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第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. Where does the woman want to go?【A】

A. To the art museum. B. To the history museum. C. To the science museum.

W: What is the best way to get to the museum?

M: Where do you want to go? The history museum, the science museum, or the art museum?

W: The last one.


2. Why did the man go to San Francisco and Los Angeles?【C】

A. To visit some friends. B. To study in the USA. C. To visit some universities.

W: How long will you study in the USA?

M: About four years.

W: Have you been to the USA before?

M: I’ve been to San Francisco and Los Angeles to visit some universities.


3. What time will the man see Dr. Smith?【B】

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00.

W: Hello. Appointments.

M: Hello. Could I make an appointment to see Dr. Smith next Tuesday please?

W: Well, we open at 8:00, and there’s an appointment at 8:30 or 9:00.

M: Thanks. I’ll take the earlier one.


4. What is the man doing?【B】

A. Checking the time. B. Booking a table. C. Asking for advice.

M: Can I have a table for three for this evening, please?

W: For what time?

M: Eight o’clock?

W: You’re lucky. We’ve got one free table now. A customer is ill and can’t come.

M: OK. Thank you.

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. What kind of music does the man like best?【A】

A. Jazz. B. Rock music. C. Classical music.

6. Who can play the violin well?【B】

A. Kate. B. Hazel. C. David.

M: Hi, Kate. I hear that you are interested in music, right?

W: Yes. I like classical music. Beethoven is my favorite composer. How about you, David?

M: I like all kinds of music, but jazz is my favorite and my wife Hazel is fond of rock music.

W: You play the piano, don’t you?

M: A little bit, but Hazel is much better than me. She can also play the violin.

W: Really? I hope I can hear her play some day.

M: Why not come to our house this weekend? We are going to have a party to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.

W: I’d love to. Thank you!


7. What is the woman doing?【A】

A. Checking in. B. Shopping. C. Booking a room.

8. How would the woman like to pay?【B】

A. In cash. B. By credit card. C. By cheque.

M: Good evening, ma’am. Welcome to our hotel. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I’d like a room for the night.

M: Would you like a single room, or a double room?

W: A single room, please. How much is the room?

M: It’s $55 per night.

W: Can I pay by credit card?

M: Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form, please?

W: Do you need my passport number?

M: No, just your signature.

W: Here you are.

M: Here’s your key. Your room number is 416.

W: Thank you very much.

M: Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!


9. Where has the man been?【C】

A. To Paris. B. To London. C. To Chicago.

10. Where will Martha go to next week?【B】

A. Chicago. B. London. C. Paris.

M: What’s going on around here? Why is everyone changing offices?

W: Haven’t you heard? Where have you been anyway?

M: I just got back from visiting the plant in Chicago.

W: Well, there are a lot of changes being made here this week.

M: Yes, I see. But what are they?

W: For one thing, Martha and Jim are being transferred.

M: Where are they going? Did they get promoted?

W: Martha’s going to the office in London. She’s going to be in charge of the whole region next week.

M: That sounds like a pretty good promotion to me. What about Jim?

W: He’s going out to manage the plant in France.

M: And you? What about you? Are you going to get transferred, too?

W: No, I’m going to stay right here.


11. What did the woman do at the weekend?【A】

A. She ate out with friends. B. She went to a park. C. She saw a movie.

12. Why didn’t the man go to the concert?【B】

A. It wasn’t to his taste. B. The weather was bad. C. The ticket was expensive.

W: Hi, David, how was your weekend?

M: Not bad, thanks. How was yours?

W: Good. I went out for dinner with some friends on Saturday. I heard there was a rock concert in the park. You have a taste for rock music and it was free. Did you go to it?

M: No, I didn’t. It was too cold outside.

W: What did you do then? Don’t tell me you stayed at home alone.

M: Well, I went to the cinema.

W: Oh yeah. What did you see?

M: Cloud Atlas. It is great. Have you seen it?

W: No, I haven’t, but I’d like to.


13. What was Woodland Paper Supply like in 1963?【A】

A. It was a small news stand. B. It was not founded yet. C. It was a large business.

14. What are people encouraged to do?【C】

A. Arrive early. B. Avoid using their cars. C. Bring their family members.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We would like to welcome you all to come celebrate the 50th anniversary of our opening this Saturday! Woodland Paper Supply has served the community since May of 1963, when it was only a small news stand on Market Street. Since then we have expanded into one of the most successful paper suppliers in the area, with branches in four different states, and thousands of loyal and satisfied clients all over the United States. This would never have been possible without your ongoing support, and we would like to reward all of your hard work with a banquet at the Hampton Lounge on 5th and Broadway this Saturday at 7:00 pm. We encourage you to bring your family members for a night of dinner, drinks, and dancing! The dress code will be business formal, so come and be fancy with us! We will also give out prizes worth up to $600! We look forward to seeing all there!


听短文,记录关键信息并转述短文内容。本大题共两节。 第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分),听两遍短文,根据所听内容和提示,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。每空只需填写一个词。第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分),听第三遍短文,根据所听内容和提示进行转述。

第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)



Hello, everyone. I’m from the Summer Camp Organization. If you are between 14 and 16 and interested in a summer camp, please join us. Our camp is a bit different. Teenagers don’t sleep in a tent. Well, we prefer to take over a school, where participants sleep and get to take showers in the morning. So what is a summer camp all about if it’s not the outdoor life? The basic idea is to bring together young people to take part in lots of team-based activities. They’re divided into teams and do practical activities. For example, last year one team had the task of building a tree house. They had to find the materials, work out how to do it, choose the tree and so on. We don’t have as many of the outdoor sporting activities as other summer camps. We hope that they’ll feel more able to try new things when they go home.

答案 1:14/fourteen;答案 2:school;答案 3:practical;答案 4:tree;

The speaker tells us some information about the Summer Camp. If you ……


The speaker tells us some information about the Summer Camp. If you are between 14 and 16 and interested in a summer camp, please join them. Teenagers don’t sleep in a tent but they prefer to take over a school, where participants sleep and get to take showers in the morning. The basic idea is to bring together young people to take part in lots of team-based activities. They’re divided into teams and do practical activities. For example, last year one team had the task of building a tree house. They hope that they’ll feel more able to try new things when they go home.




第一节,朗读短文(共 8 分)


Jimmy and Jane liked to travel. They were always careful when they left the house. They locked the doors and windows. Then Jane took the extra set of keys and left them with her mother.

The couple spent two weeks camping in the mountains. They had a great time, but when they came home, they couldn’t find their keys. So they drove to Jane’s mother’s place to get the extra keys. Unfortunately Jane’s mother had gone out on a day trip. Anxious to get in their home, Jimmy decided to climb up the fire escape to open a window in the house. But he forgot that the windows were all safely locked. He climbed back down, angry with himself and his bad luck. Finally, Jimmy found a metal bar , broke the kitchen window and climbed into the house. He went to open the front door for Jane.

第二节,口头回答问题(共 3小题;每小题2 分,共 6 分)


第一个问题:1. What did Jimmy and Jane enjoy doing?


第二个问题:2. What did they do when they left home for vacation?

Locked the doors and windows.

第三个问题:3.How did Jimmy open the door for Jane?

He broke the kitchen window with a metal bar and climbed into the house. Then he went to open the front door for Jane.




第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. Who is the man probably?【B】

A. A cook. B. A cashier. C. A customer.

W: I’d like to order the mushroom soup, please.

M: All right, madam. Take this number and sit wherever you’d like. Your total is $8.50.

W: Here’s ten.


2. What will the man probably do this evening?【A】

A. Finish the term paper. B. Go to the football match. C. Make a plan for tomorrow.

W: Are you going to be able to come with us to a football match this evening?

M: I’d love to. But my term paper is due tomorrow, and I still have two paragraphs unfinished.

W: Oh, what a pity!


3. What are the two speakers talking about?【A】

A. Paying for tickets. B. Repairing machines. C. Changing notes.

W: Excuse me. Can I use bills to buy the tickets?

M: Yes. Some ticket machines take both bills and coins.

W: How can I know it?

M: It will say on the machine.


4. Where does the conversation take place?【B】

A. In a library. B. At home. C. In a cinema.

M: Mary, I’m going to draw the curtain. Is that all right with you?

W: But I’m trying to read.

M: Well, you see, I want to watch this movie on TV and the sun’s shining on the screen.

W: Oh, all right.

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. What are the speakers doing?【B】

A. Interviewing a champion. B. Reporting a match live. C. Talking about a new world record.

6. What do we know about Paul Timmons?【C】

A. He breaks a world record. B. He is talented in competing. C. He isn’t in the lead all the time.

W: Here they come, Steve. It’s the final 50 meters.

M: Yes, and Ricky Evans is in the lead.

W: He sure is.

M: But here comes Paul Timmons! Wow! Look at him go!

W: It’s very close…and…It’s Timmons! Paul Timmons is the new European champion! Timmons wins gold!

M: A great gold medal!

W: …and in record time, too!

M: Wow! Is that a new world record?

W: No, but it’s a new European record!

M: An excellent performance by Paul Timmons!


7. What does the woman think the weather will be like in the afternoon?【A】

A. Clear. B. Windy. C. Foggy.

8. How will the man get the weather information?【B】

A. By listening to the radio. B. By making a telephone call. C. By watching the weather forecast.

M: I’m wondering if it’s going to be fine this afternoon.

W: So what?

M: The sports meet! It’s fixed at 2:00, but the fog! You can only see a short distance.

W: But don’t you see the wind’s beginning to lift it up? I bet it will be fine this afternoon.

M: Don’t be so sure.

W: You’ve heard the forecast this morning, haven’t you?

M: No. That’s why I’m worried.

W: Why not try the 24-hour telephone weather forecast service?

M: Gee! How come I didn’t think of that? I’ll do it right away.


9. What are the speakers looking for?【B】

A. A fire station. B. A place to eat. C. A college.

10. Where did the fire probably break out?【C】

A. On a campus. B. In a library. C. In a cafeteria.

W: I’m hungry.

M: Yes, I’m hungry, too.

W: And I’m thirsty.

M: But the cafeteria is closed today.

W: That fire was really terrible, wasn’t it?

M: Yes, it was. There was a lot of smoke.

W: But it didn’t do much damage to the cafeteria.

M: Those firefighters are really great, aren’t they?

W: Yes, they are. They got there in just a couple of minutes.

M: And then it only took them a couple more to put out the fire.

W: Yes, they were fast. But I’m still hungry. And thirsty, too.

M: There’s a hamburger place in town.

W: Yes, but it’s a long way from the campus, isn’t it?

M: Oh, it isn’t too far.

W: Can I get a milk shake there, too?

M: Oh, sure. Come on, we can walk there in a few minutes.


11. When does the girl’s head hurt the most?【A】

A. When she is in class. B. After she does sports. C. Before she goes to bed.

12. What does the man think the girl needs?【C】

A. More exercise. B. Some medicine. C. Glasses.

M: Hello, Michelle. How are you feeling today?

W: Hi, Dr. Frank. I am not feeling very well. That is why I made an appointment with you.

M: I am sorry to hear that. What seems to be the trouble?

W: My head has been hurting a lot lately. I never used to feel like this.

M: When does it hurt the most?

W: Usually, I feel fine. It only hurts when I am in class. My head starts hurting when I try to copy notes from the board. I tried sitting near the back of the room, but it doesn’t help. In fact, it gets worse!

M: Well, it sounds like you might need glasses. You should get your eyes checked. It should not take too long.

W: Thank you, doctor. I appreciate your help.


13. From which platform will the train to London leave?【C】

A. Platform 1. B. Platform 3. C. Platform 9.

14. What time will the train to Bristol leave?【C】

A. At 10:15 a.m. B. At 10:55 a.m. C. At 12:20 p.m.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is the station manager speaking. I am sorry to announce that because of thick snow, there will be a few changes to the departure times. So please listen carefully for details of your train.

First of all, the 10:15 train to London will now be leaving at 10:55 a.m. from platform 9, not platform 3.

Our second announcement is for passengers traveling to Bristol. The train to Bristol, will now not leave until 12:20 p.m.. We really do apologize for the delay to this service. If passengers need further information, please check our website for details.


听短文,记录关键信息并转述短文内容。本大题共两节。 第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分),听两遍短文,根据所听内容和提示,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。每空只需填写一个词。第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分),听第三遍短文,根据所听内容和提示进行转述。

第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)


Good morning, everyone. Today I’ll give you a general introduction about three types of university courses. The most common type is a lecture course. In it, the professor talks and the students sit and take notes. As a student in almost any field you’ll probably spend four to six hours a week attending lectures. A lecture course can have as many as three hundred students.

For every lecture course you are taking, you’ll also have a second kind of class, a discussion section. This class is smaller, maybe 20 or 30 students, and it meets two or three hours a week. However, discussion sections are taught by teaching assistants instead of professors.

The third kind of class is called a lab class. If your major is chemistry or physics or any other kind of science, you’ll have to spend several hours a week in the lab to do your experiments.


第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分)请再听一遍短文,完成转述。转述的开头已给出。

Good morning, everyone. Today the speaker gives us a general introduction about three types of university courses. ……

参考答案:Good morning, everyone. Today the speaker gives us a general introduction about three types of university courses. The most common type is a lecture course. In it, the professor talks and the students sit and take notes. They’ll also have a second kind of class, a discussion section. This class is smaller, maybe 20 or 30 students, and it meets two or three hours a week. However, discussion sections are taught by teaching assistants. The third kind of class is called a lab class. If their major is chemistry or physics or any other kind of science, they’ll have to spend several hours a week in the lab.




第一节,朗读短文(共 8 分)现在,你有90秒钟的时间进行短文朗读。

One day, my father and I were going home, and I was hoping for the beautiful sound of his offer. It came, “Would you like an ice cream today?”, “That sounds great, Dad!”. But then he said, “It sounds good to me too, son. Would you like to pay today?”. Twenty cents! Twenty cents! I could afford it, because I got 25 cents a week as pocket money, plus some extra for helping at home. But saving money was important, Dad told me that. And when it was my money, ice cream just wasn’t a good use of it.

So I said, ”Well, I guess I’ll pass.” My father didn’t act disappointed. He just said, “OK, son.” Then we drove home.

But that night I couldn’t fall asleep. I felt awful for my selfishness. I learnt that gratefulness sometimes cost a little more than “thank you”. On that day gratefulness would have cost 20 cents and it would have been the best ice cream I’d ever had.

第二节,口头回答问题(共 3小题;每小题2 分,共 6 分)每小题你有15秒钟的准备时间,在听到录音提示音后,每小题你有30秒钟的回答时间。

第一个问题:1. Could the author afford to buy an ice cream for his father? Why didn’t he do so?

Yes, but he is selfish to spend the money himself.

Yes, he could. And because he is selfish to spend the money himself.

第二个问题:2. How did his father react?

His father didn’t act disappointed.

第三个问题:3. What did the author learn on that night?

He learnt that gratefulness sometimes cost a little more than “thank you”. On that day gratefulness would have been the best thing he’d ever had.




第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. When does the man leave?【A】

A. Next Wednesday. B. Next Friday. C. This Sunday.

M: I am going to Atlanta next week.

W: When do you leave?

M: I leave next Wednesday afternoon and come back on Friday morning. My ticket will be here this Sunday.


2. What do we know about the man?【C】

A. He likes chocolate. B. He doesn’t like cookies. C. He likes cookies flavored with lemon.

W: Where are the cookies?

M: I ate them all!

W: I thought you didn’t like cookies.

M: Well, I don’t like cookies flavored with chocolate. But lemon is different.


3. Who are the speakers talking about?【A】

A. A workmate. B. A classmate. C. A neighbor.

W: Chris, have you heard that Gena’s leaving?

M: Really? How do you know that?

W: She told me. She’s leaving next month.

M: Actually, I’m not surprised. I didn’t think she was very happy working here.


4. What is the man going to do?【B】

A. See a friend off. B. Take a flight. C. Make a phone call.

W: Hey. Where are you?

M: In Heathrow Airport. My plane leaves in an hour.

W: What time do you expect to arrive?

M: Around 7 pm.

W: OK. Ring me up when you arrive.

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. Why do the two speakers stop?【C】

A. They want to have a rest. B. Their car has broken down. C. They’re running out of gas.

6. What happened to the man last night?【A】

A. He failed to turn off the lights. B. He lost his driving license. C. He left the umbrella on the bus.

W: Why are we stopping now? Has our car broken down?

M: No, we are running out of gas. Don’t worry. I remember there is a station twenty miles away.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, I’m sure. I always drive this way.

N: But Peter, this morning you almost forgot to carry your driving license. Last night you failed to turn off the lights after taking a bath. And last week you left the umbrella on the bus.

M: I’m sorry. But please believe me this time.


7. What do we know about Sarah?【B】

A. She doesn’t like her job.

B. She likes to meet different people.

C. She’s going on a holiday next Monday.

8. What does the man think of the woman talking with him?【A】

A. She is quiet. B. She is talkative. C. She is outgoing.

M: Nice picture! Who’s the girl beside you?

W: My sister, Sarah.

M: Wow! Didn’t know you had a sister. What does she do?

W: She’s a travel agent.

M: Oh, that’s cool. Does she love it?

W: Yeah, she does. She loves to travel and she likes meeting different people. She’s very talkative and outgoing.

M: You two are totally different. You’re quiet and a little bit shy sometimes.

W: Yes! In fact, she is probably the most outgoing person in my family.

M: Hard to believe! Can I meet her?

W: No problem. But she’s on vacation now and she’ll be back next Monday.


9. Where are the speakers?【B】

A. In a supermarket. B. In a post office. C. In a bank.

10. How many postcards does the man want?【A】

A. 6. B. 10. C. 15.

M: What’s the postage on this letter to Mexico, please?

W: How would you like to send it?

M: By registered airmail.

W: Ninety cents, please. And please write down the postal code in the mailing address. Anything else?

M: Yes. I’d like six postcards and 10 fifty-cent stamps, please.

W: All right. Here you are.

M: And this package is for London. Will you weigh it for me?

W: Yes, of course. This package is 10 grams overweight. You’ll have to pay 50 cents extra for the overweight.


11. What is a drag show?【C】

A. It is a talk show. B. It is a kind of fashion show. C. It is a special kind of performance.

12. What may the man’s final decision be?【B】

A. He’ll have a cup of tea at home.

B. He’d rather not go with the woman.

C. He’ll find a suitable show to see.

W: Do you want to go to a drag show?

M: What is a drag show?

W: It is a special kind of performance where men dress up as women and women dress up as men, and they sing songs and dance and tell jokes.

M: That sounds crazy! Why would anyone want to see that?

W: Drag shows are very popular in America. Besides, there are many Peking Opera characters that are played by the opposite sex, and you like Peking Opera.

M: Well, I guess you’re right. Still, I’m not sure I want to go. It doesn’t really sound like my cup of tea.

W: Well, suit yourself. I will ask Max if he wants to go.


13. When does the class meet on Tuesdays?

A. 1:00 pm to 2:00 p.m. B. 2:00 pm to 3:00 p.m. C. 8:00 pm to 9:00 p.m.

14. Which is most important for a student’s grade?

A. Research projects. B. Midterm and final tests. C. Quizzes.

OK, OK, let’s begin. Hello, everyone. My name’s Karl Roberts, and I’ll be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication.

To begin with, I’d like to introduce the schedule for this class. This class meets on Tuesday afternoons, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.; and on Thursdays, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. We will be meeting here, Room 309 for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab in Room 405 during the rest of the class. And as for our grade, 60% of your final grade comes from your work on quizzes, 30% from your research projects and 10% from your classroom participation. And there’ll be no midterm or final tests.


听短文,记录关键信息并转述短文内容。本大题共两节。 第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分),听两遍短文,根据所听内容和提示,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。每空只需填写一个词。第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分),听第三遍短文,根据所听内容和提示进行转述。

第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)


T destinations quickly, but Seymour Powell has developed the Aircruise concept.hese days we all know that time is money. It’s true that many people want to get to their It aims to carry people to their destinations in comfort and style.

An Aircruise will be a huge kite-shaped airship. It will fly as high as 12,000 feet, but it would fly at just a few hundred feet above the ground if there was something interesting to see. There’ll be plenty of staff to attend to the passengers’ every need. They say there’ll be one crew member for every five people! There’s to be a bar and even a glass floor so that you can see the view beneath your feet!


第二节:转述短文内容(共 9 分)请再听一遍短文,完成转述。转述的开头已给出。

Time is money and many people want to get to their destinations quickly.……

参考答案:Time is money and many people want to get to their destinations quickly. Seymour Powell has developed something, which aims to carry people to their destinations in comfort.An Aircruise will be a huge kite-shaped airship.It will fly as high as 12,000 feet.There’ll be plenty of staff to attend to the passengers’ every need.




第一节,朗读短文(共 8 分)现在,你有90秒钟的时间进行短文朗读。

John was the most famous troublemaker in his town. He wasn’t very talkative, didn’t answer questions and got into lots of fights. He had failed almost every class by the time he got to high school. Everyone thought he was hopeless.

I met John for the first time at a weekend training program. All the students at school had been invited to the program which aimed to help them become more active in their communities. At the start of the training, John was standing outside the circle of students. He didn’t readily join the discussion groups and didn’t seem to have much to say. But slowly, the discussion drew him in. John had some great ideas and other students in his group welcomed his comments. All of a sudden, he felt like a part of the group, and before long he was treated like a leader.

第二节,口头回答问题(共 3小题;每小题2 分,共 6 分)


第一个问题:1. What kind of boy was John?

He was a troublemaker.

John was the most famous troublemaker in his town.

He was the most famous troublemaker in his town.

第二个问题:2. Where did the author meet him for the first time?

At a weekend training program.

The author met him at a weekend training program for the fist time.

The author met him for the fist time at a weekend training program.

第三个问题:3. Why was John treated like a leader in the training program?

He had some great ideas and others welcomed his comments.

Because he had some great ideas and others in his group welcomed his comments.




第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. What will the man do first?【A】

A. Answer a phone call. B. Attend a meeting. C. Go to the concert.

W: Jack, hurry, or we’ll be late for the concert.

M: I need to answer a phone call, a call about a meeting. It’s urgent.

W: All right. Be quick.


2. What is the relationship between the speakers?【C】

A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.

W: Tom, will you please pick up little Mike from the school?

M: I’m afraid I can’t.

W: Why?

M: I’ve got an appointment with a student in my class.


3. How much does the man usually pay for his telephone bill a month?【B】

A. $ 30. B. $ 36. C. $ 50.

W: How much do you pay for electricity and telephone services?

M: My electricity bill is about $50 a month, and my telephone bill is $36 a month.

W: How much do you pay for transportation?

M:$30 a month.


4. Where will the speakers have the meal?【C】

A. At a restaurant. B. At a cafe. C. At the man’s home.

M: Let’s eat out, shall we?

W: I’m broke.

M: Don’t worry about it. It’s my treat.

W: Where are you taking me?

M: Some place you’ve never been before—my kitchen. My mom will cook for us.

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. Where is the woman’s birthplace?【C】

A. America. B. Britain. C. Argentina.

6. Why did the woman go to Argentina three years ago?【A】

A. To report events. B. To go sightseeing. C. To visit her relatives.

M: Who do you work for at the moment?

W: Um, I work for the BBC World Service.

M: As you know, this job is based in Geneva. Have you ever lived abroad before?

W: Oh, yes, I have. In fact, I was born in Argentina and I lived there until I was eleven.

M: That’s interesting. Have you traveled much?

W: Oh, yes. I’ve been to all over Europe and many parts of South America.

M: Why did you go to these places?

W: Well, mostly for pleasure, but three years ago I went back to Argentina to cover various political stories in Buenos Aires for the BBC.


7. What did the man do last night?【B】

A. He went to see a doctor. B. He looked after his mother. C. He sent his father to hospital.

8. How long did the man stay in the hospital?【A】

A. 3 hours. B. 5 hours. C. 7 hours.

W: Sorry not to have seen you last night.

M: I’m sure I missed a lot of fun.

W: You sure did. It was a great party. What was the matter with you?

M: Well, my mom started having a headache suddenly at 5:00.

W: Then?

M: Then she had a temperature and we rushed her to hospital in the evening.

W: Did you spend the night at hospital?

M: Not me. My father did. I was there for 3 hours since 7:00.

W: How is she now? Is she still there at hospital?

M: She’s doing better but the doctor says she must be there till tomorrow.

W: I wish your mother a speedy recovery.

M: Thank you.


9. When will the man go back home?【C】

A. At 5:00 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 7:00 p.m.

10. What was repaired last week?【A】

A. The ceiling. B. The floor. C. The electricity.

W: Bill! Why are you standing out here in the hall? It’s 6:00 p.m. already, you are supposed to cook dinner at home.

M: They’re working on my apartment. I can’t go back in an hour.

W: Come in here then. I’m not doing anything special. You can sit down in here and take it easy.

M: Thanks a lot. I was getting tired.

W: It’s true, isn’t it?

M: What’s true?

W: You aren’t really going to move, are you?

M: No, I’m going to stay here after all.

W: Well, I’m glad to hear it.

M: I looked at a lot of places, but I couldn’t afford the rents.

W: They’re repairing your apartment, aren’t they?

M: They fixed the ceiling last week.

W: What about the electricity?

M: They’re working on it right now.


11. Which floor does the house on?【C】

A. On the second floor. B. On a fourth floor. C. On the fifth floor.

12. What are the speakers doing next?【B】

A. Get a repairman. B. Go to see the house. C. Move into the house.

W: My dear, we need to climb five floors!

M: Oh, come on. You’ll get used to it. It is quiet up there. The house is a little further away from the street. So we can stay away from traffic noise and there’s no one living over us.

W: Is the house well furnished?

M: Yes, it’s so bright inside. There are three bedrooms and the living room is big enough for our children to play.

W: Oh, that’s so nice. Are the pipes all right?

M: The pipelines seem OK, too. The toilet works well and the shower has hot and cold water and the sinks don’t seem to leak.

W: The house is OK. Let’s go there and have a look at it again.

M: OK, let’s go.


13.Why does the university offer the two programs?【C】

A. To help visitors tour around the college.

B. To provide better health care for students.

C. To keep students safe walking late or alone.

14. Whom is the speaker mainly talking to?【B】

A. Tourists at the college. B. Parents of students. C. New teachers.

Now one more thing to add about students’ safety before we start today’s college tour. The university offers two programs called Safe Walk and College Alone programs. The Safe Walk program is to make sure that students get where they need to go late at night with an officer on duty to safeguard them, whether back from the bar or from a late-night study group. The College Alone program gives students who are working alone at night peace of mind. Once a student calls the office, her position is recorded, as is her time to leave the place and where she is about to go. Students are provided with a number they can call Campus Safety Office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And 12 college pay phones are also connected to the office, no money needed. Here we’re trying our best so that your children are safe when attending the university.


听短文,记录关键信息并转述短文内容。本大题共两节。 第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分),听两遍短文,根据所听内容和提示,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。每空只需填写一个词。第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分),听第三遍短文,根据所听内容和提示进行转述。

第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 现在,你有1分钟的时间浏览提示信息。

If you want to get along well in the United States, the following “dos” and “don’ts” are helpful. First, get or borrow a dog. Walk with it several times a day. Americans love dogs and usually stop to talk to anyone with a dog. Then, try to eat in a public dining hall. People generally share the same tables and will sometimes talk to you if they see that you are a stranger. There are some things you shouldn’t do. Don’t ask people their age, especially women! Everyone wants to be young. And never tell heavy people they are fat. Don’t be late for an appointment! When someone says six o’clock, be sure to be there by six. Americans respect time and expect everyone to be on time.


第二节:转述短文内容(共 9 分)请再听一遍短文,完成转述。转述的开头已给出。

If you want to get along well in the United States, the following “dos” and “don’ts” are helpful.……

参考答案:If you want to get along well in the United States, the following “dos” and “don’ts” are helpful.First, get or borrow a dog. Americans love dogs and usually stop to talk to anyone with a dog.Then, try to eat in a public dining hall. People will sometimes talk to a stranger.There are some things you shouldn’t do.Don’t ask people their age, especially women!Don’t be late for an appointment!




第一节,朗读短文(共 8 分)现在,你有90秒钟的时间进行短文朗读。

There was a businessman who was deep in debt and could see no way out. He sat on the park bench, wondering if anything could save his company.

Suddenly, an old man appeared before him. He asked the man’s name, wrote out a check, and told him to take the money and meet him to pay back one year from that day. Then he turned and disappeared.

The businessman saw in his hand a check for $ 500,000, signed by John Williams, one of the richest men in the world. It gave him the strength to work out a way to save his business and he decided to put the check in his safe. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the check and the old man appeared. But a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man all of a sudden. She cried to the businessman, “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s always escaping from the hospital and telling people he’s John Williams.”

第二节,口头回答问题(共 3小题;每小题2 分,共 6 分)每小题你有15秒钟的准备时间,在听到录音提示音后,每小题你有30秒钟的回答时间。

第一个问题:1. What trouble did the businessman have?

He was deep in debt.

第二个问题:2. What did the old man give the businessman?

A $500,000 check.

The old man gave the businessman a $ 500,000 check.

A five hunred thousand dollars check.

第三个问题:3. What did the businessman find out one year later?

The old man was not John Williams but a patient who escaped from the hospital.




第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. What sport does the man like most?【C】

A. Swimming. B. Tennis. C. Skating.

W: What kind of sports do you like?

M: I like almost all sports, especially skating and mountain climbing.

W: Cool! I like swimming and tennis.


2. What was the weather like on Thursday?【B】

A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.

W: What was the weather like when you were on holiday?

M: It was sunny every day until Thursday.

W: Really? What happened then?

M: It was cloudy in the morning, and it rained in the afternoon.


3. How does the girl feel about the final examination?【B】

A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Relaxed.

M: The final examination is drawing near.

W: You know, I feel very nervous about it.

M: Take it easy.

W: It’s easier said than done. My mother will punish me if I can’t get a high score.


4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?【C】

A. Teacher and student. B. Roommates. C. Classmates.

M: Let’s exchange phone numbers. That way, if one of us is absent, we can call each other for the homework.

W: That’s a great idea. My number is 555…

M: Wait a second, this pen just died.

W: Here, take my pencil.

M: OK, what was it?

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. Who is the woman?【A】

A. A singer. B. A writer. C. A teacher.

6. What happened during the concert?【C】

A. The audience shouted loudly. B. The performance was stopped. C. All the lights went out suddenly.

M: Hey Frances. I hear you played your first concert last night. How was it?

W: It was OK. The audience liked it. But we had a problem!

M: Really? What happened?

W: Well, as I was singing the fourth song, all the lights suddenly went out!

M: Oh no! What did you do?

W: The audience sat in the dark and I carried on singing!

M: Wow! Well done—that was pretty cool of you. By the way, are you still writing songs?

W: Yes, and I’m also teaching myself a new dance.


7. Where are the two speakers?【A】

A. In a school. B. In a hotel. C. In a bank.

8. What will the woman do at 3 o’clock tomorrow?【B】

A. Make an appointment. B. Take a test. C. Fill out some forms.

W: Excuse me.

M: Yes?

W: Do I need to make an appointment to register for an ESL class?

M: No, but you first have to take a test.

W: A test?

M: We need to find out what your ESL level is.

W: Oh, okay. Where do I go to take the test?

M: We will be giving the test tomorrow at 3 o’clock in Room 303. Can you come then?

W: Yes.

M: Good. Now, let me give you some forms to fill out so we can begin the registration process. Please write your name and address here, and your ID number here.

W: Okay. What do I write under teacher and section?

M: You can leave those blank. We’ll fill them in tomorrow.

W: Thank you.


9. What was the woman doing between 8:00 and 9:00 pm last night?【B】

A. Talking on the phone. B. Watching TV. C. Sleeping.

10. Why did the man try to get the woman?【A】

A. To ask for help. B. To help her with her math. C. To make an appointment.

M: What were you doing last night?

W: What time last night?

M: Between eight and nine o’clock.

W: I was watching television.

M: Were you alone?

W: My brother and I were watching TV together.

M: You weren’t talking on the phone, were you?

W: Me? No, I wasn’t.

M: Who was then?

W: Oh, my sister probably.

M: She was certainly talking for a long time.

W: Yes, she did spend a lot of time on the phone. Why were you trying to get me?

M: I needed some help with a math problem.

W: I’m sorry. Maybe I can help you next time.


11. When does the conversation take place?【C】

A. At the end of a class. B. In the middle of a class. C. At the beginning of a class.

12. What does the man suggest the woman do?【B】

A. Listen to more music. B. Catch key words. C. Repeat the dialogue.

W: Paul, I’m nervous.

M: Why?

W: I’m always nervous whenever I put on the headphones.

M: But you can enjoy some music first. The music is so nice.

W: Yes, it is. But when the dialogue begins, I can’t catch a word.

M: You don’t have to catch every word. Try to get the key words.

W: But how can I know the key words?

M: Those words that tell the main idea of the dialogue or are repeated several times in it.

W: Oh. Can you tell me some more details after this class? The teacher is coming.

M: OK.


13. Which show are famous people invited to take part in?【B】

A. The News. B. Nighttime. C. The Children’s Room.

14. On which channel can people answer questions and get money?【C】

A. Channel 11. B. Channel 6. C. Channel 3.

Good evening, everyone! Here we are at the beginning of a new television season. Let’s look at the best of the new and the old shows. First, let’s talk about the daily shows. I think the best show is on Channel Six from 6:00 to 7:00 every evening. Johnson has read The News on this show for many years. The same channel is good for late night watching. At 11:30 every night, Ted talks with famous people on his 90-minute show, Nighttime. This week, three beautiful movie stars are going to talk about their new films. Channel Three has the best game shows, and then watch this one. They ask interesting questions and give away a lot of money. It’s a good way to learn about the world, too.


听短文,记录关键信息并转述短文内容。本大题共两节。 第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分),听两遍短文,根据所听内容和提示,将所缺的关键信息填写在相应位置上。每空只需填写一个词。第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分),听第三遍短文,根据所听内容和提示进行转述。

第一节,听后记录(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分) 现在,你有1分钟的时间浏览提示信息。

Hello, listeners. Today I’ll introduce the Weston Museum of Science. It’s in South Main Street --- it’s been there since 1951 but before that it was in a smaller building in Market Square for nearly 100 years.

And there’s a new gallery opening this week with a new exhibition. Go there to find out more about the planets --- imagine landing somewhere a million miles away from the Earth. Every week there’s a different children’s activity --- this week the subject is photography.

The museum has four floors. On the ground floor are the shop and the restrooms. The exhibitions are on the first and second floors. By the time you’ve visited those you’ll be thirsty. So carry on to the coffee bar on the third floor which is open all day.


第二节,转述短文内容(共 9 分) 请再听一遍短文,完成转述。转述的开头已给出。

Hello, listeners. Today the speaker introduces the Weston Museum of Science to us.……

参考答案:Hello, listeners. Today the speaker introduces the Weston Museum of Science to us. It’s in South Main Street. There’s a new gallery opening this week with a new exhibition about the planets. The museum has four floors. On the ground floor are the shop and the restrooms. The exhibitions are on the first and second floors. If you are thirsty, you can go to the coffee bar on the third floor which is open all day.




第一节,朗读短文(共 8 分) 现在,你有90秒钟的时间进行短文朗读。

Somehow in the midnight, I heard a loud sound. I looked out through the window and saw a small dog lying outside the door. He was wet and shaking. I immediately took him inside and made a bed for him. He seemed very comfortable in his new bed. The next morning, I convinced my parents to keep him. And I named him Spot.

Days passed by and one evening when Spot returned from his long walk, he appeared very tired. He came to my room and sat by me. It was then that I saw one of his legs was bleeding. I called out my mother and she quickly treated his leg and gave him food to eat. I was very upset. After this incident, our relation with Spot became even closer.

第二节,口头回答问题(共 3小题;每小题2 分,共 6 分)


第一个问题:1. What happened at the midnight?

The author saw a small dog lying outside the door and took him inside.

第二个问题:2. What did the author find when Spot returned home?

The author saw one of his legs was bleeding.

第三个问题:3. What did the author’s mother do to help Spot?

She quickly treated his leg and gave him food to eat.




第一节(共 4小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听下面四段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听一遍。


1. Why is the man looking for a roommate?【A】

A. He doesn’t have enough money.

B. His former roommate moved out.

C. The room is too big for one person.

M: Hi, Lisa. Come on in.

W: I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate. My brother wants to move out.

M: Yep, I sure am. I’ve been really low on cash.


2. Where does this conversation probably take place?【B】

A. At a bookstore.

B. At a department shop.

C. At the dry cleaner’s.

W: Good morning, may I help you?

M: Yes, I bought this sweater last week, but when I washed it, the color ran.

W: Let me see. Did you wash it in hot water?

M: No.


3. What do we know about Peter Schmidt?【B】

A. He has lost his ticket.

B. He is expecting a ticket.

C. He went out to buy a ticket.

M: Can I speak to Peter Schmidt?

W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?

M: Yes. This is Globle Travel. Could you tell him his ticket’s ready?

W: OK. I’ll do that.


4. When will the next bus for Chicago leave?【C】

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:10. C. At 8:15.

W: Excuse me, when does the next bus to downtown Chicago leave?

M: Let’s see. One just left at 8:00. The schedule says that bus leaves every fifteen minutes, so…

W: Uh-oh; it’s already 8:10. I’d better hurry.

M: I hope you can make it.

第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。


5. Which part of the woman’s bike doesn’t work?【A】

A. The brake.

B. One of the wheels.

C. The chain.

6. Where can the woman find a repairman?【C】

A. About 15 meters away.

B. Opposite the post office.

C. At the corner of the street.

W: Can you please help me, Andy?

M: What seems to be the trouble?

W: There is something wrong with my bike.

M: Oh. The brake seems to have become loose. That’s dangerous. Without a good brake, you can’t control your speed. You’d better have it repaired as soon as possible.

W: Where can I find a repairman?

M: There is one at the corner of the street near the post office. It is about 150 meters away.

W: Will it take long to get it fixed?

M: Just 15 minutes.


7. What job is the girl applying for?【C】

A. Training tennis.

B. Teaching first aid.

C. Leading teenagers.

8. What does the man think of the girl?【A】

A. She is suitable.

B. She is dishonest.

C. She is humorous.

M: Have you ever done this work before?

W: I did this last summer for another organization.

M: Why haven’t you gone back to them?

W: You’re paying better!

M: Well, that’s honest. So what qualifications have you got?

W: I’ve been to childcare classes at college and I’ve also done a basic first aid course.

M: Oh, that’s very useful. What about any sporting or musical skills?

W: I’m quite good at tennis... I can play the guitar...

M: Well, leading teenagers in a teenagers’ summer camp can be really hard work. How’s your general health?

W: Good. I go to the gym once a week...

M: Great! I think you’ll fit perfectly. Any questions?


9. How much is the apartment near the park?【B】

A. $ 350. B. $ 400. C. $ 415.

10. What will the man do next?【A】

A. Make a telephone call.

B. Sleep in the bedroom.

C. Furnish an apartment.

W: Anything interesting in the paper today?

M: Let me have a look. Well, yeah, there are a few here that might interest us. Here’s one for just $ 400. It has only one room but sounds fine. Near the park. It’d be nice to live near the park.

W: Hmm. But $ 400 seems too expensive for just one bedroom.

M: Yes, that’s true. Oh, here’s a cheaper one, near University Avenue. It’s $ 350.

W: One bedroom again?

M: Yeah.

W: It’s rather noisy, I think. And I prefer a larger one really.

M: Yeah. Let me see the cheapest two-bedroom apartment. Great! Here is a real bargain. It’s only $ 350. But it doesn’t have any furniture.

W: No. You know how much it can cost to furnish an apartment.

M: Oh, another one on Fifteenth Avenue, a nice street.

W: Yes, it’s quiet. Did you say two bedrooms?

M: Yeah, at $ 415.

W: Why don’t we go and have a look at it?

M: OK. I’ll give them a call right away.
