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加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Martin Reaney教授和韩国高丽大学Kim Young Jun 教授学术报告暨暨南大学、高丽大学和萨斯喀彻温大学合作备忘录签约仪式

4月21日上午,应暨南大学国际学院副院长汪勇教授邀请,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Martin Reaney教授和韩国高丽大学理工学院院长Kim Young Jun 教授学术报告及三校食品学科合作备忘录签约仪式在暨南大学国际学院316 举行。国际交流合作处副处长何睿弘,理工学院副院长李真教授和食品科学与工程系系主任李颖副研究员作为暨南大学代表参加。此外,萨斯喀彻温大学Shim Youn Young副研究员,以及食品科学与工程系的师生等共60余人出席。报告由汪勇教授主持。


首先,汪勇教授热烈欢迎到访的各位外国专家,感谢他们在疫情结束后到访暨南大学。接着,他为与会师生们介绍了Martin Reaney教授和Kim Young Jun 教授的简历和主要科研情况。随后,Reaney教授作题为 “Exploring Novel Approaches for Enhancing Lipid Quality and Utilization” 的学术报告。在他报告中,介绍了甘油磷酰胆碱(GPC)作为功能性脂质在功能食品尤其是健脑领域的应用潜力,以及亚麻籽环肽化合物的特性和对人体健康的潜在功效。他还介绍了Aquafaba制备工艺技术的开发和在新型食品中的利用,以及采用油脂静电场精炼技术,引起了与会师生们的关注和兴趣。在报告的最后,他期望通过与暨南大学和高丽大学的合作,推进并实践油料生物炼制领域的前沿技术,实现世界领先的影响力,为脂质利用的创新性和可持续性发展做出贡献。

Martin Reaney教授作报告

随后, Kim Young Jun教授作题为“Food as Medicine: Exploring the Latest Advances in Bio-Medicinal Technology”的学术报告。首先,Kim教授介绍了高丽大学情况,以及食品生物技术和食品管理科系的概况,包括目前的研究领域和成果。然后介绍了自己团队在目前食品与生物技术、功能性食品等通过体外和体内动物模型对功能食品活性物质的功能验证和生物学研究验证的方法和主要成果,重点介绍了减肥、抗抑郁、抗疲劳等功能方面动物模型。最后,他指出功能性食品开发的关键在于生物活性和功效的评价,并与大家分享了他长期从事功能性食品研究方面的宝贵经验。

Young Jun Kim教授作报告



学术报告会结束后,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Martin Reaney教授、韩国高丽大学Kim Young Jun 教授和暨南大学食品科学与工程系系主任李颖副研究员作为代表共同签署中韩加三方高校食品学科合作备忘录,并计划成立“KUJNUS食品与健康国际联合实验室”。


Martin  Reaney教授表示,三校之间具有广阔的合作空间和巨大的合作潜能,并希望未来三方进一步发挥各自优势,携手并进,共同打造具有影响力的合作项目和交流平台。

Kim Young Jun 教授表示,此次签约能加强三校合作,融合优势,增强科学研究能力,并希望三方不断探索创新,充分发挥优势资源,力争实现重大关键技术的突破,助力各方共同进步。





Martin Reaney

Dr. Martin J.T. Reaney is a distinguished professor at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources at the University of Saskatchewan. He holds the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA) Chair of Lipid Quality and Utilization and is also a Visiting Professor at Jinan University's Department of Food Science and Engineering, and the Department of Food and Biotechnology at Korea University. Prof. Reaney's research is focused on exploring the potential of orbitides compounds in natural health products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, and developing technology to bring these compounds to the market for a broad range of applications. He collaborates with industry partners and has worked with Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada. Prof. Reaney has published over 190 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including book chapters, and presented over 350 papers at conferences. His work has resulted in 30 US and 8 world patents, several of which have been commercialized, earning him numerous accolades, including Innovation Awards in both the US and Canada. Prof. Reaney is also recognized as a High-End Foreign Expert in China and serves as the World Kimchi Ambassador forthe World Kimchi Institute.

Kim Young Jun

Professor Young Jun Kim is currently the Dean of the College of Science and Technology, and a professor of the Department of Food & Biotechnology and Food Regulatory Sciences at Korea University. He also served for the university as vice president of general affairs and vice president of the academy and industry relations. He obtained a B.S. degree in Food Biotechnology and M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology from Korea University (Korea), and a Ph.D. degree in Food Science from Cornell University (NA, USA) in 2001. After 3 years of post-doctoral training at Boyce Thompson Institute (NY, USA) and Cornell University in human health and food science, respectively. Currently, he is the chief manager of the assistant consortium for small and medium size entrepreneurs in Sejong city, the administrative capital of Korea. He was the former president of the Korean professor society of food science major and executive president of the academic society, Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. He has also been actively involved in the research project in collaboration with food industries such as Lotte Co. Ltd., and the Korea Food & Drug Administration, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for the development of value-added food products and food regulatory research based on data science. He has published over 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including book chapters, and has presented over 280 papers at conferences. 20 patents have been granted as results of his research, and several of these have been commercialized or transferred to industry. His current research interests include edible natural supplements for exercise capacity, anti-obesity, and anti-stress, and enhancing the bioavailability of food ingredients by nano-emulsification by using an intestine-mimicking 3D cell culture model.
