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News report one

White neat, such as chicken may raise blood cholesterol levels as much as red meat does. This finding surprised researchers who admitted they didn't expect that eating white meat would lead to higher blood cholesterol levels.(Q1)

In the study, researchers looked at 113 healthy people. The participants ate 3 different diets. These were a red meat which is primarily beef, a white meat diet which is, mostly chicken and turkey, and a vegetarian protein diet. Each diet period was 4 weeks between the diet periods. Participants had a break during which they ate their regular foods. In addition, participants had blood tests at the start and finish of each new diet. The results showed that white and red meat diets had the same effects on blood cholesterol levels.

Further, both diets increased blood cholesterol levels compared with the diet built on vegetarian protein sources. The team acknowledged that it is possible that white meat is better for our health than red meat.(Q2) Despite their findings, this is because other effects of red meat consumption could contribute to heart disease, independent of cholesterol. Their main recommendations are that people eat less of both kinds of meat and more vegetarian protein.

What do we learn from the news report about the study?

What did the researchers acknowledge?

News report two

At around 9:30 this morning, A trailer attached to a lorry turned over at the crossing of high street in milton. Hundreds of frozen turkeys were spilled all over the road. It is reported that nobody was hurt in the incident, but police said it may affect traffic and christmas dinners.(Q3) With just 1 week to go before christmas. There are worries that local supermarket supplies of this holiday favorite may be affected. A Police spokeswoman said that officers were currently in attendance at the scene. She stated that the driver of the lorry had been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.The Crossing on high street is a well known accident black spot.(Q4) This year alone, there have been seven traffic accidents at this location. Thankfully, none of these accidents have resulted in serious injury.

3. What does the news report say about the accident at the crossing of high street and milton?

4. What do we learn about the crossing on high street?

News report three

India launched its helicopter taxi service on monday, promising to ferry customers the 40 miles between bangalore's, electronic city tech hub and the international airport terminal in 15 minutes.(Q5) Customers can book their helicopter ride through a mobile app. The service which claims to be the first of its kind in india offers only one route, but bengalore airport will add more once it gets approval. Helicopter taxi is not an affordable option for many travelers.(Q6) A car ride for the same journey, cost less than half as much, but bengalore airport says it is a competitive alternative to a car ride for tech executives in a hurry, a large number of high class travelers, including ceos, have to spend more than 3 hours by road to get there.(Q7)

And that is a loss of time. A binglelore airport spokesperson said, this is not a low cost option, but it is an option. She added the helicopters varied around eight customers to the airport on their first day, the company that owns and operates the service is called thumby aviation. It previously specialized in private charter flights for government officials.

5. What is bangalore airport trying to do about the helicopter taxi service?

6. What do we learn from the news report about the helicopter taxi ride?

7. Who are the targeted customers of the helicopter taxi service?

Conversation one

说话人1 Hi. I wish to buy some cheese for a barbecue this weekend.(Q8)

说话人2 What kind would you like?

说话人1 Sorry, I don't know much about cheese. What type do you think would be suitable for a barbecue?

说话人2 That's easy for a barbecue. Could have any cheese you want. I imagine there will be different foods, and people will just help themselves and eat at their own pace, right? Exactly.

说话人1 It will be very casual. We will just be a small group of friends gathering together at washington park. There will be around 20 of us, including children. Great.

说话人2 So you could have different types of cheese. How much would you like to spend?

说话人1 Not very much, let's say, $30.

说话人2 I would suggest having at least one soft cheese and one hard cheese that will offer you a good variety to suit different people's tastes.(Q9)

说话人1 That sounds good. What's the difference between a soft cheese and a hard cheese?

说话人2 It depends. But generally speaking, soft cheeses are creamy and go well with sweet things like honey and jam. I would suggest something like this, spanish goat cheese, only $15, a very good price. You can spread it on bread with a knife.(Q10) And then at a tiny bit of honey on top, it's delicious. Children love it.

说话人1 Great. What about a hard cheese?

说话人2 For hard cheese? I would recommend this italian one here. It has a very strong smell and a dry flavor. You can cut it into thin slices and eat it on its own. It's $16.

说话人1 I'll take both. Thank you for your help.(Q11)

8. What does the woman plan to do for the weekend?

9. What does the man suggest the woman do?

10. Does the man say about spanish goat cheese?

11. What is the woman going to do at the end of the conversation?

Conversation two

说话人1 Our school is replacing printed textbooks with e textbooks next semester. I can't wait.

说话人2 Really? What about the cost? Not only buying all those tablets, but the software and electronic infrastructure that goes with it. Not to mention retraining all the teachers and administration staff.

说话人1 Sure the initial expenditure will be high, but much lower afterwards. Besides that, tablet prices continue to drop and are becoming increasingly affordable.Anyway, tablets help students learn up to 80 % faster.

说话人2 Not necessarily.Tablets have too many distractions. Students may pay attention to apps, games, and websites. Instead of their teachers.(Q12)In fact, research suggests that people who read printed text comprehend more, remember more and learn 30 % more than those who read digital text.

说话人1 Yes, but tablets contain many technological features that are not found in printed textbooks. Think about it. Students are able to highlight edit text, write notes, and search for information, much more quickly than they can with printed textbooks.(Q13) And what about all those trees that are cut down to make printed books?

说话人2 Actually, manufacturing tablets is environmentally destructive and dangerous to human health. The health impacts from making one electronic reader are 70 times greater than those from making a single printed book. A lot of minerals are extracted from the earth to make electronic readers. It does far more damage to the environment.(Q14)

说话人1 but the software for electronic readers can be updated instantly without the need for buying a whole lot of new books that's better for the environment.

说话人2 But the core curriculum doesn't change that much printed textbooks that are not brand new still contain the basic, relevant information of core subjects.(Q15)

说话人1 Well. I'm looking forward to the change.

说话人2 I'll stick with my printed books.

12. What does the woman say about using e textbooks?

13. According to the man, how can the use of tablets benefit students?

14. What does the woman say about students using tablets?

15. What does the woman say about making electronic readers? Section c directions?

Passage one

In social psychology, the term person perception refers to the mental processes that we use to form impressions of other people. It includes not just how we form these impressions, but the conclusions we make about other people based on our impressions. Consider how often you make this kind of judgment every day.(Q16) When you meet with a new coworker, you immediately begin to develop an initial impression of this person. When you visit the grocery store, you might draw conclusions about the cashier who checks you out. Obviously, person perception is a very subjective process that can be affected by a number of variables, including the characteristics of the person you're observing, the context of the situation, your own personal traits, and your past experiences.(Q17)

One of the techniques we use in person perception is social categorization. In this process, we mentally categorize people into different groups based on common characteristics. Problems with this technique include the fact that it can lead to errors and prejudice.(Q18) Imagine that you are getting on a bus. There are only two seats available. One is next to a small elderly woman. The other is next to a muscular, fierce looking man. You sit next to the elderly woman who unfortunately turns out to be quite skilled at picking pockets. Because of social categorization, you immediately judge the woman as harmless and the man as threatening, leading to the loss of your wallet.

16. What does the passage say we tend to do every day?

17. What do we learn about person perception from this passage?

18. What is the problem with using social categorization and person perception?

Passage two

Despite smartphones and social media, young people today are as socially competent as those from the previous generation. At least, this is what a new study suggests.(Q19) For the study, researchers compared teacher and parent evaluations of American children who started kindergarten in 1998, with those who began school in 2010, the former group entered kindergarten when mobile phones were luxuries. The ladder group started school when mobile devices were widespread. Results showed both groups of children were rated similarly on important social skills.

These included the ability to form and maintain friendships and get along with people who are different. They were also rated similarly on self-control, such as the ability to regulate their temper. In virtually every comparison made, ratings of social skills either remain constant or improved for the children born later. There was one exception. Social skills were slightly lower for children who accessed online games and social networking sites many times a day.(Q20)

Adults are worried when technological change starts to undermine traditional relationships, particularly the parent child relationship. The introduction of telephones, automobiles, and radio, all led to moral panic among adults of the time. Because the technology allow children to enjoy more freedom, fears over screen based technology represent the most recent panic in response to technological change.(Q21) But overall, the study found little evidence that time spent on screens was hurting social skills for most children.

19. What does the new study suggest about young people today and those from the previous generation?

20. What did the study find about children who access social networking sites many times a day?

21. What is adult`s worry about technological change?

Passage three

It's easy to spend all day searching for inspiration. You can find incredible videos, articles, and news stories about the success of others. The problem is that consuming the success and ideas of others is passive inspiration(Q22). Every time you read an article or listen to an interview, you're practicing passive inspiration. You might learn something, but you don't actually have to do anything. Hearing about other people's success isn't the same as creating your own. Instead, it is through the process of active inspiration, the act of, creating things, applying new ideas to our goals and making mistakes that we discover who we are and what is important to us.(Q23)

Furthermore, active inspiration is what results in long term passion and enthusiasm. Watching someone else's success might leave you feeling excited for a few minutes. However, taking action and applying a new idea to your life will inspire you more than anything someone else could say. Learning and listening can help you think about things in a different way. But creating, producing, and experimenting is what drives you forward. Passive inspiration can give you ideas(Q24), but active inspiration will give you power. Too often, we spend our lives consuming the world around us instead of creating it. What matters is the power your actions have to inspire you. The best inspiration comes from the application of ideas, not the consumption of them.(Q25)

22. What does the speaker say about inspiration from consuming others, ideas and success stories?

23. What do we learn from the passage about active inspiration?

24. What does the passage say passive inspiration can do?

25. Where does the best inspiration come from according to the passage?
