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If you are conducting businesses in foreign markets, it is necessary to know the customs and traditions of the locals when it comes to New Year's Day celebration audiences. Let's find out how some European countries celebrate New Year's Day!


People in Spain have a unique way to celebrate New Year's Day. It is a custom to eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve, in the coming year. If you are able to get all of them into your mouth, all of your wishes will come true!


New Year's Day by smashing unused plates and glasses against the doors of family and friends. This action is performed with the aim of warding off evil spirits. Some people even stand on chairs and jump off them bringing good luck.


If you are offered a cake on New Year's Day in Greece, you may need tough teeth. As January 1st is also Saint Basil's Day in Greece, you will have a full lucky year.


They have the custom of throwing bread at the walls as the clock approaches midnight to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck in.


Every year, millions of people flock to Berlin for one of the throw parties, watch fireworks, and drink a German sparkling wine. Families melt lead at home by holding a flame beneath a tablespoon, a heart or ring shape indicates an upcoming wedding wile a pig is a sign of plenty of food.

1.What might Greeks find in St Basil's cake on New Year's Day?

A.A grape

B.A ring

C.A coin

D.A tooth

2.What does a pig shape of melted lead indicate in Germany?

A.Someone will marry soon.

B.Someone will strike the clock.

C.Someone will have sufficient food.

D.Someone will jump off the chair.

3.Which of the following is a Danish tradition to welcome New Yea's Day?

A.Doing cleaning.

B.Breaking things.

C.Watching fireworks.

D.Drinking wine.

4.Eating grapes on New Year's Eve is a custom in______.





5.What is the common purpose of celebration activities in the five countries?

A.To get good luck.

B.To be successful in business.

C.To scare away bad spirits.

D.To wish for a good harvest.


Scientists help scientists keep track of animals that are hard to spot, including endangered animals.

A team of scientists in Denmark came up with... At the very beginning, they didn't have high hopes for the new method.

Every living thing has DNA that can be used to identify it. Scientists can use this DNA to tell what kinds of animals are in a certain place.

Testing for DNA isn't a new idea, but most of the time, scientists look for it in water. DNA... and fans to collect extremely tiny bits of DNA onto very high quality filters.

In the laboratory, they got die DNA from the filters and made copies of it to... from different animals, They identified 49 different kinds of animals. They even identified DNA from animals that ... in the area. As Dr. Elizabeth Clare, who led the team, said,“There's no other way I would detect DNA from a tiger, except for the Zoo's tiger.”

The researchers are excited about the ways this new... in the wild. Scientists have been looking for better way to live. They can do a better job of protecting them.

6. What could the new method help scientists according to Paragraph 1?

A. To record animal types.

B. To identify rare animal species.

C. To count animal numbers.

D. To trace the hard-to-spot animals.


7. What was the Danish scientists' attitude to the new method before the experiment?

A. Neutral. B. Positive. C. Critical. D. Doubtful.


8. In which section of a magazine does this passage most likely appear?

A. Health. B. Environment C. Science. D. Geography.


9. In most cases, scientists look for DNA________ .

A. from air B. in laboratory C. from waste D. in water


10. Why did the scientists collect samples in the zoo?

A. Because animals at the zoo were easily tested.

B. Because the zoo had samples not locally found.

C. Because they could easily get help in the zoo.

D. Because their laboratory was in the zoo.



Today lots of people love to wear T-shirts for the... of a traditional dress shirt and tie.

The T-shirt did not look like the T-shirt we know today until after the First World War (1914-1918), During World WarⅠ, some soldiers were wearing old-fashioned woolen uniforms during the summer. During the 1920s, the word“T-shirt”was added to a dictionary. By the Second World War, most soldiers wore cotton T-shirt as standard underwear.

T-shirts were considered solely as underwear until the 1950s. In those days, even the word“underwear" was never mentioned in the social class. So in the 1950s, it was quite shocking to see movie stars, such as Jean Arc and James Ron wearing just a T-shirt! But by 1955 it became socially acceptable for young men to wear just a T-shirt without a regular shirt covering it. James Ron, the famous film star,.....

Today T-shirt become part of people's way of life...promote their favorite music bond or sports team. People wear T-shirts advertising places that they have visited. T-shirts with images of cartoon characters are worn by children of all ages. In fact, you can find every cartoon character that ever graced the screen on a T-shirt somewhere.

11. During the First World War, soldiers found cotton undershirts________ .

A. durable B. acceptable C. fashionable D. comfortable


12. How do people normally wear a T-shirt today?

A. They wear it under a sports coat.

B. They wear it under a shirt

C. They wear it under a dress.

D. They wear it under a uniform

