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Part 1 Oral Communication (10 points)

Section A

Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Dialogue One

A. And then maybe we can go out to eat tonight.

B. Let me look at the newspaper.

C. And what should we do after we go to see the movie?

Girl: Dad, I'm bored. Can l go to a movie today?

Dad:A movie today? Well,I don't know.Ah, here it is a movie that starts in the afternoon at 2:45. Well, should we take mommy with us?

Girl: Yeah.

Dad: Okay, we have to wait for mommy because she's going to meeting right now.

Girl: Okay.

Dad: Alright._2

Girl: Go on a walk to the beach?

Dad:Well that sounds great.3Does that sound okay?

Girl: Yeah.


Dialogue Two

Section B

Directions: In this section there is one incomplete dialogue which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Part II Vocabulary (10 points)

Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

11.We adopt and cling to beliefs because--or partly because--it pays to do it.

A.agree on B.rely on C.attend to D.stick to

12.Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.

A.before B.beside C.below D.behind

13.The new administration hopes that such measures will consolidate its position.

A.illustrate B.strengthen C.promote D.defend

14.Knowledge exposes us to the wonderful diversity of the world and gives a better perspective on life.

A.expectation B. viewpoint C.future D.value

15.Like any other medical symptoms.a sharp drop in body temperature may have many causes.

A gradual B.slight C.dramatic D.typical

16.He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when travelling.

A.subtle B.refined C.exquisite D.weak

17.The facilities in some areas are out of date while those in others are very modern.

A.damaged B.endangered C.unfashionable D.unfavorable

18 Under no circumstances should we do anything against the will of the people.

A.In no case B.For no reason C.By no means D.At no moment

答案:11--15 DCBBC 16--18 DCA 

Part III Reading Comprehension (25 points)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Today's grandparents are joining their grandchildren on social media, but the different generations' online habits couldn't be more different. In the UK the over-55s are joining Facebook in increasing numbers, meaning that they will soon be the site's second biggest user group, with 3.5 million users aged 55 - 64 and 2.9 million over-65s.

Sheila, aged 59,says, 1 joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and photos of them. It's a much better way to see what they're doing than waiting for letters and photos in the post. That's how we did it when i was a child, but i think I'm lucky i get to see so much more of their lives than my grandparents did.

Ironically, Sheila's grandchildren are less likely to use Facebook themselves. Children under 17 in the UK are leaving the site - only 2.2 million users are under17 but they're not going far from their smartphones,Chloe,aged 15,even sleeps with her phone.it's my alarm clock so l have to" she says. 1 look at it before l go to sleep and as soon as i wake up.

Unlike her grandmother's generation, Chloe's age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missing out on spending time with their friends in real lifeSheila,on the other hand,has made contact with old friends from school she hasn't heard from in forty years."We use Facebook to arrange to meet all over the country she says. "it's changed my social life completely.

Teenagers might have their parents to thank for their smartphone and social media addiction as their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone, Peter,38 and father of two teenagers, reports that he used to be on his phone or laptop constantly.1 was always connected and i felt like i was always working' he says. 'How could i tell my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen myself?So,in the evenings and at weekends, he takes his SIM card out of his smartphone and puts it into an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages. ''m not completely cut off from the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing is I'm setting a better example to my kids and spending more quality time with them.'

Is it only a matter of time until the generation above and below Peter catches up with the new trend for a less digital life?




讽刺的是,希拉的孙子们自己不太可能使用脸书。17岁以下的儿童正在远离该网站--只有220万17 岁以下的用户--但他们不会远离自己的智能手机。15岁的克洛伊甚至睡觉时都抱着手机。她说:"这是我的闹钟,所以我必须这样做。我睡觉前和起床后都会看手机。"


