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Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.


1. 加入世贸组织后,中国将与世贸组织各成员密切合作,发挥积极和建设性的作用。

2. 整个东亚地区的工资水平都在上涨,中国处于风口浪尖。

3. 从2008年6月1日推行以来,全国超市塑料袋使用量减少了2/3左右,每年可节约原油240-300万吨。

4. 有了更加稳定的收入来源,地方政府就不必积极地向开发商出售土地。

5. 福利制度或失业保障,是要帮助那些最需要帮助的社会成员。

6. Some then have an excuse to do nothing—if a problem won’t go away, why should we waste time and resources trying to solve it?

7. The bad news is that the various resolutions made this week by European Council (欧洲理事会) will not be enough to carry us through the current crisis.

8. At the same time, revenue has taken a hit since the financial crisis, with investors trading less frequently and opting for simpler products with lower margins.

9. In other words, efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie, and equity refers to how the pie is divided.

10. Europe faces either disintegration and collapse or a chance to achieve deeper integration and emerge much stronger from the current crisis.


Part Ⅱ Translate the following passages into Chinese.


Passage 1


Growth in the least developed countries (LDCs) is expected to rise modestly from an estimated 4.8 percent in 2017 to 5.4 per cent and 5.5 per cent in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The acceleration is due mostly to more favorable external economic conditions and, in particular, firming commodity prices, which support trade, financial flows and investment in natural resource projects and infrastructure. GDP per capita grew by an estimated 2.5 per cent in 2017, which solidifies the recovery from the lows of 2015–2016, but remains subdued compared to the momentum reached before 2007. Prospects for the group are positive with per capita growth expected to accelerate to 3.0 per cent in 2018 and 3.2 per cent in 2019.

However, given the depth and extent of poverty and inequality among LDCs, tangible improvements in quality of life will remain limited. Structural challenges continue to hamper significant progress in economic and social development. This includes a lack of infrastructure and public services, political instability and institutional deficiencies and vulnerability to shocks from commodity revenue and extreme weather events.

Moreover, despite facing better prospects, the LDCs as a group will not accomplish SDG target8.1 this year, which calls for “at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum” in the LDCs. Nonetheless, some countries in the group will achieve average growth above or close to 7 per cent in 2018–2019, and the majority will grow at a 5 per cent or higher rate by the end of 2019. Bangladesh is projected to be among the fastest growing LDCs in 2018 with expected real GDP growth of 7.1 per cent, supported by vigorous domestic demand, especially private investments.

Bhutan is also expected to grow by 7.1 per cent in 2018, benefitting from infrastructure investments. The fastest growing East Asian LDCs include Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Myanmar with growth rates forecast to be slightly above 7 per cent in 2018–2019, mainly as a result of export growth and infrastructure projects.


注释:Financial Flows- It is also can be known as a cash flow. But it is primarily used to measure a financial company's health and status.

Bangladesh孟加拉   Bhutan 不丹    Myanmar缅甸


Passage 2


In terms of managing demand, however, policies are likely to diverge. The first- and second-tier cities will probably maintain restrictive household registration (hukou) policies, alongside retaining higher down-payments for a second house and the restrictive rules on the minimum number of years of paying personal income taxes and social security that are required before buying a home. A long discussed property tax to curb speculative purchasing also appears to have more momentum, but will probably not be implemented until 2020 at the earliest.

Yet for third- and fourth-tier cities, house purchasing policies are likely to remain loose. Local authorities in such regions have already relaxed registered residence rules, lowered down-payment requirements and cut property transaction taxes. Cities in provinces such as Anhui, Henan and Liaoning also provide discounted mortgage loans for migrant workers, university graduates and low-income buyers.

Encouraging migrant workers to purchase homes in third- and fourth-tier cities close to their rural abodes is a particular focus of government policy. Our estimates suggest that in 2016 there were about 16m migrants living in such cities, representing a potentially sizeable source of demand. The central authorities have rolled out a three-year plan (covering 2015-17) to transform “urban villages” in the city into low-cost housing for migrant workers.


注释:Down-payment(首字母大写) = An amount of money that you pay at the time that you buy something but is only a part of the total cost of that thing. You usually pay the rest of the cost over a period of time.   

Low-cost housing = 廉租房


Part III Translate the following passages into English.


Passage 1





Passage 2






Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese.


1. After entering the WTO, China will closely cooperate with all WTO members and play a positive and constructive role.

2. With China at the forefront, wages are on the rise throughout the East Asian region.

3. Since June 1, 2008, consumption of plastic bags in supermarkets has been cut by about 2/3. This has saved about 2.4-3m tons of crude oil.

4. With more stable income sources, local governments would not need to aggressively sell land to developers.

5. The welfare system or unemployment insurance tries to help those members of society who are most in need.

6. 一些人以此为借口不采取任何行动,理由是如果问题不可能消失,为什么要浪费时间和资源加以解决?

7.  坏消息是,欧洲理事会(European Council)本周达成的各项决议不足以让我们度过当前的危机。

8. 与此同时,金融危机以来收入也受到了影响——投资者的交易频率有所下降,并开始选择一些利润率较低、更为简单的产品。

9. 换句话说,效率是指经济蛋糕的大小,而平等是指如何分割这块蛋糕。

10. 欧洲面临的是两条道路:要么崩溃解体;要么继续推进一体化,从当前的危机中强势复兴。


Part Ⅱ Translate the following passages into Chinese.


Passage 1










Passage 2







Part III Translate the following passages into English.


Passage 1

The development of a market economy under socialist conditions is a great creation of the Communist Party of China. The system of socialist market economy is not only conducive to the (most) efficient allocation of resources, but also demonstrates the superiority of China’s socialist system and the positive roles played by the Party and the government. It is an economic system that meets the requirements for the development of China’s social productive forces, and reflects the nature of our socialist country.

However, we must realize that the market economy is based on the exchange of equivalent values, and market players are largely motivated by maximizing profit. These inherent features of the market economy are a breeding ground for the shaping of wrong money-oriented values. The wrong values in turn affect people's behaviors, leading some members of society fall into the trap of losing faith, declining in moral values and engaging in corruption. We need to be aware that the mainstream social values of our country are the core values of socialism, and the money-oriented mentality only affects a small number of people, causing only some social problems. However, we must be committed to our socialist values throughout the development of the socialist market economy. We must also take effective measures to resist the erosion of wrong values imposed on individuals, organizations, and the whole society.



Passage 2


    The development of economic globalization has provided a strong impetus to the world economic growth, and it faces new problems and challenges as well. Particularly since the international financial crisis, the recovery of the world economy has been arduous and difficult. Many countries are now under the pressure of economic downturn and some contradictions have become extremely apparent. However, it should be noted that economic globalization is not to blame for many of the problems affecting the world today. To identify economic globalization as the chief culprit is no more than trying to catch fish in the air, and its consequences would be harmful to all sides.

What the United States has done arouses resistance(are quite unpopular). Dozens of world's top economists have warned that tariffs will not help Americans improve their livelihoods, but will damage the interests of most Americans. According to a national poll conducted in the United States, half of Americans oppose imposing tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. Another view is that tariffs will cause seriously negative impacts on US downstream industries such as its manufacturing industry, leading to the reduction of 180,000 jobs in other economic sectors. The rest of the countries are also worried that trade disputes between the world’s two largest economies will have a negative impact on their own economies.  
