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Liu Xiang can take his time finishing his postgraduate and doctoral programs of study at the School of Sports and Health Care (SSHC) at East China Normal University, said Li Xiaoying, vice-president of SSHC.

"He is a special student," said Li. "The successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study will usually take six years, but the time is not a problem for Liu as long as he can finish and pass all the courses."

Liu Xiang has received face-to-face lessons from notable professionals during his trainings at the Shanghai Xinzhuang training base. "We know Liu has to spend most of his time in the training base. So we will send his teachers there to give him lessons individually," Li added.


硕博连读表达为 “successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study”,


单独授课 face-to-face lessons

保研postgraduate recommendation

研究生入学考试为 postgraduate qualification exam

(英语点津 Celene 编辑)
