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关于”毕业后未来规划“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Fute planning after graduation。以下是关于毕业后未来规划专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fute planning after graduation

College Students' career planning in recent years, and colleges and universities be to pay attention to the career planning education of college students. In reality, there are cruel competition rywhere in the society, and the competition for job ting is also very fierce ry year. There are many college students of different majors who graduate fm the company.

The company hopes that employees have better abilities and skills, so graduates must Plan their career ahead of time. If they want to find a satiactory job, they must be well prepared. Can they set a clear goal and work hard for it? To some extent, students' career planning can pmote o college students to better plan their own career.

I think we should learn the majoty first, we must learn We should try o best to expand o hozons. For example, we can do reading, learn social skills and practice, etc.


