首页 >  广东中考英语试卷真题  > 2022年广东省中考英语试题及答案



A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


1. What did the girl draw?

2. Which is the sign?

3. How did the speaker spend the morning?

4. Which picture is the speaker talking about?

5. What time does the speaker get up on weekends?




6. WhatisJennydoing?

A. Washing her face.

B. Having breakfast.

C. Brushing her teeth.


7. Whotook the umbrella?

A. Jim.

B. Sam.

C. The woman.


8. Wheredoes Jack want to go?

A. To the cinema.

B. To the bank.

C. To the zoo.


9. Whatis the man’s job?

A. A taxi driver.

B. A waiter.

C. A teacher.


10. Whatare they talking about?

A. A new home.

B. A broken window.

C. A big bed.


11. Whatis wrong with the man’s computer?

A. It wouldn’t start.

B. It has no sound.

C. It is too old.

12. What is the woman going to do?

A. To buy a computer.

B. To fix the computer.

C. To borrow.


13. How does Kevin usually travel?

A. By air.

B. By ship.

C. By train.

14. When will the girl go to Kunming?

A. This spring.

B. This summer.

C. This autumn.

15. Who will go with the girl?

A. Her father.

B. Her friends.

C. Her mother.

C. 听短文(本题共5小题。每小题1分,共5分)


16. Whatdid Jason’s mother do every night?

A. She read him stories.

B. She made him clothes.

C. She taught him English.

17. What happened to Jason when he was 12?

A. He got hit by a truck.

B. He dropped out of school.

C. He lost his books.

18. Where did Jason find some books one night?

A. In a room.

B. By the road.

C. In a library.

19. How many books has Jason collected?

A. About 20,000.

B. About 2,000.

C. About 200.

20. When is the small library open?

A. Every evening.

B. Every afternoon.

C. Every weekend.

D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


T-shirtDesign (设计)Wanted


saving the ___21___


a __22___ and some words

Important dates:

◇to hand in before July 21st

◇to get the result on August __23___


◇to work with the magazine next __24__ holiday

◇to get 100 ___25___T-shirts for free

E. 情景对话(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)



B. What about you?

C. Maybe next time.

D. The park near your home?

E. Have a good time.

F. Would you like to go with us?

Tom: What’s your plan tomorrow, Ann?

Ann: I’ll stay at home. ____26___

Tom: I will have a picnic in a park with some friends.

Ann: ___27___

Tom: No. We’ll go to Zhongshan Park.

Ann:Have you checked the weather report?

Tom: Yes. It’ll be sunny. ___28___

Ann: I’d love to, but I have to finish a school report.

Tom: What a pity! ___29___

Ann: OK. ___30___

Tom: Thank you.



Wang Yiyi is an excellent Beijing Opera (京剧) artist. She was born and raised __31___ village in Hebei province. She loved singing and dancing ____32_____she was a little girl. She was her music __33__ favorite student. One day, the teacher told her _34__ a test. If she passed the test, she could enter a Beijing Opera school.

Wang Yiyi passed the test __35__ and became a student of that school. She worked ___36____……. Students in the school __37__ to get up at 6:45 a.m. to practice their basic……But she got up at 6:00 in the morning. And she was always the last one to go to bed. Sometimes she was tired that she felt like crying, she would find __38__ quiet place and cried aloud. She __39__ herself that she still had a long way to go and that she should keep practicing……

Years went by. Finally, __40__ hard work paid off. She got into a…… her life as a Beijing Opera actress.

31. A. in B. forC. with

32. A. if B. when C. because

33. A. teacher B. teachers C. teacher’s

34. A. take B. to take C. taking

35. A. success B. successful C. successfully

36. A. hard B. harder C. the hardest

37. A. ask B. asked C. were asked

38. A. a B. anC. the

39. A. tell B. tellsC. told

40. A. she B. herC. hers



Almost every Saturday morning, Molly pulls a table into her front yard. On the table she lays out some ___41___in season, such as carrots and tomatoes. They are all from her garden and free for her neighbors to __42___. “It’s just lovely, like you walk by and get a beautiful gift around the corner,” said a neighbor.

Molly started doing this in the summer of 2020. Earlier that year, a fire broke out in her house. Molly’s__43___had a hard time. “People in the community came to __44___. They brought us food and often called to make sure we were doing fine. I was deeply__45___,” Molly said.

Then the pandemic(疫情) came. Molly and her family had much time to __46___ in their garden. They decided to __47___what they grew in their garden.

No one knew about it at first. But __48___, people got into the habit of coming around. They would stop by and leave with some vegetables. Molly ‘s yard became a __49___place.

One thing Molly has learned from this experience is that people have to work together when days are __50___ . She is glad that love has spread in this community.

41. A . fruits B . flowers

C . leaves D . vegetables

42. A . look at B . take away

C . give up D . throw away

43. A . family B . class C . office D . team

44. A . cry B . see C . help D . rest

45. A . moved B . interested

C . tired D . bored

46. A . play B . work C . sleep D . dance

47. A . eat B . sell C . share D . cook

48. A . sadly B . slowly

C . badly D . carefully

49. A . clean B . small

C . terrible D . popular

50. A . difficult B . sunny C . short D . cool




Imagine waking up to find a Cup of coffee ready and floor swept. With smart devices(装置) controlled by AI. All housework can be done while you are asleep.

Now your kids can try these devices at the small home, show in our community science center from August 1stto August 14th. Here in the center we have many fun activities. Children can also try out cleaning robot Little Q. It is a cute robot with a round head, two big eyes and two long legs. It’s like a big toy, Your children will love it.

Opening Hours:

1:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m, from Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday.


People of all ages are welcome. Children under 12 should come along with their parents. No pets are allowed.

Food & Drinks:

No outside food or drinks. Visitors can buy food and drinks in the center.


Please call 769520 to book a ticket. Kindly note that You CAN’T book a ticketon our website or through e-mail. And it is NOT possible to buy a ticket at our ticket office as it is closed.

51. What can the smart devices in Paragraph 1do?

A. Farming.

B. Business.

C. Housework.

D. Schoolwork

52. What does Little Q look like?

53. When can a visitor enter the science center?

A. On Monday morning,

B. On Sunday morning.

C. On Monday afternoon.

D. On Sunday afternoon

54. Who can be allowed to visit the center?

A. A man with a cat.

B. An 8-year-old boy alone.

C. A man with his 3-year-old son.

D. A girl with food from outside.

55. How can a visitor book a ticket?

A. By making a phone call.

B. By sending an e-mail.

C. By visiting the website.

D. By going to the ticket office.


Jerry is a world-famous mountain climber. He has climbed many high mountains in the world. Starting in 2015, he and his friends spent two years on an adventure(探险)in South America, covering 7,800 miles. He was even named Adventure of the Year by a famous geography magazine in 2018.

Although Jerry had achieved great success, he didn't feelfulfilled. He asked himself, “Is it enough to climb the highest mountains? Am I doing something helpful? How can I turn my adventures into something that can help the world?”

Jerry learned that scientists need plans, rocks and water samples(样本) from the places far away to do research. But scientists can’t get there themselves as such places are hard to reach——only the bravest adventurers can make it. Jerry thought himself could do something to help. He then came up with an idea. He set up a team of top adventures to collect samples for scientists. By studying the samples, scientists could know more about the earth and find ways to protect it.

Recently Jerry and his adventurer friends have discovered a special plant life of Mountain Qomolangma . The samples they brought back have helped scientists how plants live in extreme(极端的)condition.

For Jerry, this kind of adventure is most satisfying. “Such adventures had made us see life in a different way. Now, being the best climber isn’t important for me. what matters is doing something helpful while climbing the mountains. There is still much more we can do.” Jerry said to a newspaper.

56.what is paragraph 1 mainly about?

A.Jerry’s friends.

B. Jerry's achievements.

C. High mountains.

D. A geography magazine.

57.what does the underline word “fulfilled” in paragraph2 mean?


B. lonely

C. Patient

D. Worried

58.why did Jerry set a team of top adventures?

A.To make friends.

B. To help scientists.

C. To study plants.

D. To train scientists.

59.Jerry’s and his friends adventurers has changed_________.

A.their hobbies.

B. their friendship.

C.their understanding of life.

D. their living conditions.

60.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Dangerous Mountains Climbing.

B.Important Scientific Discoveries.

C.Plants Found on High Mountains.

D.Adventures Turned into Something Greater.



61. Tara, could you buy some milk at the supermarket when you are back from school this afternoon?

62. Alice, I’m afraid I can’t join the shopping trip tomorrow. My cousin is coming to visit me.

63. Sorry, Tony. I missed the train and I’ll be late. If you get to the restaurant on time, could you please order orange juice and salad for me?

64. Hi, Peter. Has your leg got any better? We will have a match next week. Hope you can come and watch it!

65. Tom, the sports shop on West Street phoned. They have repaired your basketball shoes!

A. What a pity! Shall we meet sometime next week? After all, shopping won’t be fun without you.

B. We still have some in the kitchen. I bought a bottle of milk the day before yesterday and we haven’t opened it yet.

C. Great! I’ll collect them on my way to work tomorrow morning. Many thanks.

D. Sure. There is a fruit shop on my way home. What would you like me to buy? What about some bananas?

E. Take your time. I will be there in a few minutes. What salad would you like, fruit salad or vegetable salad?

F. You can take No.27 bus to my house. Get off at East Street. There is a shop near the bus stop. I will wait for you there.

G. Thanks. It is getting much better now. My doctor said I could return to the sports field next month. Anyway, I’ll be there next week.

五、短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)


Would you like to start your day with a cup of tea? If the answer is66 , you may have the same habit as many people.

You may not know67 popular tea is. Among all kinds of drinks, tea is one of ...two choices. People like it because it is68 for their health.

Tea is mostly produced69 Asian countries like China and India. Chinese people started to drink tea as early as 5,000 years70 . At that time, people made tea in a simple way just put fresh tea leaves into hot71 .

Tea wasn't introduced into Europe until the early 17th century. And now it has72 popular in Europe and America. People there like to73 tea with sugar or milk in it. As the population of tea drinkers gets larger, tea business is getting74 important than before.

The first International Tea Day was on May 21st, 2020. Since then, people have celebrated 75 every year. The Day makes people realize the importance of tea workers and....




We all know doing exercise makes us healthy. But many of us don’t know which is better, to exercise in the day or at night. Dr. Yang, a famous sleep doctor, advises people to do outdoor exercise for at least 30 minutes a day in the daytime.

Dr. Yang has been doing research on sports and sleep for years. He finds out that those who exercise in natural light for half an hour every day have better sleep and more energy(能量). Dr. Yang himself gets up at 6:30 a.m. Then he usually takes a walk outside. Sometimes, he walks his two dogs in the park in the afternoon with his sunglasses left at home.

Many schools put Dr. Yang’s findings into practice. They made it a rule that students should do outdoor exercise once or twice a day. In some schools, students even formed outdoor running clubs. After some time, most students said they benefited(受益)a lot from outdoor exercise. Now they sleep better and concentrate(集中)more than their studies.

Some students are now thinking about inviting their teachers to join them in their daily runs.

76.According to Dr. Yang, when is it better to exercise, in the day or at night?


77.What is Dr. Yang’s research about?


78.What does Dr. Yang usually do after he gets up?


79.How often do students do outdoor exercise in many schools?


80.Who will some students invite to join in their daily runs?




81. 假如你叫李明,你所在的跑步俱乐部拟组织一次师生户外跑活动。请你写信给外教布朗先生,邀请他参加此次活动,内容包括:







Dear Mr. Brown,

How are you doing? Our running club will go for a run this Saturday morning._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best regards,

Li Ming


英语试卷 参考答案


31-35:ABCBC 36-40:ACACB


41-45:DBACA 46-50:BCBDA


51-55:CDDCA 56-60:BABCD



66.yes 67.how 68.good 69.in

70.ago 71.water 72.become

73.drink 74.more 75.it

六、A 回答问题



/ Hisresearchisaboutsportsandsleep.

78.He usually takes a walkoutside.


/ They should do outdoor exercise once or twice a day.

/ Once or twice a day.


/Theywillinvitetheirteachers./ Theirteachers.


Dear Mr. Brown,

How are you doing? Our running club will go for a run this Saturday morning. I write this letter in order to invite you to join us because doing exercise makes us healthy.

We will arrive at No. 1 Middle School before 8 a.m. on Friday and finished our run in People's Square. It's about 5 kilometers long. The activity takes 2 hours to carry out. I also need to tell you some tips. One is that the club won’t provide water for us, so you have to bring your own water, the other is that you need to make sure that there isn’t any serious illness in your body. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Li Ming
