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PrefaceIn accordance with the guiding ideology of “deepening the reform of higher education through the internationalization of education” in the “Outline of National Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Program(2010-2020)”, Academic English Writing is mainly designed for International Scholarly Exchange Curriculum (Undergraduates) (ISEC), and it is also applicable to Non-English majors and learners who intend to study abroad. This textbook is mainly to help ISEC undergraduates to understand the international English academic writing norms and basic requirements, to help them successfully complete the academic English writing, research reports and other writing tasks. It also creatively guides students to flexibly apply critical thinking abilities and skills into academic writing, enabling students to express their academic ideas by using standard language.Academic English Writing mainly focuses on explaining the main steps of writing process, the related requirements and methods of academic writing. It is composed of 12 units, each of which involves the structure and skills of academic English expository and argumentative writing. This textbook mainly discusses the sections of academic writing, including topic selection, material collection and evaluation, outline writing, article cohesion and transition, language style characteristics, writing norms, reference notes, publishing process, acknowledgmentt and so on. In addition, the appendix contains a format guide of the references and the notes related to the academic writing.The editors of this textbook are all the backbone teachers active in the front-line teaching of colleges and universities. They are composed of five teachers, from Jilin Normal University, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Chifeng University and other universities. According to the development trend of ISEC undergraduates’ professional disciplines, the editors have carried out a special research around the existing excellent teaching materials and structures, and reflected the feasibility and applicability of critical thinking ability in editing the writing materials.In the course of compiling the textbook, we (editors) have read and consulted many related works, textbooks and online materials, and hereby we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the relevant authors. In addition, the office of ISEC has invited experts to strictly review and control the quality of the structure and content of this textbook. Grateful acknowledgement to all in particular! Due to the limited knowledge level of editors, there are inevitably some shortcomings in the book. We hope the readers can freely and honestly criticize and correct them. Editors October 2019 遵循《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》“通过教育国际化,深化高等教育改革”的指导思想,《学术英语写作》主要针对国际本科学术互认课程[International Scholarly Exchange Curriculum (Undergraduate),简称:ISEC]而编排设计,同时也适用于非英语专业本科生和希望留学的学习者。本书主要帮助ISEC本科生了解国际英语学术写作规范和基本要求,有助于学习者顺利完成在专业课学习中所涉及的论文撰写、研究报告等方面的学术英语写作任务,创造性地引导学生在写作时灵活运用明辨性思维能力及技能,使学生能运用规范的语言表达自己的学术思想。《学术英语写作》围绕学术论文写作的主要步骤、相关要求及方法展开,由十二个单元组成,每个单元涉及学术英语说明文和论说文写作的结构和技能。本书主要从学术英语论文写作选题、材料收集与评估、提纲撰写、文章衔接与过渡、语言文体特点、写作规范、参考文献的标注、出版流程以及答辩致谢等方面加以详细分述。此外,附录包含参考文献常用格式指南以及论文写作的相关注意事项。本书的编者们都是活跃在教学一线的高校骨干教师,由吉林师范大学、内蒙古民族大学、贵州财经大学、赤峰学院等高校的五位教师组成。根据ISEC本科生的专业学科发展趋势,编者们围绕现有优秀教材和结构进行了专题研究,在本书的编写中体现出明辨性思维能力在写作中的可行性和应用性。在本书的编写过程中,我们参阅了许多相关著作、教材和网上资料,在此向各相关作者致以真诚的感谢!此外,本科学术互认课程办公室(ISEC办)邀请专家们对本书的结构和内容严把质量关,特在此表示感谢!由于编者们水平有限,书中难免有不足之处,希望读者们批评指正。 编者 2019年10月序 言

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