首页 >  同位语从句高考真题解析  > 2022届高考英语复习专题:同位语从句课件(33张)



(共33张PPT)同位语是句子成分的一种, 它位于名词、代词后面, 说明它们的性质和情况, 它可以由名词、代词、名词性短语或从句充当。同位语 the Appositive语法精解同位语的表现形式有以下几种:(1) 名词Tom, our monitor, is a handsome boy.(2) 代词I myself will do the experiment.(3) 数词She is the oldest among them six.(4) 从句He told me the news that the plane had exploded.他告诉我飞机爆炸的消息。(5) 由such as, that is引导Some subjects, such as maths and physics, are very difficult to learn.某些学科,例如数学和物理,是很难学的。(6) 由 or 引导The freezing temperature, or freezing point, is the temperature at which water freezes under ordinary pressure.结冰温度即冰点,是水在常压下结冰时的温度。Noun Clause——Appositive Clause(同位语从句)The man from the star这部电视剧已经成为最近的热点是一个事实_______________________________a recent hot topicis a truth. (become)That the TV play has becomeSubject Clause 主语从句很多人想知道为什么都教授吸引了那么多的粉丝。Many people wondered ______________________________________________________________.(attract)why Prefessor Du attracted so manyfans.Object Clause 宾语从句理由可能是他拥有帅气的外表和强大的超能力。Maybe the reason is ____________________________________________________________.(have)that he has handsome appearence and strong superpowerPredicative Clause 表语从句尽管我也被这部剧吸引,但炸鸡和啤酒因为这部剧成为了很受欢迎的食物的事实还是让我很吃惊。Although I was attracted by this drama, the fact ___________________________________________ because of it still surprised me.that the fried chicken and beer became popular foodAppositive Clause 同位语语从句(become)Although I was attracted by this drama, the fact that the fried chicken and beer became popular food because of it still surprised me.factthat名词引导词从句总结:同位语从句结构____________ + ______________ + ________________名词引导词从句I have no idea why you are so tired every day .2. The fact that we don’t get enough sleep is absolutely true.3.I have been thinking about the question whether we should be given more free time.4.We all know the truth that nothing is more important than health.ideaThe factthe questionthe truth同位语从句的作用: 进一步解释、说明前面名词的具体内容。Activity 1Read and find同位语从句被修饰的名词通常为______名词, 如: ______, ______, hope, wish, ________, order, ________, ________, belief, truth, theory, decision, conclusion, promise, _________, _________, plan, _________…Summary(1):抽象factnewsopinionquestionproblemthoughtsuggestionideaActivity 2 Choose the proper introductive words1.The question ________ should do the work is being discussed at the meeting.2. I have no idea _____ the driver made phone call when driving.3. The fact _____two pupils were killed can’t be accepted by their parents.4. I have some doubt _______ he is suitablefor the job.5. The problem ________we should have the meeting in the hall now must be decided at once.whowhythatwhetherwhenSummary(2):同位语从句在复合句中用作 的从句叫同位语从句,它是________从句之一。引导同位语从句的连接词有:从属连词,;连接代词 ,等, 连接副词, , ,_____等。同位语名词性thatwhetherwhatwhowhenwherewhyhowThe question _________________________between Korean aliens and Chinese aliens has puzzled her for a long time.(diffrence)为什么中国的外星人和韩国的外星人有那么大差别这个问题困扰了她很久。why there are so many diffrences长高点,就不用踮着脚跳舞了如果我的舞蹈演员们能长高点的愿望有天实现的话,他们就不用一直踮着脚尖跳舞了。If my wish_______________________________ comes true one day, they will not have to stand on their toes all the time.(grow)that the dancers can grow tallerI have a hope that all of you will go tocollege.2. I hate the fact that he told me.3. I hate the fact that he always tells lies4. Titanic is the ship that sank into the ocean.5. He made an excuse that his car broke down on the way.同位语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句Activity 3判断以下是什么从句同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处(1)同位语从句用来进一步________前面名词的内容;定语从句用来__________前面的名词。The news that our team has won the final matchis encouraging.(同位语从句说明“消息”的内容:______________)The news that you told us is really encouraging.(定语从句对“消息”加以限定:是_______________,而非来自其他渠道。但消息是何内容却不得而知。)Summary(3):解释说明修饰限定我们队取得了决赛胜利你告诉我的The news that our team has won the final matchis encouraging.The news that you told us is really encouraging.Summary(3):同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处(2)在从句中充当成分吗?在从句中充当成分吗?that同位语从句定语从句不作成分,无意义,不能省指代先行词,作主语、宾语、表语等成分,作宾语可省1.It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities; this is the information ____ has been put forward. A.what B.that C.whenD.as2.She heard a terrible noise,____ brought her heart into her mouth. A.it B.which C.thisD.that3.I can't stand the terrible noise ____ she is crying loudly. A.it B.whichC.this D.that4.The fact_____ he failed in the exam is not the one______he told me.A.which;thatB.that;/C.which;which D./; that

Activity 4 Choose the best answerSummary(3):同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处(3)③when, where, why既可以引导定语从句也可以引导同位语从句。共同之处是两种从句在复合句中都充当状语。不同点:when, where, why引导定语从句时,前面有与其意义相近的先行词;当引导同位语从句时,前面先行词含义与之并不相同。---Then he raised the question where they were to get the machine needed.---Do you know the place where he was born ---I’ll never forget the day when we met for the first time. (定从)---I have no idea when we met for the first time. (同从)Summary(3):同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处(4)④ what 不能引导定语从句,但可引导同位语从句并在其中可以充当成分,如:---I have no idea what we should give them.____________ you go and __________you do, I’ll beright here waiting for you.(状语从句)WhereverwhateverNo matter whereno matter what离开房间的任何人应该把灯关掉。___________________________________ought to turn off the light.(主语从句)Whoever leaves the room last考点连接词whatever和no matter what等【结论】【疑问词+ever与 no matter+疑问词的区别】whatever≥no matter whatWhatever,whichever, whoever 等词可以用于引导名词性从句和让步状语从句No matter what/which/who 等只引导让步状语从句经典例句:If you smile at me like that, I will give you whatever you want.点击高考1.【2012福建】35. We promise _____ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.A. whoB. whomC. whoever D. whomever(2013陕西)20. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _____ suits you best.A. whateverB. whicheverC. wheneverD. whereverCB1. 同位语从句有时被别的词或短语把它和名词隔开:注意:-The story goes that William Tell killedthe king with an arrow.-Word came that their team had won.2. 同位语从句中使用虚拟语气的情况注意:在suggestion, advice, request, order, demand, requirement等意为“建议,要求,命令”的n. /v.后,同位语从句的谓语v.通常用虚拟语气结构“should+ v原形”,其中should可省略。---Our teacher gave us some suggestion how we (should) use the computer.---The manager ordered him that he (should) finish the work in a day.Activity 5 Fill in the blanksThe news ____________________(MH370失踪)shocked the whole world. Malaysian authorities said that there was no confirmation___________________(残骸被找到)on March 12. The mystery __________________________(飞机去哪儿了)also confused all people in the whorld. _____________(是否是)an act of terrorism was another doubt.We all had a dream_______________________________________(有部分乘客幸存)But unfortunately, on March 24 Malaysian authorities’ message to the relatives broke our last hope.that MH370 dissapearedthat debris was foundwhere the plane has goneWhether it wasthat some of the passengers survived.“Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume, beyond any reasonable doubt, that MH370 has been lost and______none of those on board survived.”But just as the lyrics(歌词) say, we still hold the belief_____________________________________,(飞机能穿越时间和空间) living with us together.thatthat the plane can cross time and spaceActivity 6 Complete the sentences1.The question_________________________bothered him.(get) 能从哪里弄到如此多的钱这个问题困扰着他2. _______________________is the use of cell phone.他们正在谈论的手机的使用。(talk)3._____________________ the MH370 flight lost crashed, but fuel tanks were limited in the distance it had.(confirm)还没有消息证实MH370航班已失事,但是这个航程的航班油量是有限的。4.The question is _____________________ in such a shorttime.(prepare)问题是我们能否在如此短的时间内准备好。5.Did she say____________________(work)她是在说我们应该怎样做这个工作吗?where he could get so much moneyWhat they are talking aboutIt has not been confirmed thatwhether we can prepare wellhow we should do the workGuess who he/ she isWhat impresses us most is that he always stares at us outside the small window of the back door.We want to tell him that he needs more rest.He is a modest and kind man who loves you very much.There is no doubt that he is a resposible teacher in our heart.Try to describe the one who is familiar to us, and remember to use noun clauses as many as you can.

