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姓名:黄涛职称:副教授院系:建筑学系Huang Tao


学历与学位 Education

华中工学院 学士 华中理工大学 硕士Bachelor:Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1987Master:Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1997

现任职务 Position


主要研究方向 Research Field

数字化设计与建造 公共空间设计 工业化构造设计 古建虚拟复原 Digital design and construction Public space design, Construction design for factory production Virtual recovery of ancient building

工作经历 Work Experience

1987.7-至今 华中科技大学 2009.1-2010.1 纽约州立大学布法罗分校访问学者 1987.7 - Now, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2009.1 - 2010.1, As a Visiting scholar in University at Buffalo, SUNY

主要科研成果 Research Project

湖北省高校教改基金项目“建筑技术类课程的优化整合” ( 2003. 04 – 2005. 05 ) 获本校“三育人”奖。( 2002. 09 ) 本校研究基金项目“虚拟现实技术在房地产开发中的应用”。 ( 2000. 03 – 2002. 07 ) 参与“与国际接轨的中国现代建筑教育的研究与实践”教改项目获国家级教学成果二等奖。( 1999. 04 – 2001. 12 ) 湖北省高校教改基金项目“建筑设计创新人才培养模式的研究与实践”获湖北省高校教学成果三等奖。( 1999. 0 – 2001. 09 ) 本校远程教育学院教材建设项目“建筑设计案例库” 本校本科生教材建设项目“中国传统建筑CAI课件”获湖北省高校电子教材评比二等奖。( 1999.05 ) 本校教改项目“建筑学专业综合素质和专业素质的培养”获得本校教学成果三等奖;参与本校教改项目“建筑设计专题化教学体系的建构”获本校教学成果二等奖 《红楼梦》大观园虚拟复原。 (1998.03 – 1998. 07 ) 获本校“三育人”奖 ( 1997. 09 ) 多次指导学生设计竞赛获奖 Optimization of the Architectural Technology Courses, sponsored by Hubei Higher Education Teaching and Research Fund. 2003. 04 - 2005. 05 The Excellence Teaching Award by HUST. 2002. 09 The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Real Estate Development, sponsored by HUST Research Fund. 2000. 03 - 2002. 07 Participated in the project of The Research and Practice of Chinese Modern Architectural Education Merged with the World, and won the 2nd Prize awarded by China Education Ministry. 1999. 04 - 2001. 12 The Training Mode of Innovative Talents in Architectural Design, won the 3rd Prize on Teaching Achievement awarded by The Education Office of Hubei Province. 1999. 0 - 2001. 09 The Database of Architectural Design Cases, sponsored by HUST Distant Education Teaching Resources Fund. 1998. 04 – 2000. 05 CAI Courseware of Chinese Traditional Building won the 2nd Prize on E-Textbook Competition among universities in Hubei province. 1999.05 Cultivation on the Synthesis and Professional Quality of Architectural Majors won 3rd Prize on Teaching Achievements, HUST; and participated in the project of Themes Teaching System of Architecture Design won 2nd Prize on Teaching Achievements, HUST. 1996.05 - 1998. 10 Virtual Restoration of Daguanyuan Buildings in Red Chamber Story. 1998.03 – 1998. 07 Won The Excellence Award in Teaching by HUST. 1997. 09 Instruct the students to win awards in the design competitions.

主要论文及著作 Publications

著作 黄涛. VRML虚拟建筑:原理、工具与方法. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2008 李建成 等主编. 数字化建筑设计概论(第2章). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007 Huang Tao, Virtual Architecture with VRML: Principles, Tools and Methods, China Architecture & Building Press, 2008, Beijing. Huang Tao, Chapter 2: The Foundation of Digital Architecture Design, in An Introduction to Digital Architecture Design, China Architecture & Building Press, 2007, Beijing. 期刊论文 黄涛,章莉娜. 什么决定建筑. 新建筑,2006/5 黄涛. 解析数字建筑. 新建筑,2008/3 蔡珏,黄涛. 建筑设计问题复杂性与协同设计. 湖南城市学院学报(自然科学版),2005/2 李晓峰,黄涛.武当山遇真宫大殿数字化与虚拟复原研究. 建筑学报,2004/12 黄涛. 协同设计与Internet的潜力. 新建筑,2004/2 傅敏,黄涛. 关于建筑设计企业信息系统建设的思考 俞红,黄涛. 因特网虚拟现实与建筑设计. 华中建筑,2000/4 黄涛. 走向新时代的建筑教育. 新建筑,1999/3 黄涛. D?R?郝莱威与他的欧罗波罗斯住宅. 新建筑,1999/2 黄涛. 生态建筑、绿色建筑在可持续发展建筑中的定位. 新建筑,1998/2 黄涛. 绿色建筑-重视生态环境的科学思维. 新建筑,1997/1 Huang, T., Zhang L. What Decides Architecture,New Architecture, No.5, 2006. Huang T. On Digital Architecture, New Architecture, No.3, 2008. Cai J., Huang T. The Complex of Architecture Design Questions and CSCD, Journal of Hunan City University, No.2, 2005. Li X., Huang T. Study on the Digitalization and Virtual Restoration of the Hall of Yuzhen Palace in Wudang Mountain, Architectural Journal, No.12, 2004. Huang T. Collaborative Design in Architecture and the Potentials of Internet, New Architecture, No.2, 2004. Fu M., Huang T. Thinking about Founding Architecture Design Firm Based on Information System, New Architecture, No.s1, 2003. Yu Hong, Huang T. Internet, Virtual Reality and Architecture Design, Huazhong Architecture, No.4, 2000. Huang T. Architectural Education of Going towards the New Era, New Architecture, No.3, 1999. Huang T. On the Dennis R. Holloway and Ouroboros House, New Architecture, No.2, 1999. Huang T. On the Location of Eco Architecture and Green Architecture in the Sustainable Developing Architecture, New Architecture, No.2, 1998. Huang T. Green Architecture: A Scientific and Ecological Perspective, New Architecture, No.1, 1997.Urban Design of Center District in Caidian Town, Wuhan. 2013.11Urban Design of Phoenix Business District in Caidian Town, Wuhan. 2013.11Procuratorate Office Building, Hanchuan City, Hubei province. . 2012.10Scheme Design of Distinctive Residential in Zhijiang City, 2011.12Virtual design for Highway Circle Linking of Guangzhou. ( 2004. 03 - 2004. 07 )Master plan of Hubei Industry University, 2002.03 – 2002. 07Master Plan of Asian Packaging Centre, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.2000.12 - 2001. 05Virtual Reality Modeling of Huagong Science and Technology Zone. 2000. 03 - 2000.05The Virtual Construction and Assembling of Zhenda Plaza Steel Roof, Shanghai, China.(1999.05 - 1999. 10 )Zhengda Commercial and Shopping Street planning and design, Yueyang, Hunan Province. 1999.03 – 1999. 05

主要工程实践 Design Practice

武汉市蔡甸城关中心区城市设计,2013.11 武汉市蔡甸凤凰商务区城市设计,2013.11 湖北汉川市人民检察院办公楼,2012.10 湖北枝江特色民居设计,2011.12 广州环城高速公路连接线虚拟现实设计,2004. 03 - 2004. 07 湖北工业大学总体规划, 2002.03 – 2002. 07 亚洲包装中心总体规划,浙江温州,2000.12 - 2001. 05 华工科技园虚拟现实建模设计,2000. 03 – 2000.05 上海正大广场钢结构屋顶虚拟施工,(1999.05 - 1999. 10 ) 岳阳正大商业步行街规划设计,1999.03 – 1999. 05Urban Design of Center District in Caidian Town, Wuhan. 2013.11Urban Design of Phoenix Business District in Caidian Town, Wuhan. 2013.11Procuratorate Office Building, Hanchuan City, Hubei province. . 2012.10Scheme Design of Distinctive Residential in Zhijiang City, 2011.12Virtual design for Highway Circle Linking of Guangzhou. ( 2004. 03 - 2004. 07 )Master plan of Hubei Industry University, 2002.03 – 2002. 07Master Plan of Asian Packaging Centre, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.2000.12 - 2001. 05Virtual Reality Modeling of Huagong Science and Technology Zone. 2000. 03 - 2000.05The Virtual Construction and Assembling of Zhenda Plaza Steel Roof, Shanghai, China.(1999.05 - 1999. 10 )Zhengda Commercial and Shopping Street planning and design, Yueyang, Hunan Province. 1999.03 – 1999. 05

主要讲授课程 Teaching

本科:建筑设计(一)、毕业设计 硕士:数字建构-理论方法与实践 For undergraduate: Architectural Design, Graduation DesignFor graduate students: Theory and Practice of Digital Architecture

联系方式 Contact

Tel: 0086-** Fax: 0086-** Email:huangt101@qq.com
