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2021年广东高考英语听说考试真题Test C

Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)

Macronutrients ['mækrəo'njuɪtrɪəntz] are in meats, nuts , grains, fish, eggs,and other things. They give us energy and keep us healthy. So, be sure to eat the right amount of macronutrients each day. The reason most junk food is bad for you is because it contains too much of one thing and not enough of anything else. Junk foods may be too high in fat and not have enough protein, for example. It’s OK to have junk food once in a while. But you should try to eat a healthy diet every day. Make sure you get plenty of micro- and macronutrients for your health and wellbeing.

Part B Role Play (角色扮演)










Part C Retelling (故事复述)


关键词:caves (山洞)

rock paintings (岩画)

daughter (女儿)

horses (马)

discovery (发现)


Part B Role Play (角色扮演)


M: Hello, Mary. Where are you heading?

W: I’m on my way to the library.

M: What are you busy with?

W: I’ve been writing a story.

M: Is it your assignment?

W: No, actually, our school magazine is calling for stories about international exchange. I’m working on it.

M: Interesting. Maybe I can write one too.

W: Then you have to hurry up. I’m going to submit my story the day after tomorrow.

M: All right, by the way, what story are you going to share with us?

W: I’m writing about my visit to a British family.



翻译:How did you meet this family?

电脑回答:Through an organization called Host UK. It arranges for international students studying in the UK to meet British people in their homes. Students need to pay the application fee. Luckily my UK university paid it for me. So I just paid 100 pounds for the transport. My host family picked me up at the train station and drove me back to their farm house.


翻译:What did you do with this family?

电脑回答:We had some indoor and outdoor activities. They invited friends to their house and threw a party for me. I made friends with quite a few friendly people. They also showed me around their farm and introduced the animals to me. I tried milking a cow and feeding chickens. I’m proud that I’ve learned how to ride a horse. How exciting!


翻译:Do you still keep in touch with this British family?

电脑回答:Yes. Since I came back to China, we have kept writing emails to each other. Months ago, they told me that they would name a newborn horse after me. Now there’s a young horse called Mary. I’m thinking about visiting them next year because I really want to meet my Mary.


1.电脑提问:What is the school magazine calling for?

回答:The school magazine is calling for stories about international exchange.

2.电脑提问:When is Mary going to submit her story?

回答:The day after tomorrow.

3.电脑提问:Who paid Mary’s application fee?

回答:Her UK university.

4.电脑提问:What is Mary proud of?

回答:She’s learned how to ride a horse.

5.电脑提问:Why does Mary want to visit the family next year??

回答:Because she really want to meet the horse Mary.

Part C Retelling (故事复述)


The Cave Paintings

Tom was an artist living in the village. There were many old caves near his village. He had always known that there might be some mysterious rock paintings in the caves, so Tom often went to look for them. But he never found any painting in the case. One day, Tom wanted to explore one of the caves again. His five-year-old daughter Mary wanted to go too. So Tom took her with him. While Tom was looking for the paintings, Mary went for a walk by herself in the cave. Suddenly, Mary shouted that she saw some horses. Tom went up to her, keeping his head down, because the top of that part was very low. Tom looked around but saw nothing. He asked Mary where the horses were.“There!”Mary pointed to the top. Tom sat down on the ground and looked up. Now he saw some paintings of red horses. He had never tried to examine the cave this way before. Later, Tom invited some experts to study the paintings in the cave. Seeing those paintings, the experts were very excited because they had a very long history. They told Tom his daughter had made a great discovery.
