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宁诺和MIT SCALE“拍了拍”你

宁波诺丁汉大学是中国第一所具有独立法人资格和独立校园的中外合作大学。截至目前,已有本科、硕士、博士共16000多名毕业生从宁波诺丁汉大学走向世界。继续求学的毕业生中超过26% 的学生被牛津、剑桥、斯坦福等全球排名前十的大学录取,选择就业的毕业生中超过75%的学生进入世界500 强企业、中外知名企业或机构,并受到雇主的广泛认可。宁波(中国)供应链创新学院是由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)与中国政府联合创建的唯一一所学院,是MIT全球供应链与物流卓越网络(MIT SCALE)成员之一。




宁波诺丁汉大学商学院有很强的运营/供应链管理授课团队,成员不仅在世界顶尖学术期刊发表文章,也和业界有密切合作推进供应链管理的实践。比如,李达三首席教授安东尼·普拉吉(Antony Paulraj),目前正带领泛3315创新团队从事“迎接互联,拥抱智能:宁波市智能供应链的发展研究”;以及同被聘为“宁波市供应链创新与应用专家委员会委员”的陈庆佳(Hing Kai Chan)教授和戴菁教授等等。在宁波(中国)供应链创新学院,学生将有机会享受来自麻省理工学院运输与物流中心的超强师资,如宁波(中国)供应链创新学院院长郭杰群教授,在学术界和相关行业享有盛名的尤西 · 谢费(Yossi Sheffi)教授、麻省理工学院运输与物流中心执行主任克里斯·凯普莱斯(Chris Caplice)等。




UNNC and MIT SCALE launch joint supply chain master’s programme

16 December: Ningbo, the world’s largest cargo port, now has a supply chain management master’s programme delivered jointly by University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and the MIT SCALE network Ningbo Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (NISCI). Local and international firms will benefit from a new source of professionals to plan and operate complex global supply chains.

The MIT SCALE Nottingham Ningbo Supply Chain Management Masters provides advanced knowledge in planning and management of supply chain operations. Graduates will be awarded an MSc in International Business (Supply Chain Management) from the University of Nottingham, UK, along with a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) graduate certificate.

The joint programme combines the resources of both UNNC and MIT SCALE to offer students plentiful on-campus and online resources. Students have the opportunity to visit MIT in the USA for three weeks’ study joining participants from other MIT SCALE Programmes in Spain, Malaysia, Luxembourg, China, Latin America and the US. At MIT, they will engage in seminars, workshops, competitions and industry visits. Students also have internship opportunities with numerous companies, such as Geely Automobile, YTO Express and Yunda Express.

Outstanding academics in the operations and supply chain management (SCM) field teach on the programme. They are active in supply chain related research, and not only publish papers in top journals but also work closely with industry to advance SCM. For example, Professor Antony Paulraj, Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in UNNC, was recently recognised as one of the top 2% of academics in this field and leads a Pan 3315 innovation team project on “Research and development of smart supply chains in Ningbo”.

Professor Hing Kai Chan, Professor of Operations Management at UNNC and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, is another in the world top 2%. He and Professor Jing Dai, Director of Postgraduate Programmes and Professor in Operations Management at UNNC, are both Expert Committee Members of “Supply Chain Innovation and Applications Committee" in the Ningbo Municipal Commerce Bureau.

Besides, students will also have opportunities to attend the lectures by Professor Jay Guo, Dean of NISCI, Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director of the MIT Centre for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), and Dr Chris Caplice, Executive Director of MIT CTL.

The programme is already open for applications and the first cohort of students will be admitted in September 2021. Applicants are expected to hold an honours degree at 2:1 level or above (or international equivalent) in business, management, engineering or a science-related discipline.

This is a one-year full-time course. Students choose to complete the programme with either a dissertation or an applied project.

UNNC is the first Sino-foreign university, established in 2004. More than 26% of its graduates remaining in further education are admitted to World Top 10 universities including MIT, and 75% of those seeking employment go on to work at World 500 companies and other top enterprises. NISCI was jointly established by MIT of Cambridge, USA and the Chinese government.

文字来源 | 吴文博,Lily Su,ETT

图片来源 | 李佳铭

