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山东省实验中学2024届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题(本试卷共10页,共三部分;全卷满分120分,考试用时100分钟)注意事项:1.答卷前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题纸上。2.本试卷满分120分,分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。3.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。4.非选择题的作答:用0.5mm黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AOn-campus Meal PlansOur on-campus dining prides itself on providing nutritious food choices to meet the wide variety of dietary needs within our community. Our meal plans offer the highest quality food and create opportunities for students to engage in academic and lively discussions over meals with each munity is one of the great reasons why students in residence halls are required to have a meal plan. While students are automatically signed up in the Blue Plan, three meal plans are available to meet your needs.Available plansThree meal plans are available and our meal plans are made up of two components:● Meal Credits: Any unused meal credits at the diníng halls will run out on Saturday at midnight each week and reset for the upcoming week. Meal credits can only be used by the meal plan holder.● Flex Dollars: Flex dollars can be used to pay for anyone, such as family, friends, or guests.Current Plan Upgrade OptionsPlans Blue Plan Gold Plan Ultimate PlanMeal Credits 12 meal credits per week 18 meal credits per week Unlimited meal credits per weekFlex Dollars 600 flex dollars 1,200 flex dollars 2,000 flex dollarsCost Included in your Housing Contract + $ 350 per year + $ 950 per yearUpgrades and changesWant more flexibility to meet your needs Upgrade and maximize your plan. Simply fill out the On-campus Meal Plan Change Form during the limited change period:Fall: March 1 — September 14Spring: December 2 — February 81. What is a benefit for students to have a meal plan A. Simplifying dining process.B. Boosting social connections.C. Ensuring access to delicious food.D. Maximizing profit for dining services.2. How much do you pay to upgrade the Gold Plan A. $ 350 per year.B. $ 600 per year.C. $ 950 per year.D. $ 1,200 per year.3. When can students request changes to their meal plans A. Jan. 24.B. Feb. 21.C. Sept. 18.D. Oct. 3.BI received my architectural training in Italy, earning a traditional degree that didn’t involve working with Computer - Aided Design (CAD). However, my journey with computers began through my passion for music, using sound sampling systems, which catch the “sound reality” of an instrument, and also computer-assisted music composition systems. Little did I know that this exploration would greatly influence my approach to computer science and AI in the years to come.Self-taught in computer science during my architectural studies, I sought opportunities to specialize further. Ultimately, my journey led me to a pioneering laboratory in Marseille, France, known for its groundbreaking work in computer science applied to architecture. Surrounded by a community of innovators, I improved my skills to explore the transformative power of technology in preserving cultural heritage.In 2019, the world watched in horror as Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院) was consumed in flames. Determined to contribute to the restoration efforts, I took the lead in developing a digital ecosystem for the restoration operation. We developed groundbreaking AI tools generating 3D representations from photographs. By tracking the position and shape of voussoirs(拱石), and digitizing them from photographs, we were able to use the fine geometric information of the voussoirs to reconstruct the arch, thus giving valuable information to the architects about the structure, the exact geometry, and especially about constructive details of the oldest areas of the church from the 13th century. Notably, AI played a pivotal role in the process.As the restoration project progresses, the AI-driven preservation continues to advance. This knowledge will definitely serve as raw material to be used for AI systems, for example, for studies that can be extended to other buildings. Today, the restoration project is in an extremely advanced state. We hope to complete the restoration work before the 2024 Paris Olympics, so that this architectural masterpiece can regain its former glory.4. What led the author to computer science initially A. Composing music with CAD.B. Exploring computers for music.C. Studying for a degree in architecture.D. Developing sound sampling systems.5. What is the third paragraph mainly about A. The application of AI in restoration.B. The structure of Notre Dame de Paris.C. The destruction of Notre Dame de Paris.D. The development of AI digital ecosystem.6. What does the underlined word “pivotal” in paragraph 3 mean A. Secondary.B. Independent.C. Discouraging.D. Crucial.7. What is the author’s attitude towards the AI-drive n preservation A. Indifferent.B. Skeptical.C. Optimistic.D. Objective.CLooking up at the sky during early spring, you may see groups of birds moving as they migrate(迁徙) north. But how do these creatures fly in such a cooperative and seemingly effortless fashion “The answer lies in aerodynamics(空气动力学),” reports a team of scientists from NewYork University (NYU) in a newly published study. They also found that the impact of aerodynamics depends on the size of the flying group — benefiting small groups and disturbing large ones.To mimic(模仿) the flying patterns of birds, in which they line up one directly behind the other, the researchers created mechanized wings. They were 3D-printed from plastic and driven by motors to move in water, which showed how air flows around bird wings and how they interact during flight. For smaller groups, the researchers discovered an effect by which each member gets help from the aerodynamics in holding its position relative to its neighbors. For larger groups, however, these flying interactions cause later members to be thrown out of position, causing a breakdown of the flying patterns due to crashes among members.The researchers then used mathematical modeling to better understand the underlying forces. It indicates that the interactions between neighbors are spring-like forces. However, these “springs” act in only one direction — a lead bird can apply force on its followers, but not the other way around. “The spring-like forces move the members back and forth and then travel down the group and increase in intensity, causing later members to crash together,” explains Leif Ristroph, an associate professor at New York University.“This area of research is important since animals are known to take advantage of the flows to save on the energy or to reduce drag or resistance,” explains Leif Ristroph. “Our work may also have applications in transportation — like efficient speeding through air or water — and energy, such as more effectively harvesting power from wind or waves.”8. What is the major focus of the NYU researchers’ study on birds A. The migration patterns of birds.B. The flying routes in early spring.C. The benefits of smaller bird grouping.D. The aerodynamic effects on bird groups.9. How do flying interactions affect smaller groups of birds A. They lead to a breakdown.B. They disturb the formation.C. They help each member in position.D. They cause crashes among members.10. Why does the author mention “springs” in paragraph 4 A. To make a contrast.B. To explain a principle.C. To put forward a theory.D. To present new evidence.11. According to Leif Ristroph, what might be a potential application of this research A’. Relieving public traffic jams.B. Improving harvest of solar energy.C. Changing migration routes of birds.D. Decreasing air resistance of planes.DThe ban on cigarette advertising in the early 1970s in the United States serves as a fascinating case study in the field of public health campaigns and their unintended consequences. Despite the government’s intention to discourage smoking and reduce related health risks, the ban led to an unexpected outcome: an increase in cigarette sales for the major tobacco companies,The reason for this unexpected outcome can be traced to the principles of game theory, particularly the prisoner’s dilemma paradox(悖论). Just as in the prisoner’s dilemma, where cooperation leads to the best outcome for both parties, the tobacco companies would benefit collectively if none of them advertised. This action would create fairness in competition, ensuring that no individual company gains an edge by advertising.However, the dilemma arises when considering the potential actions of competitors. If one tobacco company decides to ignore the ban and advertise its products, it stands to gain a significant market share and increased sales compared to its non-advertising competitors. This creates a situation where each company faces the urge to advertise, fearing that their competitors may do the same and leave them at a disadvantage.In the end, most tobacco companies decided to play it safe and invested in advertising, despite the ban, to avoid being left behind in the competitive landscape. This strategic decision reflects the uncertainty and strategic considerations that shape business decisions, even in the face of regulations aimed at public health goals.This application of game theory provides valuable insight into the complexities of influencing human behavior through policy interventions. While well-intended efforts such as advertising bans may seem straightforward in theory, the realities of strategic decision-making and competitive dynamics often lead to unforeseen outcomes. As such, understanding the complexities of game theory can provide valuable insight for policymakers seeking to design more effective interventions and address complex societal challenges.12. What is a direct result of the ban in the 1970s A. Cut in tax income.B. Rise in tobacco sales.C. Reduction in health risks.D. Cooperation of companies.13. It benefits all competitors in the prisoner’s dilemma if they ______.A. trust each other and follow the regulationsB. act independently and pursue their own interestsC. increase their market share at the expense of othersD. ignore competition and focus on their own strategies14. Why do most tobacco companies finally choose to advertise A. To avoid intense competition.B. To achieve public health goals.C. To gain a competitive advantage.D. To shape better business images.15. What can be a suitable title for the passage A. A Failed Prison BreakB. A Ban with Good IntentionC. A Policy to Boost Public HealthD. A Cigarette Ban Ends in Smoke第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Short-form videos, also known as Shorts, have gained great popularity, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.16However, there’s a growing concern that watching too many Shorts can affect children’s brains.The phenomenon known as “TikTok Brain” arises from the app’s short and addictive videos. Similar to candy, these videos generate rapid dopamine(多巴胺) releases, stimulating the brain’s pleasure center. A study was conducted to investigate the impact of Shorts on the teenage brains.17They stimulated the brain’s reward centers more intensely than random videos.Our brains process visual information faster than text, which explains why videos tend to outperform text-based content online. Due to their underdeveloped reading skills, children are more easily to become addicted to visual stimuli. Remarkably, social media platforms can do a lot harm to the development of reading habits among younger users.18According to Jessica Griffin, a professor of child psychology, Shorts affect the developing brains of children and teenagers. The prefrontal cortex(前额叶皮质) is responsible for attention, self-control, memory, and learning flexibility.19This delayed development makes young individuals more easily influenced by Shorts.In conclusion, the constant exposure to fast-paced and stimulating content in Shorts can impact children’s attention. To address this issue, parents can have open conversations with their children about the potential risks.20Furthermore, encouraging physical activities and outdoor experiences is also crucial to develop a balance d lifestyle.A. Some even do not include text at all.B. TikTok’s feed is created addictive by design.C. But it does not fully mature until around the age of 25.D. It is helpful to use screen time management tools for Shorts.E. Short-term memory and the ability to concentrate are affected.F. It revealed that these videos are personalized, selected and fed to users.G. They’re brief attention-grabbing videos that can be entertaining and addictive.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In a world filled with misconceptions about happiness, I was one of those people who21that happiness lay in big things, like a big house, a fancy car, a steady career and so on. But life had a22in store for me.One weekend, my husband, Alex,23me to make some creme brulee(焦糖布丁). Excited by the idea, I24and set out to create the delicious dessert. As we sat down for dinner, I25served the creamy masterpiece I had prepared. To my surprise, Alex reached into his pocket and magically26a delicate spoon with a small bear on it, which is my27decoration — I have a lot of bear things around the house. With a twinkle in his eyes, he handed the spoon to me,28it as my special spoon for creme brulee — just for me.During the dinner, I was happy. And he, after29the creme brulee, was also happy. In that moment, I realized that the truest form of happiness lies in the30moments and contentment.We started to appreciate the simple joys in life. We took31in parks, cooked meals together, and shared laughter in face of challenges. As time went on, the bear spoon became a32of our love. It reminded us to33the everyday moments and to appreciate the beauty of34. True happiness isn’t a destination to be35but a state of mind to be cultivated.21. A. doubtedB. believedC. provedD. imagined22. A. jokeB. storyC. surpriseD. challenge23. A. askedB. instructedC. orderedD. persuaded24. A. hesitatedB. complainedC. refusedD. agreed25. A. cautiouslyB. proudlyC. shylyD. finally26. A. made upB. picked outC. pulled outD. put away27. A. uniqueB. charmingC. pricelessD. favorite28. A. regardingB. claimingC. insistingD. promoting29. A. finishingB. preparingC. servingD. watching30. A. breathtakingB. significantC. grandD. small31. A. walksB. chancesC. notesD. risks32. A. recordB. signalC. symbolD. reward33. A. avoidB. treasureC. dismissD. encounter34. A. natureB. diversityC. kindnessD. simplicity35. A. chosenB. reachedC. discoveredD. judged第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The city of Tianshui, in Northwest China’s Gansu Province, is experiencing a tourism boom36(fuel) by its signature dish, the malatang hotpot.37(feature) a mix of vegetables, meats and seafood boiled in a peppery soup, it has become an unexpected Internet hit, drawing visitors from across China. Tianshui38(welcome) 7.54 million tourists since the start of last month, generating tourism profit of 4.37 billion yuan.A photo of a39(visible) exhausted Haiying Malatang staff member went viral online, causing a heated discussion40increasing its popularity. According to Ha Haiying, the owner of the restaurant, it is the flavor and affordability41contribute to Tianshui malatang’s success.However, the42(spice) delight isn’t the only draw. The increase in malatang43(consume) has led to a corresponding rise in visitors to Tianshui’s key attractions,including the Maijishan Grottoes (石窟),44UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a temple dedicated to Fuxi.Tianshui’s local government is taking steps to solidify its position45a tourist destination, such as producing convenient seasoning packets so that visitors can recreate the genuine Tianshui malatang at home.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)为庆祝世界旅游日,让世界了解中国,你校英文报将以“中国魅力城市”为主题,举办征文比赛,请你选择一个中国旅游城市并写一篇短文
