首页 >  大学英语六级翻译真题刺绣  > 2022年6月大学英语六级考试CET6翻译真题及答案(新东方完整版)



翻译1南京长江大桥是长江上首座由中国设计、采用国产材料建造的铁路、公路两用桥,上层的4车道公路桥长4589米,下层的双轨道铁路桥长6772米。铁路桥连接原来的天津――浦口・和上海――南京两条铁路线,使火车过江从过去一个半小时缩短为现在的2分钟。大桥是南北交通的重要枢纽,也是南京的著名景点之一。南京长江大桥的建成标志着中国桥梁建设的一个飞跃,大大方便了长江两岸的物资交流和人员往来,对促进经济发展和改善人民生活起到了巨大作用。The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the first rail-road bridge across the Yantze River which was designed by China and constructed with China-made materials. The upper deck is a 4,589 metre-long four-lane road bridge, and the lower deck a 6,772 metre-long double-rail one which joins the original Tianjin-Pukou and Shanghai-Nanjing railway lines, shorten-ing the traveling time across the river from 1.5 hours to 2 minutes. The bridge is not only a significant north-south traffic hub but also a famous scenic spot in Nanjing. The bridge marks a huge progress in China's bridge construc-tion,greatly facilitating the exchanges of both goods and people on both sides of the Yangtze River and playing a major role in the development of economy and the improve-ment of people's living condition.翻译2卢沟桥位于天安门广场西南15公里处,横跨永定河,是北京现存最古老的多拱石桥。卢沟桥最初建成于1192年,1698年重建,由281根柱子支撑。每根柱子上都有一头石狮。这些石狮的头、背、腹部或爪子上都藏有着
