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二、科普原文简注Music for Relactation?

Cows that heard slow music produced more milk than those exposed to fast tunes.

Cows prefer Beethoven to the Beatles. But that doesn’t mean they’re highbrows–they’re just relaxed by a soothing beat, claim psychologists at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, who say that exposing bovines to slow music increases milk yields.

lactate vi. (雌性哺乳动物)分泌乳汁(of a female mammal) secrete milk一般听音乐是为了放松,所以常见的说法是music for relaxation,作者在标题中自己生造了一个和relaxation谐音的词:relactation。

highbrow adj. & n. (常贬)博学的;学者派头的;趣味高雅的(人)(often derogatory)scholarly or rarefied in taste

Music researchers Adrian North and Liam MacKenzie tested the effects of music on 1000 Holstein cattle at two dairies. They piped in either fast (more than 120 beats per minute), slow (less than 100 beats per minute), or no music from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day for 9 weeks.

The result? Cows that heard music such as Beethoven’s “Pastoral Symphony” or Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” gave 3% more milk than the ones that heard no music. Fast, screechy music such as Bananarama’s “Venus” seemed to cause a small decrease in production, they found in a yet-unpublished study.

screechy adj.尖锐刺耳的making a long, loud, high noise that is unpleasant to hear

“We believe that slow music relaxes the animals as it does humans,” says North. The researchers now want to test their hypothesis by directly measuring how different musical diets affect levels of stress hormones in cows.

Animal welfare specialist Lene Munksgaard of the Danish Institute for Agricultural Sciences at Foulum notes that a 1989 study also indicated that classical music was more conducive to milk production than noise such as traffic sounds. But while acute stress will lower immediate milk yield, she says, “whether the observed effect can be attributed to decreasing chronic stress is speculation.”

speculate vi.在没有确凿证据的情况下形成一个理论假设form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence


TD SAT已经在8月29日考试当天已经回顾了8月北美多套卷的考情,重点回顾了NAPN314卷,其中阅读部分第二篇的回忆如下:

第二篇文章是关于行为科学,讲音乐为什么可以鼓舞运动员。第一个实验发现听了“高能音乐”的人,确实比听了“非高能”音乐的人更容易被调动起来。第二个实验是试图寻找 “高能音乐”中到底是什么东西能够鼓舞运动员,发现是“bass”。题目考了对power的定义。

