the bird with the help of the farmers. An effective plan has been made to have farmers plant organic coffee plants. Such coffee plants are covered with branches which make good nesting places for the birds.Planting organic coffee crops with branches stops farmers from increasing production by thinning their coffee crops to let more sun onto their fields. Farmers who meet the project's rules will win the right to sell their beans with “Bird Friendly” labels. They will be able to set prices for such “high quality” products that can be five times higher than legal prices set by the government.At the same time, a red siskin breeding center is being built at a private zoo in Venezuela where 200 birds are expected to be born next year. This number will be added to the 25 siskins at the Smithsonian Institution. Red siskins from the center will be placed in the coffee forests. These efforts could prevent the birds from disappearing.There are reports of early success. About 40 farmers in the mountains of Carayaca, northwest of the capital Caracas, have stopped cutting down trees, a move that will help the siskin to get away from the dangerous situation.24. What do we know about the siskin from paragraph 1 A. Its benefits for local education. B. Its wide popularity in the past.C. Its beautiful gesture on branches.D. Its great value for the environment.25. What caused the decline in the bird's number A. Lack of laws from the government.B. Illegal trade for making high profits.C. Being hunted for the delicious meat.D. Planting cash crops for enough food.26. Why does the team have farmers plant organic coffee plants A. To let more sun onto the farmers' fields.B. To improve the quality of the cash crops.C. To offer branches to the breeding center.D. To create enough nesting places for the bird.27. What is the text mainly about A. The value of the endangered red siskin.B. The reasons for the red siskin's disappearing.C. The profits the farmers get from coffee plants. D. The efforts the team made to save the red siskin.CIs it likely that a person who originally has no language ability is cheerfully discussing the World Cup with you The answer is yes.In a paper published in Nature Communications on November 8, 2022, researchers have successfully changed the brain waves of an aphasic(失语症)paralyzed person into sentences, which are displayed on the computer screen and can “say” thousands of words. as is intended.This participant is 30 years old. A decade ago he was aphasic due to stroke, his arms and legs unable to move. He depended on a pole pinned on the baseball cap to click the letters on the screen to communicate with people. It's quite inconvenient.Last year researchers from the University of California used the latest technology to implant(植入)a device into the speech motor area of his brain and connect it with a neural(神经的)instrument to monitor brain wave patterns when he expressed different words. They used computer programs to build a language model with a vocabulary of 50 words for him. When he used these words to “speak” in his mind, his brain wave movement was turned into complete sentences and shown on the screen. For months the team recorded his neural activity when he “spoke”, used AI to identify various patterns and linked them to the words. Once a researcher asked on the screen, “Do you want some water ” And he answered, “No. I'm not thirsty.”“The spelling speed of the device reaches 29.4 characters per minute. The character error rate is only 6.13%. The offline test results show it can be expanded to a large vocabulary containing 9000 words, maintaining a low character error rate-8.23%,” said Sean Metzger, the lead author of the paper. “Aphasic people like to use this device as it makes communication convenient. Anything is possible.”More aphasic people are needed to participate in the test, which is still a long way from promotion. Experts warn although the study results are impressive, electrode implantation is risky.28. What is the purpose of the research A. To assist aphasic patients to talk. B. To better people's communication.C. To cure those incapable of speaking. D. To improve patients' language skills.29. What does paragraph 4 focus on A. The practical application of the findings.B. A disadvantage of the language model.C. The working process of the implanted device.D. A supporting evidence for the research results.30. What can be inferred from Sean Metzger's words A. The device may have a promising futureB. The device can do anything for aphasic group.C. Further research will centre on avoiding errors.D. Further research will face many new challenges.31. Which word best describes the author's attitude to the device A. Doubtful.B. Positive.C. Indifferent.D. Objective.DThere's bad news for parents who frequently leave their kids in front of the TV: It might actually end up leaving moms and dads more stressed. The findings come from a University of Arizona-led study, which explores the potential effects of children's television watching habits on their parents' stress levels.The logic behind this is clear. The more television kids watch, the more they're exposed(接触)to advertising, which often features bright colors, upbeat music and flashy characters and can be especially persuasive, since, developmentally, children aren't fully capable of understanding advertising's intention. “The more advertisements they see, the more likely they are to insist on purchasing items when going with their parents pand perhaps make a fuss if told ‘no’. All that may increase parents' overall stress well beyond a single shopping trip.” said lead study author Matthew Lapierre.There are a few things parents can do, perhaps the most obvious of which is limiting screen time. “Commercial content is there for a reason: to elicit purchasing behavior. So, if this is a problem, maybe shut off the TV,” Lapierre said. Of course, that can be easier said than done, he admitted.Another thing parents can try, especially as advertising targeting children rockets around the holidays: Consider how they talk to their kids about consumerism. At this time, effective parent-child consumer-related communication can work well.Overall, communication between parents and children is a better strategy for reducing stress in parents. However, the research found, this communicative strategy shows dropping returns when children ask for more products or have more consumer conflict with parents.With the rise of streaming services, however, many viewers are no longer being exposed to the traditional advertising of network or cable TV. Advertisers are finding creative ways around that, for example, through product placement and integrated(综合的)branding in a show, Lapierre said. And advertising toward children remains a multibillion-dollar industry.“In general, more television exposure means more exposure to advertisements. Even if I'm streaming, I'm likely seeing more integrated branding,” Lapierre said, “such hidden advertising is harder to detect and has a greater influence on children's consuming habits, leaving parents more stressed.32. What does Matthew Lapierre attempt to explore in the study A. The influence the bad news on TV has on parents.B. Children's ability to understand TV commercials.C. The stress the kids' watching TV brings to parents.D. Strategies to stop kids watching TV advertisements.33. What does the underlined word “elicit” mean in paragraph 3 A. Cause.B. Challenge.C. Practise.D. Guarantee.34. How does Lapierre consider the placement advertising in streaming services A. A simple and better means of advertising a productB. A hidden way to promote products or brands to kidsC. An easy way to avoid conflicts between kids and parents.D. An effective approach to keeping kids from TV commercials.35. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage A. People should keep off the influence of TV adsB. Advertisers make commercial contents appealingC. TV commercials can educate the kids unknowinglyD. Kids' exposure to TV makes parents more stressed第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Bread Baking in Ancient EgyptDid you know that bread is one of the earliest human inventions 36Other ingredients(原料)and shapes can vary. Scientists have learned that humans have been eating bread in some form or another for 30,000 years.Archaeologists(考古学家)have discovered pictures of bakeries and loaves of bread in ancient Egyptian archaeological sites.37Home-bakers, usually women, baked only the bread they would need for that day.In fact, because they had no potatoes or rice, bread was the most important in the ancient Egyptians' diet. Egyptians used a grain much similar to wheat for their bread. The grain was broken by hand into flour on stone. The flour was mixed with water and salt.38This Egyptian bread was a flatbread. Indian naan and Middle Eastern pita are two examples of flatbread eaten today. At the end of the ancient Egyptian period, however, around 300 BC, Egyptian bakers added to their bread an important ingredient: yeast(酵母).39Most breads today are made using those four basic ingredients: flour, yeast, salt, and water.However, bread production today is more complicated. Yes, you can still bake your own bread at home with store-bought flour and yeast.40But the bread you see in grocery stores is made in large factories which bake many different breads.A. It makes bread rise.B. Not all the Ancient Egyptians ate bread.C. Bread is a food made of flour and water.D. It was placed in a pot and baked in a clay oven.E. You can also buy bread made at small bakeries.F. Bread bakeries and home-bakers used the same techniques.G. Ancient Egyptian farmers depended much on it for their grain harvest.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。At the start of my senior high school life, I began to dream of entering Columbia University. But what I didn't realize was how41my dream was. I came from a middle-class family, and it seemed as though we had always42to make ends meet.I wasn't the smartest person in my class, not even close; but my43was in the right place, and I was determined. I applied for every44I could in my senior year. And then my teacher told me about the financial aid system. I applied, but I didn't think I would45that either.After the holidays, my friends started46their acceptance letters from colleges, and I47expected mine. Finally, a letter arrived from Columbia University. Feelings of fear and joy48me when I opened the envelope with trembling hands. I had done it! I cried for a while, feeling both extremely excited and49. I had been doing a full-time job, but that wasn't enough to50tuition(学费), and it was impossible for my parents to pay for my education.Months went by before a letter from the51aid office came. I opened it anxiously, but it was only a letter requesting more information to process my52. This happened over and over, and my53kept getting shot down. Eventually, an envelope arrived, the one that would54whether I could attend college. Not only was financial aid going to help me out with my expenses, but also I55two of the scholarships I had applied for! I had actually made my dream come true.41. A. effectiveB. powerfulC. hopefulD. expensive42. A. survivedB. struggledC. discoveredD. explored43. A. heartB. letterC. memoryD. wisdom44. A. job B. positionC. volunteerD. scholarship45. A. refer toB. adjust toC. qualify forD. search for46. A. receivingB. printingC. translatingD. copying47. A. bitterlyB. calmlyC. eagerlyD. firmly48. A. remindedB. ignoredC. leftD. struck49. A. afraidB. relaxedC. regretfulD. proud50. A. holdB. collectC. coverD. return51. A. mentalB. medicalC. financialD. physical52. A. imaginationB. applicationC. inspirationD. introduction53. A. offersB. hopesC. notesD. orders54. A. wonderB. describeC. predictD. determine55. A. wonB. choseC. unitedD. missed第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China's Ministry of Culture announced the Fifth National List of Representative Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage(非物质文化遗产)of China on Thursday, adding 185 items to the list,56(include) the skills of making Luosifen.Luosifen is a dish known57its special smell in the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou. Those who try it say they can never forget the magical taste. It is sour, spicy, salty, hot and even58(smell) after being boiled.Luosifen served as a street snack in Liuzhou,59people outside of the city knew little about. In 2012, Luosifen60(appear)in a hit Chinese food TV program-“A Bite of China”. After that it became a household name.The development of the Internet,61(especial) the boom of e-commerce and online eating show, has brought this Chinese local food passion to a new level. Luosifen often shows up in videos by food bloggers and eating show hosts. The local dish finds62(it) well received by the post-90s generation. According to recent data,63number of buyers is growing 9 times year on year.As Luosifen becomes more and more popular, the local government makes efforts64(establish) its official international position. Authorities in Liuzhou City have applied for UNESCO's65(recognise) of Luosifen as an intangible cultural heritage.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分20分)假定你是李华,你校计划开设寒假网上剪纸(paper-cutting)课程。请你写封邮件邀请你的英国笔友Jack参加,内容包括:1.告知消息;2.网课安排;3.期待参加。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Jack, Yours, Li Hua第二节(满分20分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。John woke up on his big day, excited to go to school and see his friends of his music club. He went to the kitchen and his mother had made his favorite cake, and she had already lit the candles. The teenager blew out the candles. “Happy Birthday, my boy. I hope you have the best day ever,” his mom said with the biggest smile. His dad patted his back gently.John was about to leave when they stopped him. “Wait a minute! We have something special for you!” his mother announced and took out a box, which they had been hiding for a few weeks in the kitchen.John's eyebrows rose in surprise. Gifts in his home were rare because they had a tight budget. However, this gift was a big surprise because the box looked like one of his favorite brands(品牌). He screamed, “MOM! DAD! Are you serious ”“Congratulations, baby!” John's mom said. “Now, I tell you the truth. It is not new at all. I found it from Mr. Green's second-hand shop, but it looks pretty new, right ”“I don't care where it came from, Mom. It is amazing! Thank you so much!” he assured her. “I can't wait to show it off in my club!”In the afternoon, John showed off his guitar to his friends. Brandon, one of the band members, saw the back of the guitar. “Hey, man. There's something written here,” he said. John grabbed the guitar and saw a line of words on the back. It read: “To my dearest boy.”“Your mom wrote that ” said Brandon.“No, this is not my mom's handwriting.” John shook his head, “it must be from the old owner.”“It is a good one,” Brandon murmured, “its old owner must be a good player.”On the way home from school, Tom passed by Mr. Green's store. Out of curiosity, he went in and asked around. The old man said, “Oh, it was brought in by Carl last month. He looked in urgent need of money that day. He lives nearby and I know his address.”注意:1.续写词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。John walked out of the store and headed for Carl's home.高一英语试题参考答案第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 ABCBC 6-10 AABCA 11-15 CCAAB 16-20 BCBCB第二部分 阅读(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)21-23 ACC 24-27 BBDD 28-31 ACAD 32-35 CABD 36-40 CFDAE第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41-45 DBADC 46-50 ACDAC 51-55 CBBDA第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. including 57. for 58. smelly 59. which60. appeared61. especially 62. itself 63. the64. to establish 65. recognition第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)高一听力录音材料Text 1W: I often mistake Jim for Bob. Can you tell them apart M: No. They look so much alike that even their mother didn't know who was who sometimes when they were young.Text 2M: How are you going to pay for classes next year Did you apply for financial aid W: Well, I am working at a bookstore and doing some tutoring. That should be enough. Don't you think so Text 3M: I hear the art gallery is holding an event called “Family Welcome” on Saturday. Would you like to come with me W: That sounds interesting. What time does it start M: Well, the gallery opens at 10 o'clock and the “Family Welcome” event runs from 10:30 until 2 o'clock.Text 4W: Haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been M: In hospital. I was seriously ill. So I have to stay here in the library to make up the missed lessons.W: If you need any help, just let me know. I won't leave until 11:30.Text 5M: How often do you eat out, Shelly W: Well, very often. I eat out almost five times a week.M: Wow! I really envy you.W: Don't envy me. It's for business. In fact, I'm sick and tired of restaurant food.Text 6M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Cooper Cinema W: You go along this street. Take the first turning on your left. You walk about a hundred yards, and the Cooper Cinema is on your left.M: Wait a minute. I go along this street. I take the first turning on my left. I walk about a hundred yards, and the Cooper Cinema is on my left.W: That's right.M: Thank you very much.Text 7W: George, you play the guitar, don't you M: I used to. But I haven't played quite some time. I don't really have time these days with all my studies. Why do you ask W: I'm trying to organize a group to play for online concerts or at some parties at weekends. We still need a guitar player.M: Well, I don't know. But your idea sounds fun to me.W: Oh, it will be. And it's a great chance to get out and meet people.M: But I haven't practiced for a long time. I don't know if I remember how to perform songs I used to play.W: Don't worry about that. I just thought I'd ask you to try and join us. Of course you can have a look sometime when we practice. We'll be practicing for a few months before we give performances.Text 8M: Hey, Alice, welcome back! How was your holiday W: Hi, Kim! Long time no see. The holiday was amazing. I couldn't believe how quickly the time went! I was away for three weeks but it seemed more like three days.M: Where did you go W: Well, first, we flew to Tokyo, then to Perth. We then left Australia and had a stop in Singapore for a day before flying back to Hong Kong.M: Wow, you sure moved around! What was your favorite place W: It's hard to say. Each place had something different and exciting.M: Did you meet many Australian people W: Well, actually, we were lucky enough to stay with an Australian family. I now have an Australian friend about my age, and her name is Kathleen. She is a tour guide...Text 9W: Now let's go back to your first novel, Rag Doll. When did you write it M: I wrote it in 1960, a year after I left school. I was eighteen. And one year later I went to Indonesia.W: Of course it was your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film Eastern Moon.M: Yes, although I didn't actually make Eastern Moon until 1978.W: And you worked in television for a time, too.M: Yes, I started making documentaries for television in 1973. That was after I gave up farming.W: Farming M: Yes, that's right. I stayed in Indonesia for nine years. I met my wife there in 1965. And after we came back in 1970,we bought a farm in the west of England.W: But you gave it up three years later.M: Well, yes. You see it was very hard work and I was also very busy working on my second novel The Cold Earth, which came out in 1975.W: Yes, it was a best-seller, wasn't it M: Yes, it was.Text 10If there are no more questions about the textbooks, I'd like to explain the grading procedure I'll be using in this course.50% of your grade will be based on the mid-term and the final examination. Both of the exams will be given during class time and each will be 2 hours long. In a lecture class of this size, it is impractical and almost impossible to give make-up exams, so be healthy and in class on those days. Otherwise, your final grade may suffer.The term is 16 weeks long and quizzes will be given every 2 weeks to make sure you're keeping up with what's going on in class. Quizzes will be 15% of your grade and daily homework will be another 15%. Homework will be collected and graded by the teaching assistant in your laboratory sessions. So, 50%for exams, 15% for quizzes, and 15% for homework. The remaining 20% of your grade will be based on class participation. Remember, you have chances to ask questions about the lecture and talk about difficult points during the laboratory sessions.

