

华东理工大学社会工作系教授、博士生导师,香港城市大学应用社会科学专业哲学博士;上海高校智库“社会工作与社会政策研究院”副院长;美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校访问研究员;曾入选上海曙光计划(2020)、湖北楚天计划(2017)等。担任Child & Family Social Work(2021-2023)中国区域编辑,Research on Social Work Practice (2018-2025)、Journal of Evidence-based Social Work(2020-2025)三本社会工作领域SSCI期刊编委,同时为50余本多领域学术期刊特约审稿人。



电子邮件:duan.w@outlook.com; duan.w@ecust.edu.cn



2019.07至今 教授、博士生导师,社会工作系,华东理工大学

2018.08-2020.08 访问研究员,东亚研究中心,加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校

2016.03-2019.06 副教授、硕士生导师,社会学系,武汉大学

2013.06-2016.02 应用社会科学,哲学博士学位,香港城市大学

2009.09-2012.07 应用心理学,教育学硕士学位,西南大学

2005.09-2009.07 社会工作,法学学士学位,西南大学



1. 2023.04–2026.03 突发危机应激障碍群体轨迹建模与随机对照靶向干预试验(23ZR1415000),2023年度上海自然科学基金面上项目

2. 2023.03–2024.01 我国少数民族县城青年发展的规划与应用实践研究(2023B02),2023年度中国青少年研究会立项课题

3. 2021.05–2021.12 进一步完善本市“民心工程”推进机制研究(2021-A-043),2021年度上海市人民政府决策咨询研究重点课题

4. 2021.02-2021.11 基于关键绩效指标在儿童福利机构社工服务评价中的应用与探索, 上海市民政局2021年度科研课题报告

5. 2020.12–2023.12 新型冠状病毒肺炎患者身心功能障碍的发展轨迹和社会工作整合性干预研究(20SG30), 2020年度上海市“曙光计划”项目

6. 2017.07-2020.06 国民获得感指标体系构建研究 (17CSH073), 2017年国家社科基金青年项目(结项证书号20202737;鉴定等级良好)




1. Duan, W., & Li, Y. (2022). Huodegan: A Novel Index Reflecting Both Individual Wellbeing and Social Development. Springer Nature.

2. 彭凯平, 倪士光, 孙沛, 段文杰, 于永菊 (编著). (2022). 中国积极心理学测评手册. 北京: 清华大学出版社.

3. 安德鲁·海耶斯. (2021). 中介作用、调节作用和条件过程分析入门:基于回归的方法 (段文杰, 唐小晴, 程新峰 译). 中国北京: 社会科学文献出版社.

4. 段文杰. (2020). “三维”性格优势:探索个体潜能的科学. 中国北京: 社会科学文献出版社.


1. Duan, W., Wang, Z., Yang, C.*, & Ke, S. (online). Are Risk-Need-Responsivity principles golden? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of community correction programs. Journal of Experimental Criminology, Advance online publication. (SSCI, Q1 in CRIMINOLOGY & PENOLOGY, IF = 3.701, 5-Year IF = 4.08, 2021 JCR)

2. Duan, W., Yu, X., & Tang, X. (2023). “Humor A B C” program: Specific strength intervention in facilitating the positive development of left-behind children. Journal of Happiness Studies, Advance online publication. (SSCI, Q1 in PSYCHOLOGY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY and Q1 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY, IF = 4.087, 5-Year IF = 4.75, 2021 JCR)

3. Duan, W., Kong, Y., Bu, H., Guan, Q., Chen, Z., Luo, Q., & Zhang, J. (2022). The Online Strength-informed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy among COVID-19-affected Adolescents. Research on Social Work Practice, 32 (4), 465-474. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 1.984, 5-Year IF = 2.240, 2021 JCR)

4. 段文杰, 李玉梅, 何啊龙, & 吴桐. (2021). 基于未感染者与感染者双重视角的艾滋病污名研究. 心理科学进展, 29(2), 323-327. (CSSCI)

5. 李筱 & 段文杰. (2021). 循证社会工作的科学价值与学科价值——兼论开展循证社会工作的若干原则与方法. 社会工作, (3), 2-9. (注:高等学校文科学术文摘2021年第5期全文转载;中国人民大学复印报刊资料《社会工作》2021年第06期全文转载)

6. Yu, Z., Duan, W., Jiang, L., Yuan, Z., Kong, Y., & Wang, J. (2021). Interdisciplinary Bridging Response Teams (IBRTs) in the COVID-19 Outbreak Aid Provision in China. International Social Work, 64(5), 783-789. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 1.349, 5-Year IF = 1.198, 2020 JCR)

7. Duan, W., Li, Y., & Kong, Y. (2021). Construction of the Index of Social Work Professional Identity. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(6), 653-661. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 2.236, 5-Year IF = 2.079, 2020 JCR)

8. Duan, W., Qi, B., Sheng, J., & Wang, Y. (2020). Latent Character Strength Profile and Grouping Effects. Social Indicators Research, 147(1), 345-359. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY and Q2 in SOCIOLOGY, IF = 1.874, 5-Year IF = 2.339, 2019 JCR)

9. Duan, W., & Fei, Y., Tang, X. (2020). Latent Profiles and Grouping Effects of Resilience on Mental Health among Poor Children and Adolescents. Child Indicators Research, 13(2), 635-655. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY, IF = 1.468, 5-Year IF = 2.114, 2019 JCR)

10. Duan, W., Guan, Q., Sheng, J., & Qi, B. (2020). Initial Development of the Social Work Core Competence Inventory. British Journal of Social Work, 50(3), 722-740. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 1.435, 5-Year IF = 1.853, 2019 JCR)

11. Li, Y.#, Duan, W., & Chen, Z. (2020). Latent profiles of the comorbidity of the symptoms for posttraumatic stress disorder and generalized anxiety disorder among children and adolescents who are susceptible to COVID-19. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, Article 105235. (SSCI, Q1 in SOCIAL WORK and Q2 in FAMILY STUDIES, IF = 1.521, 5-Year IF = 1.870, 2019 JCR)

12. Duan, W., & Li, Y. (2020). Convergent, Discriminant, and Incremental Validities of Person-Environment Fit Scale for Creativity in Predicting Innovative Behavior. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54 (3), 525-534. (SSCI, Q1 in PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL, IF = 2.661, 5-Year IF = 2.695, 2019 JCR)

13. 段文杰, 苏志翔. (2020). 不同生育政策背景下子女成年期生命质量的影响因素及其机制——基于2008年中国综合社会调查资料的回溯研究. 人口与发展, 26(5), 2-21. (CSSCI)

14. Duan, W., Bu, H., & Chen, Z. (2020). COVID-19-related Stigma Profiles and Risk Factors among People Who Are at High Risk of Contagion. Social Science & Medicine, 266, Article 113425. (SSCI, Q1 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL and Q1 in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, IF = 3.616, 5-Year IF = 4.241, 2019 JCR)
