


北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院教授、副院长,《旅游导刊》执行副主编,中国旅游研究院饭店产业研究基地研究员,教育部黄大年式教学团队旅游管理团队成员,2017年入选北京市教委“青年拔尖人才计划”,2018年荣获北京第二外国语学院“师德先锋”称号,北京市房山区文化和旅游副局长(挂职),北二外旅游科学学院全球旅游案例共享中心负责人,《旅游学刊》、《旅游论坛》、《经济管理》、《南开管理评论》、《中国人力资源开发》、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management等国内外期刊论文评审人。

出版《旅游企业创新创业管理:理论与案例》、《企业操作惯例变化及动态能力作用机制——以经济型酒店集团为例》、《酒店服务质量:理论、实践与案例》、《酒店信息系统:理论与实践》、《中国旅游企业创新创业发展报告2013》、《中国旅游企业创新创业发展报告(2014-2015)》、《中国旅游企业创新创业发展报告(2016-2017)》、《中国旅游企业创新创业发展报告(2017-2018)》、《管理学(第五版)》(国家级规划教材)等多本著作和教材。在《管理世界》、《旅游学刊》、《管理学报》、《经济学动态》、《中国软科学》、《南开管理评论》、《中国人力资源开发》、《中国旅游报》、Tourism Management、Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management等国内外一流学术刊物发表论文40余篇,2013年、2015年分别荣获国家旅游局(现文化与旅游部)优秀论文成果奖二等奖、三等奖、优秀奖,2021年荣获文化和旅游部文化和旅游研究成果学术论文三等奖,2012年、2017年分别入选《旅游学刊》年度优秀论文,2018年荣获北京市教育教学成果奖二等奖。主持国家级课题1项、省部级课题3项和文化和旅游部、北京市旅游委员会、中国旅游饭店业协会、首旅集团等机构10余项课题。2017年参与国家旅游局(现文化与旅游部)国家级行业标准的修订工作(《饭店星级评定标准》),为北京市文旅局、石景山区和房山区文旅局、中国旅游集团、首旅如家酒店集团、粤海酒店管理公司、机场旅业、中国大饭店、美团旅游、阳光酒店管理公司等政府与企事业单位提供培训服务。




Bin Li is Professor and Deputy Dean of School of Tourism Sciences at Beijing International Studies University, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, Researcher of China Hospitality Industry Research Base, China Tourism Academy, CNTA. He is one of the members of Huang Danian Teaching Group - Tourism Management Teaching Group by Ministry of China Education. He won the title of Talent Young Scholar Plan in 2018. He authored several books including Hotel Service Quality Management, Hotel Information System Management, Operational Routines Change and Dynamic Capability Mechanism: based on economic hotels group, Report on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Chinese Tourism Industry(2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017,2017-2018,2019-2020) etc. He also published more than 40 academic papers in international and domestic journals including International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Management World(Top 1 Journal in Chinese Management Academic field)、Nankai Management Review (China), Tourism Tribune (Top 1 Journal in Chinese Management Academic field). He has gained about 4 provincial level of research awards.

Dr. Li holds a doctorate in Management from Renmin University of China, a master degree in Tourism Management from Beijing International Studies University of China, a bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management form YanShan University of China. He teaches many courses including Hotel Management Principles, Service Management, Hotel Information System Management, Hotel Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Social Science Research Methods, etc.

His research areas including strategic managementand entrepreneurship and innovationin tourism and hospitality, case study and qualitative research method

